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Weapon Skins Contest


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This might have already been asked, but...

Are we able to include Warframe logos, like the lotus symbol?


You guys should give us a way to test it in-game so that we know it works correctly.


you need to render it in blender on the included model to test it

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I mean so we can test the tint masks and the likes.




Also I'd like to see how my glowy stuffs came out as well.


I think that if they ever wanna do another weapon skin contest, they really should make some easy model viewer that'll preview how it'll look. I think it would also make more people feel like they could participate.

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Hmm, Google didn't find anything.


Sorry, I don't know what artist would take the risk of using that without full proof and agreement of disclosure of the rights to that picture. Would love to mess around with it though "Bubbly Zorens" :D

 just added the description recently, yes, it was made in that photoshop knock off, Gimp 2.0. every now and then, I'd make a few custom camouflage patterns for the fun of it, sometimes printed onto fabric, to make mini costumes for my GI Joes! 

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I mean so we can test the tint masks and the likes.

From my experimenting it seems that setting the tintmask folders to the 'Overlay' blend mode and applying a 'Color Overlay' layer to the tintmasks themselves with the diffuse map visible underneath works pretty well for testing tint masks.

In Photoshop it looks like this:



When you do a render with that diffuse texture it looks something like this:


I am using Brazil for Rhino for this render.

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From my experimenting it seems that setting the tintmask folders to the 'Overlay' blend mode and applying a 'Color Overlay' layer to the tintmasks themselves with the diffuse map visible underneath works pretty well for testing tint masks.


Works like a charm! To test the glowy spots, I just moved up the emmisive layer to be on top and put in on screen blending mode.


If anyone is interested, here is a WIP.


Edited by blazingcobalt
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Quick question from me, since being in college and the whole copyright/plagiarism thing really is almost everywhere and is an instant disqualification no matter what contest on any game... is it alright if my little brother lets say draws a design, and I then photoshop/create the weapon skin, and we somehow win, would it be against the rules to lets say split the "earnings" between him and I? I've heard that interactions between accounts can lead to bans but how about in this case? It would 50/50 (I would trade him half of the earnings that go to my account lets say, every day) after all he is my brother, and it'll be completely far from the copyright. Would love a response on this from DE! :D And good luck to everyone!

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Quick question from me, since being in college and the whole copyright/plagiarism thing really is almost everywhere and is an instant disqualification no matter what contest on any game... is it alright if my little brother lets say draws a design, and I then photoshop/create the weapon skin, and we somehow win, would it be against the rules to lets say split the "earnings" between him and I? I've heard that interactions between accounts can lead to bans but how about in this case? It would 50/50 (I would trade him half of the earnings that go to my account lets say, every day) after all he is my brother, and it'll be completely far from the copyright. Would love a response on this from DE! :D And good luck to everyone!

You'll likely not be able to trade this plat, as it wasn't purchased.

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One question. "How professional should this be?"


Do you want professional 3d model - skins (textures)? (and if so: where do we get the 3d models to design the skins around?)


Will you accept amateur art, that will give you an impression of the skins? (for inspiration)


Do you want true textures that you would be able to instantly apply to the game?


What do you want, how do you want it?

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One question. "How professional should this be?"


Do you want professional 3d model - skins (textures)? (and if so: where do we get the 3d models to design the skins around?)


Will you accept amateur art, that will give you an impression of the skins? (for inspiration)


Do you want true textures that you would be able to instantly apply to the game?


What do you want, how do you want it?

What is wanted was explained:


Contest Technical Details


Your contest entry must have rendered shots of your textures from the three angles included in the FBXs in the Contest Assets Directory.  There are three cameras in each FBX (front ¾ view, back ¾ view and side) for a total of 9 shots.  You may use any tool your wish to render the images and there are Blender files included in the Contest Asset Package folder if you need an Open Source solution.

You may use any presentation technique that you wish to present your renders to their best advantage.  IE:  You can merge them into one image with a custom background, keep them on a simple solid black background, etc.  Your original renders should be at least 800 pixels wide (to show off your skins) and your final presentation images should be no wider than 1900 pixels.


To get started, please find all assets to participate here: https://mega.co.nz/#F!RkFzFKSB!e2G0IViYSwBwEHUhgBGRng


(Just uploaded to my Google Drive as alternate DL link: https://drive.google...c&usp=drive_web)


To win the contest you must be able to send us a Photoshop document at the end of the contest (.psd) containing a:

  • Diffuse map
  • Specular map
  • Gloss map
  • Tint masks (1 for each channel colour channel that you want the player to control).

For each of the weapons represented in this skin pack (VectisSkinContest.psd, MagnusSkinContest.psd, ScindoSkinContest.psd)


Helpful Links

Texturing Tutorials


Content Creation Tools:

Painting / Image editing: 

Free:  http://krita.org/

  • Very cool painting program that is making great strides as a texture painting application.  This summer they did a Kickstarter which has a fellow working on a lot of game oriented features.

Free: http://www.gimp.org/

  • The classic free paint / photo manipulation program.

Paid:  http://www.photoshop.com/

  • It’s a officially a verb so you’ve likely heard of it J
  • They have recently introduced a monthly rental system so that you could us the product for the contest and not renew if you so choose.


3D Programs:

Free:  http://www.blender.org/

  • Long standing and very solid free 3D program.  It would work well as a texture previewer and as has 3D painting capabilities.
  •  A tutorial that shows off some of the 3d painting features in Blender.

Paid:  http://www.marmoset.co/

  • Brilliant 3d previewing application.  Note:  To make the highlights line up more with the current version of our engine set the Sky Brightness to 0 and uncheck Energy Conservation in the specular rollout.

Paid:  http://3d-coat.com/ and http://www.allegorithmic.com/products/substance-painter

  • Two very solid 3d paint programs. 


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