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Weapon Skins Contest


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The main point in your post about submitting a psd is an issue and might need to be reviewed or a how to convert it explained but the rest of the post is faulty thinking. According to you me as a f2p player can't have access to photoshop because of its price when in fact I do and in reality photoshop or versions of aren't to bad price wise. The point is while your right the .psd requirement is an issue normal individuals not just design companies can and do own photoshop.

I don't think that the .psd requirement is an issue. Because:

From what I know gimp or blender dose not have option to save files with PSD extension or any other Free or Open Source Software

He is partly wrong: Blender isn't really an image editing software. Therefor it can't save files as .psd. But Gimp can do so. Gimp is one of these softwares where you have to export the image instead of saving it (the later one saves it as a .xcf).

In the line at the top one can read FILENAME.extension (.png/.jpg/.gif/.whatever). Instead of .extension simply save it as .psd

Edited by Master1398
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I don't think that the .psd requirement is an issue. Because:

He is partly wrong: Blender isn't really an image editing software. Therefor it can't save files as .psd. But Gimp can do so. Gimp is one of these softwares where you have to export the image instead of saving it (the later one saves it as a .xcf).

In the line at the top one can read FILENAME.extension (.png/.jpg/.gif/.whatever). Instead of .extension simply save it as .psd

I knew that about blender but I haven't used gimp before so I was unaware of that capability. Thanks for informing me and others.
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For whom is this contest ... for normal people F2P players .. or for owners of graphic companies who can afford Photoshop ... 


This is not a contest ... 



"To win the contest you must be able to send us a Photoshop document at the end of the contest (.psd) containing a:"


From what I know gimp or blender dose not have option to save files with PSD extension or any other Free or Open Source Software

You realize that Photoshop is 10$/month right? Gimp and krita both support psd for saving too. I have all 3 along with sketchbook pro and I'm not even close to rich. Your ignorance on these things is showing so make sure to look into things before complaining. This doesn't require anything but free open source software to accomplish.

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Ok so here's a wip of my entry... I WILL modify the screenshots when i find a way to use the packaged cameras in 3D Coat.

Updated the screenshots, polished some stuff on the textures, still working on a decent specular map!

First of all; Thanks everyone for your upvotes, i've learned a lot from this and it's awesome to see fellow Tenno support!


Tints, normals and specular maps done!

Seeing some threads here and on r/Warframe inspired me to try to give the Vectis a paintjob with Tenno / Orokin etchings.

The colors are going to be the tints, i just had to choose some to show.





PSD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wzqj9asbseknpvw/SpaceTribeSkin.zip?dl=0

Updated Album: http://imgur.com/a/8t3ch

Made in 3D Coat + Photoshop

Edited by Hecadisth
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30 day trial should be more then enough.

Blender is free.



Colored specular map wouldn't make sense really - specular isn't supposed to  change the color of your final render, same with gloss. These control the roughness/hardness/lighting of the model.


If it affects the color directly, you may need to fix the material. The default setup in blender files was no good.

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"Colored specular map wouldn't make sense really - specular isn't supposed to  change the color of your final render"


I disagree :o coloured speculars are good for creating different reflection colours, rather than a flat white reflection from a light, for example with metals like gold;


greyscale specular: http://imgur.com/zipwcDL


coloured specular: http://imgur.com/rMZTyEt


coloured speculars manipulate the colour of reflected light, kind of like a conductor :p

Edited by striipey
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Got some time today to sketch up my idea :] Really excited about doing this, I know what these things are (normals,etc.) but am actually pretty newb at doing them so thisll be fun :P I got lots of experience in photoshop though so thats a step in the right direction. Havent worked in anything 3D since i was around 12yrs old lol

anyway, quick sketch up of my idea before bed, got work at 8am so cant do much more. Have monday off so hope to have a wip render by the end of that day.


Edited by Echoa
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At first I was like "Why is there a New Zealand address?" then I was like "Oh yeah! Kim Dotcom is here now! And he's running for Prime Minister! #votesecured"
On topic though (kinda):
I really admire those who can 3d model and draw. I have ideas for weapons all the time but I can never put them down in any form :/ I also kinda like to design a little bit but never worked on art as a kid... I wish you all the best, you're gonna kick &#!!

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"Colored specular map wouldn't make sense really - specular isn't supposed to  change the color of your final render"


I disagree :o coloured speculars are good for creating different reflection colours, rather than a flat white reflection from a light, for example with metals like gold;


greyscale specular: http://imgur.com/zipwcDL


coloured specular: http://imgur.com/rMZTyEt


coloured speculars manipulate the colour of reflected light, kind of like a conductor :p


Problem will lie when the players color the pattern with whatever colors they want I'm afraid :/

(if you let them have that option)

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You realize that Photoshop is 10$/month right? Gimp and krita both support psd for saving too. I have all 3 along with sketchbook pro and I'm not even close to rich. Your ignorance on these things is showing so make sure to look into things before complaining. This doesn't require anything but free open source software to accomplish.

The reason why they ask for it to be in a .psd file is so that everything is contained. I am sure if your skin is amazing they will overlook the lack of .psd so long as you provide the required files up to scratch (they won't be able to modify it much though)

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Could someone educate me on how to best approach to messing with normal maps? For example adding/removing the etches on magnus guns? Or at least point me in a direction :P 

Well you can easily remove by holding alt and clicking on the background of the normal map (dull color) whilst in paintbrush mode, this adds the color to your palette, going over with the brush over things you don't want should work this way (assuming color is the same).


You can try "CrazyBump", it creates a normal map from a picture/diffuse map. It is paid but has a 30 day free trial so it should be good.


Manually you just need the right colors there, it is not easy but it depends on the tone of the color and embossment, you can use the stamp tool until you get the "feel" for it or use the same trick from removing for adding, all I know :/

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