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It's Too Much Work.


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I've found I play warframe a lot less these days.


It takes a lot of work to get ready for a mission now. Waiting and clicking through endless menus and hoping things show up and...


It used to be, I could log in and be playing in seconds. It takes minutes now, and I'm not interested in shuffling bland menus.


So I just play less.


I used to play as much as 6 hours a day. I don't usually play for 3, and there's days where I go just long enough to unload my extractors and collect my login reward.


Just doing that takes several minutes now. Any time I want to do anything, I hit the menu wall, and if I change my mind about any detail of what I'm doing, the menu wall expands.


The in mission gameplay is solid.


I just don't feel like putting in all the effort it takes to get there now.


EDIT: TL;DR: If "content is king", why do I need to click so much to get at it?

Edited by Llyssa
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I've found I play warframe a lot less these days.


It takes a lot of work to get ready for a mission now. Waiting and clicking through endless menus and hoping things show up and...


It used to be, I could log in and be playing in seconds. It takes minutes now, and I'm not interested in shuffling bland menus.


So I just play less.


I used to play as much as 6 hours a day. I don't usually play for 3, and there's days where I go just long enough to unload my extractors and collect my login reward.


Just doing that takes several minutes now. Any time I want to do anything, I hit the menu wall, and if I change my mind about any detail of what I'm doing, the menu wall expands.


The in mission gameplay is solid.


I just don't feel like putting in all the effort it takes to get there now.

You are blowing things way out of proportion.  It takes no more than a second or two more than it used to with the old UI to do anything.  And some things are not slower at all. 

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I don't notice a difference TBH.


The only time I don't like the U.I. is when I'm playing a fat warframe at the foundry and can't read the left column. Still surprised lighting and camera isn't better for coloring the frame and weapons. These kinds of things are no where near enough to make me play more or less though.

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What makes it worse is that I now have to seperate my mod management from my arsenal.

I don't know if people know how inconvenient this is.

^ This is proper feedback rather than the usual "The user interface is bad, get rid of it." This kind of thing could likely be an easy change.


As for the OP, you are seriously exaggerating. You're claiming that at the very most 1-2 more clicks is making you take minutes rather than seconds to do the things you've done before. That is simply not true.


I'm not really sure why people feel the need to dramatize things every time there's a change. It is literally only a single more click to start a mission, and you are saying that single click is causing you to lose interest in the game. This is nothing but a psychosomatic response.

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What makes it worse is that I now have to seperate my mod management from my arsenal.

I don't know if people know how inconvenient this is.


You guys are still using the weird four-menus thing, right? Despite all the other hate it got, 14.5 actually made mod management from the arsenal a lot easier.

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one of my biggest gripes, is the Menus insist on having lots of transitional times. don't really need or want them, with how many hours i've got into the game.


'fast menu transitions' would be a nice option. doubling or even quadrupling the speed that the Menus transition at. i'd personally even be okay with a frame jump to the next menu, but i probably won't get that.




other than that, most of the problems that the UI has now, it had before too. unnecessary amounts of transitions and clicks to do fairly simple things. claiming Extractors is a big example.


i must zoom into each planet, claim the Extractor, then deploy it's replacement.

honestly, idunno why i can't manage Extractors on a list that shows all available places and the ones i have Extractors on. a list that's all on one menu.


and then the fact that Mods is separate from the Arsenal. idunno. not sure i like it that much. could be solved as simply as having a 'Mods' button at every single level of the Arsenal so you can switch to it at any time.




oh, something else that's super frustrating. i can't even close Menus quickly. if i'm done with whatever i'm doing (say, deep into the Navigation Menu or something), i can't just mash Escape a few times and have the menu close instantly. i need to go through all of the transitions in reverse. ugh.





creating a Lobby is a huge pain. the Liset should just ALWAYS be considered a Lobby. i shouldn't need to start and cancel a Mission in order for my Liset to be joinable. 


if people don't want people joining their Lobby randomly, set it Invite only. problem solved.

but if i have Matchmaking set public or Friends only, Friends should be able to join. at any time.

Edited by taiiat
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You guys are still using the weird four-menus thing, right? Despite all the other hate it got, 14.5 actually made mod management from the arsenal a lot easier.

Did it now? Thank the Lotus.

I'm not one to complain about pressing a couple of extra buttons, but a 30-second action with mod-management may end up becoming two minutes with how things are in U14.

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oh, something else that's super frustrating. i can't even close Menus quickly. if i'm done with whatever i'm doing (say, deep into the Navigation Menu or something), i can't just mash Escape a few times and have the menu close instantly. i need to go through all of the transitions in reverse. ugh.

That's weird. I can hit escape to close out of everything at any point in time, no matter where I'm at.

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Did it now? Thank the Lotus.

I'm not one to complain about pressing a couple of extra buttons, but a 30-second action with mod-management may end up becoming two minutes with how things are in U14.


There's a "mods" button in the bottom right, it takes you straight to a full mods menu with fusion/transmute/sell. It's still not perfect, but a lot better than what it was before. Sadly I have no idea how it'll flow on controller, but it's definitely quicker.

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I don't find the current GUI particularly lacking in any specific department simply because the brain tends to automatically start clicking where it needs to, but I find it frustrating that there seems to be, at least for me, a lack of "at your fingertips" way to jump into missions without jumping through a few hoops.


This is a small issue when you have a clan, and lots of friends, but I started a U14 test to see how I would have fared if I played like I used to back in my younger days, where you try and mostly stick to yourself and just use "in your face" tools to get into missions, and the Solar map and planet UI is a little blank.


The information is there, but you have manually check nodes and planets, and just because it will say 4 squads, it still might mean that you will stare at the "looking for players" for a very long time.


If for example I was able to click and place myself in more then one queue for example, it would make more sense, or to simply have all running missions for a planet or two that I choose as a "watchlist". I'm not saying that mine are good ideas, I'm just saying they would make my life easier, as they seem more obvious for me.


Hopefully we get better tools in a future update to play with PUG's.

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That's weird. I can hit escape to close out of everything at any point in time, no matter where I'm at.

the problem is that i need to wait for one transition to finish before i can try to close the next menu.


if you were next to me, watching me, you'd see and hear me pressing Escape dozens of times in annoyance of how slow the menus close.

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"Serioiusly exaggerating" what?


Let's say I log on, and want to play an alert. First up, I want to collect my extractors.


I have to:

1. Open navigation, and find the planets my extractors are on.

2 click once to open the planet.

3. click once to collect the extractor.

4. click once to deploy a new extractor.

5. click once to exit out to navigation.

6. find the next planet.

7 click once to open the planet.

8. click once to collect the extractor.

9. click once to deploy a new extractor.

10. click once to exit out to navigation.

11. find the next planet.

12 click once to open the planet.

13. click once to collect the extractor.

14. click once to deploy a new extractor.

15. click once to exit out to navigation.

16. find the next planet.

17 click once to open the planet.

18. click once to collect the extractor.

19. click once to deploy a new extractor.

20. click once to exit out to navigation.

21. find the next planet.

22 click once to open the planet.

23. click once to collect the extractor.

24. click once to deploy a new extractor.

25. click once to exit out to navigation.

26. click once to exit out to liset mode.

27. visit my foundry.

28. click once to reach my finished constructions.

29. click once per construction to claim(yay! I like this part)

30. click once to exit out to liset mode.

31. visit my incubator.

32. click once to feed my kubrow, if needed.

33. click once to exit out to liset mode.

34. visit my arsenal.

35. decide on a loadout(this part is still fairly straight forward, so long as I don't need to upgrade any mods)

36. visit my navigation

37. click a planet with an alert.

38. find the alert

39. click out to navigation mode.

40. click out to liset mode.

41. open my escape menu so I can look over whether or not my current equipment is indeed ideal for the mission.

42. either open the arsenal(click equip and then click arsenal) or go back to navigation.

43. click the planet.

44. find the alert AGAIN.

45. click the alert.

46--I can finally play my first mission.


That's not exciting, it's tedious.


If you think I wasn't playing that many hours before, I was. If you don't think my play time amount has dropped dramatically, it has.


I spend a lot more time thinking about playing warframe than actually bothering to play warframe, and dreading the whole clickfest to get anywhere seems to be the best(and only) reason I can puzzle out. I like my weapons, I like my kubrows, I like chopping enemy-of-the-moment into tiny pieces at high speed.

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That list has been artificially inflated. Especially towards the end you're just including a bunch of unnecessary steps, and items 1-30 would be just as fast/slow regardless of which UI you were using so including them as part of your reason you've started playing less seems a little off.

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FWIW: I posted this because, after my saturday RL stuff is done, I normally play WF, and usually, by now, I'd be somewhere between mission 5 and mission 20, depending on how many survivals I felt like doing. Tonight, I haven't logged in, and I don't want to log in, despite loving my gear and my clan and my alliance and my friends, and I started thinking about *why* I don't want to log in. I'd like to see everyone and play with them and whatnot, but I'm stalling and purposely distracting myself with other things to avoid it.


Take it for what you will, but that's the answer.

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That list has been artificially inflated. Especially towards the end you're just including a bunch of unnecessary steps, and items 1-30 would be just as fast/slow regardless of which UI you were using so including them as part of your reason you've started playing less seems a little off.

Actually, I could do extractors with 5 clicks, total, under the old system.


As for "unnecessary steps", no, I actually *do* check my equipment, and I actually *do* have to go in  and out of the stupid navigation thing to reach the arsenal and then go back to the mission, so while you may be playing in a totally different manner than I am that does not include such steps, that is how I think, that is how I play, and that's what I have to put up with, and I don't like it at all.


EDIT: And before anyone starts spouting off "PLAY LIKE ME!" responses, no.

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