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Coming Soon: Devstream #36


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Will there be:

More lore?

Fixes to the codex? i.e. Not tracking scans properly. Losing progress.

Fix challenge tracking? Not tracking challenge progress properly. Losing progress.

What about host/host migration issues? Such as a better way to check latency between hosts and clients than just a ping test?

Fix Vay Hek bug(s)? i.e. Unkillable Terra Frame/Chicken God...

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1. Dojo holograms explain how to unlock these?


2. News on Ps4 U14.5?


3. What can players on ps4 that hit Mastery 16 working into 17 expect more weapons for mastery points? I'm 30,000 plus still needed.


4. will we ever see Emblems added to the market for purchase? [Fan Created or Older Retired one's ect.....]


5. Please don't kill Surival I enjoy that game mode way to much.


6. News on the next  prime......{here's hoping Nyx!}

Edited by (PS4)Filthy113
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It was mentioned that players will be able to create quests later on down the line such as 'message in a bottle' format.

Would it be possible to get some more info on this? Can we set quest parameters like kill 40 fusion moa then craft a forma and so on...

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You mentioned during TennoCon2014 that the Focus system was becoming too much of a power creep and you guys were re-evaluating how it should be implemented, which is good. I was wondering where you guys were at with the 3rd piece of the "end game," the Reputation System. We've been getting pieces of it with the Rescue Missions and now the Excavation Missions, when can we expect to see more of that? Is it taking a bit of a back-burner to the Focus and Dark Sector Missions?

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Just read this guy's thread: A Real Buff To Snipers (Making Snipers Different From Bows) - Weapons - Warframe Forums


1. Negative damage fall off. The further the enemy, the more damage the sniper does. This will encourage a different play style from the rest of the game, and make the player actually feel like a sniper. Snipers should not have reduced damage at close range, however, since they are already weaker than bows. Considering the ranges in Warframe it would be best if snipers started gaining extra damage from 10 meters, 130% damage at 20 meters, 150% damage at 30 meters, 200% damage at 50 meters, and 300% damage past 70 meters.
2. +100% critical chance on hitting weak spots, this will add on to the gun's modded critical chance and be unaffected by mods itself. So, a modded Vectis with 62.5% crit chance will have 162.5% percent crit on headshots (can red crit).
3. 100% proc chance on weak spot shots for the Lanka (could be a mod for other snipers).
4. A mod that gives guaranteed explosions with a lot more damage than thunderbolt on head shots.
5. Innate punch through of 5 meters + a mod for snipers only (not bows) that gives infinite (except for terrain) punch through, with damage increasing by a significant amount (multiplied by 1.5) for each enemy that is punctured.
6. If a codex scanner is equipped in your gear slots, all snipers will have wall hacks when scoped in.
Edited by Psychosist
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No founder items are to be made available.  DE got a cash influx from us Founders that helped make the game possible akin to crowd sourcing, they will always be exclusive to us


Notice how he said variant and not the prime version. I personally want to see a different variant, as long as it looks good you founders can keep your Excal primes and hug it in your sleep. Sheesh.


Now, here's my question, will we ever see better changes to the melee system that what we currently have? The combo system is nice but it would be great if there were heavy attacks mixed in on a different button instead of the one button melee control.


Also, on note with the melee system, will there ever be an effective method to hit air borne enemies with your melee, it seems that the only way to do damage to them is by slide attacking in the air or ground slamming, both of which look incredibly out of place when doing it. As well, they are not accurate ways to hit air borne enemies. The ground slam and slide attack are meant for ground enemies leaving no option to kill air borne units without going through some weird method.


Will there ever be buffs to the weapon switch speed? It seems that it's more effective to just quick melee kill something in your face and keep a single gun on you at all times. The time it takes to switch between weapons takes too long making it much more efficient to quick melee close enemies or hip shoot them. This eliminates the tactical choices which can be made, for example, pairing a sniper primary with a pistol shotgun. It's much more efficient to hip shoot the enemy in your face than wait for a long weapon swap speed.

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Right to the point, Will event mods be added to the drop tables?


The dual stat mods that you earn for events as of right now are a one-time only thing; anyone who wants to purchase them must get them through the trading channel. Will these remain unique gems in the game or will they eventually be added to the drop tables for future players to collect? I mainly wander because like many others, I have traded platinum for a few extra sets knowing their value will skyrocket. Am I wasting my time or was this a smart investment?


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There has been many improvements through the game's mechanics, its modes and whatnot, evolving the game as well, but what about the hacking?


Its been the same since ever. Its easy and quick to solve the ciphers and in some situations its more of an annoyance.

I don't hate it but it doesn't matter what needs to be hacked, it all seems to have the same level of security.


- Is there going to be an improvemente in the hacking system? or at least add up new and more complex ciphers, like the ones in the Maestry Rank 5 Test, and/or having to solve multiple ciphers depending on the security level, difficulty of the planet/node, or for something like Spy/Hijack missions?


Thanks you for reading and for your time!

Edited by Runas
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Points I would love to see brought up:

I know that the UI guys are not on this devstream, but I would love to know if there is anything being done regarding options to disable parallax in the UI for motion sick folks, and a colour/mod tweak for those affected with CVD (Colour Deficient Vision).


Aside, I also would like to know when the devs plan on finishing the game narrative started with update 14... Update 14 was the first to give us a solid story play, and a system (quests) to add more story content, even though U14 was mostly about the "new user experience". How soon can we expect more story-mode quests?

Edited by Angelus_de_Mortiel
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1.Why did you give Loki Decoy health and will be changed to it original state?

2.Why can't I get a God D@** SUNKIA?

3.Will we ever get rapiers?

4.What was your first anime? 

Mine was YuYu Hakusho. I love everyone at DE and I hope you read my comment. :)

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   I am a founder and I have Excalibur prime. My question is simple what are you going to do about the ever increasing distance between obtainable and exclusive content. I have been with this game for a long time and I am missing alot of stuff wraiths, proto skins, etc. And i suspect many other warframe players are. I am concerned that new players will have no incentive to play this game when all they see are players using gear and cosmetics that they can never obtain. If I have to give up my exclusive founders items to close this gap I am more then happy too. I know if I had just discovered this game and started playing i would quit very quickly because all of the amazing gear i would never be able to acquire. Can you imagine being a new player and lusting after exclusive content. It would be unbearable for some players and they would walk away. Hurting DE and the future of this game.


   My question is will you make exclusives availble to everyone regardless of platforms or time played. I both have and don't have some exclusive gear and I think it would be great and lucrative for DE to close this gap between new players and veterans. 


(Insert you screaming and crying about how you don't want people to have your exclusive stuff here).

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