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Directx 10


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9 does shader upload synchronously; 10 and 11 do it in the background which will mean less hitches (aka: frame drops). I've also carefully benchmarked Warframe in both 9 and 11 side by side and there isn't a measurable performance difference (upload time aside) -- you can run 9 if you want but I think most people will have a better experience getting away from 9.


12 isn't available to the general public yet -- I'm sure we'll get there eventually but it's not going to be a easy Sunday-afternoon project.


It's just an idea, but could we get a Warframe Benchmark? Similar to the one in Bioshock Infinite, perhaps?

Graphics, huge AI loads, both at a time, you know the drill.


Warframe is quite a good looking (and a bit taxing) game, I think it should have something like that.

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I would almost say that something isn't setup correctly on your end then...because most people do not have this problem.

And the few posts today are the first time I ever heard of this issue.


Don't know what to say, I installed WF via steam, 64bit + DX9 steam overlay works, 64bit + DX11 it doesn't, 32bit DX 9 it works, 32bit DX11 it doesn't,

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Well, while my PC is not overly old, it wasn't designed for gaming in mind, or priced like that. So i was pleasently suprised when i found out that a relative new and good looking game like Warframe was actualy running quite smoothly (between 40 to 60 fps depending on how much is going on) on my not gaming PC when i switched the settings lower, which included switching off DX11. It's one reason i stuck with the game (This is not a "i quit if this ruins my experience" comment. Just a plus point for the game).


Also switching off the light and shader effects doesn't seem to hurt the atmosphere much, it all just looks a bit more down to earth.


So here is hoping DX10 might be a good compromise. On the other hand i have not tried DX11 yet. Maybe it will actualy run smoother.

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This post made me look which directx I have in my pc, I do have directx 11, but i'm unable to turn the option on in the launcher.

In order to use a certain version of Directx you need to have the latest software installed... and also have a video card that supports it.  What video card model?  Chances are it's DX10 or DX9 if the DX11 option isn't available.


Or maybe you have a hybrid setup that the launcher isn't detecting.

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Now I will just wait for DX12...the first DX to actually be worth the  name of DIRECT ;p

we'll see about that. these things are only supposedly going to get better than garbage because of lots of pressure from others anyways, it wasn't something of free will.


i feel like Direct X may just get left behind eventually if Microsoft refuses to trim the massive overhead it has.


It's just an idea, but could we get a Warframe Benchmark? Similar to the one in Bioshock Infinite, perhaps?

Graphics, huge AI loads, both at a time, you know the drill.


Warframe is quite a good looking (and a bit taxing) game, I think it should have something like that.

Benchmarks are useless.


they're prescripted segments that require very little processing. they don't reflect actual game performance in any way whatsoever.

Benchmarking sequences are a sham and are just used to trick people.


if you want to run a Benchmark, start a Mission Solo(or if you can coordinate a group well enough) and play it for N time, then quit. change whatever you're testing, and do the same thing again.

you get information that's actually accurate then.

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In order to use a certain version of Directx you need to have the latest software installed... and also have a video card that supports it.  What video card model?  Chances are it's DX10 or DX9 if the DX11 option isn't available.


Or maybe you have a hybrid setup that the launcher isn't detecting.


Yeah, that must be it, I do have some kinda old graphic card, nvidea series 100 or so.

Thanks ;)

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I use directx 9 because 11 causes really bad screen tearing. I use an Nvidia 550 TI and my monitor is a asus VW246H. I has no trouble running at 45-60 FPS and I have Vsync on. Nothing helps with the screen tearing.


Edit: Hmm It seems that forcing Vsync off actually fixed it. Weird

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open gl maybe??? :D by what i've read its way better than dx

Keyword there is: read

I'm fairly certain that converting all the rendering code in Warframe to use Open GL would take a lot of effort, and even more time to iron out bugs in it. And when its done it would be doing at least the same thing as the current Direct X code. So unless there is a HUGE advantage converting (not just a slight performance boost, and a few extra capabilities) they (DE staff) will have difficulty getting their bean counters/bosses/the people writing the paychecks to approve doing this over some other pressing issue.



if you want to run a Benchmark, start a Mission Solo(or if you can coordinate a group well enough) and play it for N time, then quit. change whatever you're testing, and do the same thing again.

you get information that's actually accurate then.

Except that every mission ran has a different level procedurally generated and the enemies you encounter and their placement are randomized thus no 2 tests are measuring the same load/performance. You could do several runs in each test configuration and average them out to get 'actually accurate' data.


Slightly off topic, but if there was a way to force the seed used when generating a level that would really help with performance tests. They might have something like that available in the development builds but the configurations of PCs out there is enormous, and very difficult if not impossible to test them all in any studio economically.


It appears to me that many people with issues that DE are trying to track down, are willing to test things out but they lack some of the tools to do semi-consistent level runs. If there was an advanced option to force the seed used for the next mission you host that would help. Obviously, to prevent abuse xp gains, mods, credits, resources, etc. would not persist, thus either you could only do this solo or the game would have to notify others in the squad that the host is doing a test run where no progress is saved. Setting all this up and making it available to the public sounds like a nightmare, and only a small percentage would actually use this (though actual DE employees might use it as well). Just a thought.

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Except that every mission is procedurally generated

You could do several runs in each test configuration and average them out to get 'actually accurate' data.


Slightly off topic, but if there was a way to force the seed used when generating a level that would really help with performance tests. They might have something like that available in the development builds but the configurations of PCs out there is enormous, and very difficult if not impossible to test them all in any studio economically.


It appears to me that many people with issues that DE are trying to track down, are willing to test things out but they lack some of the tools to do semi-consistent level runs. If there was an advanced option to force the seed used for the next mission you host that would help. Obviously, to prevent abuse xp gains, mods, credits, resources, etc. would not persist, thus either you could only do this solo or the game would have to notify others in the squad that the host is doing a test run where no progress is saved. Setting all this up and making it available to the public sounds like a nightmare, and only a small percentage would actually use this (though actual DE employees might use it as well). Just a thought.

- oh, right. crap.

we would need to be able to always generate the same map then, yeah. but taking an average from a bunch of Missions would be acceptable as well.


- perhaps not many would use such a 'benchmarking' feature, but it's not entirely complicated to set up(when you procedurally generate, that means that you could intercept it and make it the same each time if you wanted to), like everything, just some amount of time.


we could have an alternate Client for it i guess, that could work if having it in the Live Build is not ideal or impractical. such a separate Client since it'd be the same each time for so many aspects of it, would only need like, 5% of the content data of Warframe, so it'd be tiny.

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Actually, I am using DirectX 9, because in DirectX 11 the Orokin Derelict Missions crashed for me.

I have not read that this is fixed, also this solution (DirectX 9 instead of 11) is the usual solution provided for this crash at the moment. Which I gues means, that more than a few use this.

So if you want a real comparison between DirectX 9 and 11, you would have to first fix this crash, and announce it, otherwise the comparison is not only taking the case of those that cannot run DirectX 11, but also those that have that Derelict Crash with DirectX 11.


[For the same reasons (= crashes) I had to turn off 64bit version for my wife, since that time its stable]

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Actually, I am using DirectX 9, because in DirectX 11 the Orokin Derelict Missions crashed for me.

I have not read that this is fixed, also this solution (DirectX 9 instead of 11) is the usual solution provided for this crash at the moment. Which I gues means, that more than a few use this.

So if you want a real comparison between DirectX 9 and 11, you would have to first fix this crash, and announce it, otherwise the comparison is not only taking the case of those that cannot run DirectX 11, but also those that have that Derelict Crash with DirectX 11.


[For the same reasons (= crashes) I had to turn off 64bit version for my wife, since that time its stable]


I've run Dx11 and 64-bit through derelicts for hours and hours -- no crashes here. I don't see any crashes submitted by you in a long time so without a WAR# to confirm I am unaware of any problems.

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correct me if i'm wrong... but isn't the ps4 using opengl?

wouldn't porting an openGL version to windows (or better yet, linux) be more or less trivial with that in mind?

(certainly would require effort, but openGL is openGL to a greater or lesser extent)

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my son is running on a core 2 quad with a gtx 260.

this update offered the ability to push the settings up a few ticks and maintain a steady ~45 FPS.

so this was a very solid upgrade for his system. thanks heaps =D

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