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Directx 10


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just for clarification.. in the launcher I can check both DX10 and DX11 .... should I uncheck DX 11 and just check DX 10 for testing this, or leave both checked?  (the way I have been running warframe was with DX10 unchecked and DX 11 checked)  


To force 10 on 11-class hardware check 10 and uncheck 11.

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In all fairness, about 1/3rd of the time for me, I get my connection refused, and the game just tells me that "no war # was generated because connection could not be made to the server".


They may have similar issues.


I'm not sure why -- I have a special command-line to force a crash and I tested it just now; everything worked fine for me. I am in a web proxy environment, too, so I'm kind of a worst-case scenario.


I'm wondering if something in the WinINET libs is stale for you -- have you installed the latest stuff from Windows Update?


The other possibility is an anti-virus program is getting in the way; are you running anything?

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Just ran several 30 minute void survivals in dx 10 mode, noticed really bad FPS drop back in the liset afterwards, otherwise generally no difference at all than dx 11, my framerate generally gets worse overtime anyways because I think my video card is heating up too much (85 degrees c max). But the framerate drops were most definitely worse with dx 10 than what I get with dx 11 after several hours of play


Main thing I noticed= Massive hangs- 0 fps freezes for 3-5 seconds when hitting accidentally trying to fuse a mod that was installed into whatever I was trying to rank up-- happened with dx 10 -- doesn't happen to me with 11.


Also,Just FYI.


System Specs


-Alienware Aurora about 4-5 years old. extremely good for it's age.


-Liquid cooling + fans

-GPU= Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 Ti

-CPU= I7 Quad core 1.8 gighz

-Ram= 9 Gigs DDR3 "not sure HZ" it's not the newest for sure.

-Internet= 50 mbps down, 5 mbps up (only get 3 usually)


-Running game with all settings on high except geometric detail which is on medium


V sync is on auto in game


stays super smooth (50 FPS etc) until about 3 games in with DX 11 and then things start getting laggy.  Same with DX 10 but its just worse.


Thanks for all your hardwork/fixes Glen! I hope this helps alittle!


-Question for anyone who can answer:


according to afterburner my GPU is hitting 99% usage no matter what as long as I'm in a mission-- it can be solo or with 4 people.  


if i stare at the floor in the liset the gpu cools to around 70-75 degrees C, when in mission it spikes as high as 85 degrees C and drops to about 60=65% GPU usage.  CPU usage is spread evenly between all cores at all times (never spikes too high). The video card (almost) hurt to touch.. it would've burned me had I held it on there longer than 2 seconds.


I know 500 series cards are notorious for getting hot and it even lists on Nvidia's website that the max temp for this card is 80 degrees C. 


So I guess I am asking-- what the heck is causing me to get the FPS drops?  It never happened before U14.1 or 14.2 etc...  I could play hours with no drop- everything set just like it is now.


I have the latest drivers, and I dust my system out frequently so it's not dust causing heat build up.


Any help is much appreciated

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Something I noticed on DX10 mode (that did not occur in DX9 and DX10 modes) was that every so often there would be black little boxes that flickered, specifically on some angled surfaces.


Everything that could be set to on was on, and I was running the game in borderless fullscreen.


I didn't crash, but it looked a bit awkward. I've set the EE.log aside in case you want it later. I'm providing a link in this post to a video of the event occurring though.




[size=2]P.S. Don't you DARE judge my Kubrow. My Kubrow is amazing and fabulous and can sometimes get very insecure about his fur color.[/size]

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While my Windows Update claims that no updates be available (last one was on 29.08.2014, so I'd say that it works) and my anti virus program (Avira Free Antivirus) has not blocked any outgoing connections I would be aware of (considering that it is supposed to tell me once it does; but Avira has been notoriously bad with user interaction for years), I noticed that crash reporter might be a different executable than the game itself - but the firewall does not ask me whether to allow or forbid access.


So I manually added Warframe\Downloaded\Public\Tools\RemoteCrashSender.exe to the whitelist and will now attempt to crash again, see if that changes anything.

... It may be a rather stupid question, but how close to the maximal number of allowed connections does this report server get on a busy day? Mayhap it starts to refuse connections at peak times?




Managed to produce a crash, but connection failed again. This time though I have been quick-witted enough to save the crash folder before exiting the reporter (Why does it delete the folder if it cannot send the report!?) and as you advised have attached it to this support ticket.

... These crashes seem to happen quite consistently at the very end of a mission, without any warning or undesirable effects beforehand. Should not be a hardware issue then, should it?

Edited by Zsar
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Question for the developers on how DirectX10 is used, the 1st post didn't completely enlighten me.


There are 3 ways of using DX10.

1) Using DX9 path and adding some effects strictly for DX10, like some better motion blur. Which you don't.

2) Using a built from the ground DX10 path that would make it more stable and if implemented good, faster than DX9. Possibly better HDR, shadows and motion blur improved. Anyway, I think you guys said that a new DX10 path wouldn't be a good implemenation.

3) Using DirectX10 the PROPER way. All GPUs that support DirectX10 also support DirectX11 Feature Level 10/10_1. Therefore running Nvidia GeForce 8000/9000/200/300 and AMD HD 2000/3000/4000 and Intel HD Graphics/2nd gen would be able to run in DirectX10, but benefitting from the CPU optimization brought by DirectX11.


By their words, checking DirectX10 in the Launcher should STILL for all GPUs capable of either full DX10 or DX11 make the game run in DX11. You can verify this by using MSI Afterburner. The thing that won't show in the MSI is if it's DX11_feature_level_11 or 10.


So DE, are you implementing DX10 by using DX11 feature levels? If yes, are you planning in supporting feature level 10.1? I mean we have 4 years of DX10 GPS perfectly capable ^_^.

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I would like to say that the Directx 10 seems to give a great deal of a FPS boost. Now, i am now using DirectX 11 but a friend of mine who is using a 9600 GT and doenst have the economy to upgrade, really appreciate the DirectX 10 mode. From waht he told me, he gained up to a 35 to 40 at max FPS in comparrison to his usual 20, 15 to 10 FPS in DirectX 9.


Now, i never had a 9000 nvidia card before, as i jumped from 7600 to a 260 at one point in history (Currently using a massive, Tower Computer with 2 760 GTX in SLI), so i am wondering, was the 9000 series more optimized for DirectX 10?

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Something I noticed on DX10 mode (that did not occur in DX9 and DX10 modes) was that every so often there would be black little boxes that flickered, specifically on some angled surfaces.


Everything that could be set to on was on, and I was running the game in borderless fullscreen.


I didn't crash, but it looked a bit awkward. I've set the EE.log aside in case you want it later. I'm providing a link in this post to a video of the event occurring though.




P.S. Don't you DARE judge my Kubrow. My Kubrow is amazing and fabulous and can sometimes get very insecure about his fur color.

Is one of your parts overclocked ? Those are graphical artifacts i usually get when i'm overclocking my GPU memory more than 30%, and warframe seems to be more sensible than other games when it comes to GPU overclocking stability. If your parts are running stock clocks, may also be a factory overclock, which means the manufacturer pre-OC'd it. PM me if you need any help with that, i'll be glad to help you.

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I would like to say that the Directx 10 seems to give a great deal of a FPS boost. Now, i am now using DirectX 11 but a friend of mine who is using a 9600 GT and doenst have the economy to upgrade, really appreciate the DirectX 10 mode. From waht he told me, he gained up to a 35 to 40 at max FPS in comparrison to his usual 20, 15 to 10 FPS in DirectX 9.


Now, i never had a 9000 nvidia card before, as i jumped from 7600 to a 260 at one point in history (Currently using a massive, Tower Computer with 2 760 GTX in SLI), so i am wondering, was the 9000 series more optimized for DirectX 10?

I didn't get a fps boost, BUT i don't have that big of spiking. Which makes things feel smoother and i like it.

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Seems the DirectX 10 has different effects on different computers. My friend got a FPS boost, you got alot less spikes. 

Not only i have less spikes, i don't really even drop below 50, except in a few places which for some reason drop it to 40.


It's great. I can even use better textures and particles without an impairment. 

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Not only i have less spikes, i don't really even drop below 50, except in a few places which for some reason drop it to 40.


It's great. I can even use better textures and particles without an impairment. 

So it seems. I wonder if the 9000 series was much more optimized for DirectX 10. I remember them being advertised for it durning their time.

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Quick question... would this update in anyway affect users who used DX11 and play on max settings? After this patch came out my crashes have gone up considerably. What I used to experience was 1 crash every 2 weeks or so, now it crashes about 4-5 times in a play session. It doesn't seem to matter what im doing, Arsenal, Navigation, Mission, Ect. its all over the place. Anyone else have stability issues?

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Update 1.4.6


FPS is still smooth and flowing but with allot of hiccups.

Has been this way since it was implemented.


This do feels like the game is consuming too much ram and cant handle it well.

Or perhaps directx 10 is too heavy for my pc to handle.

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So it seems. I wonder if the 9000 series was much more optimized for DirectX 10. I remember them being advertised for it durning their time.

fun fact - the high end cards in the GeForce 8000 and 9000 series were quite similar in Architecture to the high end GTX200 series GPU's. mostly just more brute horsepower, really.

(and then anything from the GTS 250 and 'lower' were almost identical to high 8000 & 9000's).



anyways, every specific hardware and software setup is completely different and there's no real way to know what's going to work better for any particular system.



Quick question... would this update in anyway affect users who used DX11 and play on max settings?

it shouldn't. DX11 should be better for anyone that can use it, DX10 should be better for anyone that can use it, and DX9 for anyone that doesn't have any other options.

but just about anything is possible.

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This is off-topic but nobody should use Windows Vista, that abomination hurt millions of people :'(


Sorry for that, on topic Directx 10 isn't too bad but between 11 and 9 I choose 9. Glenn will we get support for Directx12?

With all updates windows vista runs just as good as windows 7 for everything ..

In gaming only a few frames behind Windows 7  .

Problem when it can out everybody had pc'c that was no better than netbook's that we have now 

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I use an Nvidia GTX 520 and being able to switch from DX9 to DX10 really helped. The game is far more playable than it was before 14.5. Though despite the poor framerate before DX10 came about, I still got around 430 hours. Now with Directx10 I intend to hit 1000 hours.

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I use an Nvidia GTX 520 and being able to switch from DX9 to DX10 really helped. The game is far more playable than it was before 14.5. Though despite the poor framerate before DX10 came about, I still got around 430 hours. Now with Directx10 I intend to hit 1000 hours.


that card is capable of dx11 is it not?

why not use that?

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  • 3 weeks later...

that card is capable of dx11 is it not?

why not use that?

Sorry, apparently I unfollowed the topic and just saw your response to my post.


Yes, the 520 is indeed DX11 capable. I just prefer DX10 with my current computer because the rest of the components are junk parts from '04 and '05.

Question: I just noticed in the launcher that both DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 are both checked. I know I didn't check the DirectX 10. What happens when they are both checked? My card is capable of DX11.




When you have both checked? I can only assume that would break something. Uncheck one of those.

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