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Rhinos, Rhinos Everwhere


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Speaking as a relatively fresh player, I'll go with what a lot have said here already..

I started out as Mag.  Poor understanding and a limited collection of mod's left me feeling very weak and squishy compared to the people around me. I didn't have enough understanding of the game to realise that for the first few ranks I was going to be weak and squishy in any frame, and that I'd need to learn how to effectively build a frame with potatoes, polarities, and elements.

Using the logic bourne from experience of 20+ years of gaming, I figured it was "newb" effect and that I just needed to upgrade my gear and everything would be gravy.  It didn't occur to me that I could be just using a potentially end game frame from the get go, but needed to improve the mods in it.

Then I got the parts to build my 2nd ever warframe, a rhino.  i was overjoyed to get out of my squishy mag into anything else.  Then, when a combination of Iron Skin and the reflection and vitality mods I'd levelled up to make my mag less squishy made it nigh on impossible for my rhino to drop, I got to enjoy confirmation bias.... obviously the mag was a weak squishy newb frame, because here was the new, non newb frame and I was indestrucable in it.

I'm waiting for my next frame to come out of the oven now.  I'm sure that, at the start, it'll appear weak and squishy, compared to the Rhino.  For many I'm sure that in itself would put them off and send them back to their Codpeice enhanced friend, and it'll take them a long time to realise that they haven't fully understood the way the game works yet. 

I don't think the Rhino is particularly special, it just a lot less demanding on a player than any frame that comes before or after it, and it's available at a time which makes it prone to appearing like something more than it is....

Some times, its nice not to think, and to play an "ugg bash thump" style role that requires little thought or concentration.  Sometimes confirmation bias seems to "prove" that a heavy duty levelled up frame is stronger than a fresh one for any reason other than the fact that it is fully levelled and modded.  Sometimes it's a lack of understanding, sometimes its personal preference. 

From personal experience though,  I tend to end up playing with far more loki's than Rhino's..

guys this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Why is it that every game I play, its me and 3 other rhinos stomping the crap outa the level. I normally end up going solo cus of this.


It's because DE basically gives new players access to rhino off the bat. I really hate the way it teaches players about the game. It's literally "pop iron skin so you can't get knocked down then run through the cameras and set off lasers to knock your teammates down like a douchebag"


When I'm not playing with my clan, I have my game set to solo just to avoid the rhino/rhino primes. Especially on sechura or something when the rank 2 rhino runs off and kills everything with his fresh out of the box boltor prime he got for 25p on the other side of the map so nobody gets any experience near the pod.

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I have friends that play Rhino, even though I enjoy their play time company, I hate the Rhino.


They DO play him to pretty much kill anything and everything, they tend to forget that some other players actually like to participate instead of looking for something the Rhino didn't kill. It's the power gamer thing, not my style. Since they ARE buddies I'll tend to tell them how annoying it is to simply follow them around picking up drops instead of actually playing the game. Just boring to me. I'm not a solo player for the most part, will do it if I can when needed, so being in a clan and on a team is good. Still can't get away from RHINO SMASH!!!! It's their thing. Fast hard kills and they like to show you they can do it, even if you don't give a flying truck. Makes them feel good I guess.

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I wish we went back to the time where Rhino wasn't so popular.. I love Rhino ever since i was in this game's beta. Then after his prime version came he became the top thing around, which made me mad because stereotypes started to come off of it and if you are seen with a Rhino you just get called a noob.


I still remember when i got Rhino for the first time when he didn't even have Rhino roar.. Man.. good times.

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I wish we went back to the time where Rhino wasn't so popular.. I love Rhino ever since i was in this game's beta. Then after his prime version came he became the top thing around, which made me mad because stereotypes started to come off of it and if you are seen with a Rhino you just get called a noob.

I still remember when i got Rhino for the first time when he didn't even have Rhino roar.. Man.. good times.

...shouldn't let others' opinions affect your gameplay. I could give a rat's nest whenever I run around with my Rhino Prime. Regardless, if you are "skillful" you can easily find some unique abilities with each frame combined with certain weapons and mods, and you can pretty much kill everything or blow up the whole room to piss people off. Random players often ask me about my built, but I usually don't put my "skills" out there!!
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Ok I get it.

Community hates rhino prime, community hates boltor prime, community hates Dragon Nikana, community hates excalibur.

Communitys loves rhino prime, community loves boltor prime, community loves Dragon Nikana, community loves excalibur.

Now in the next week, people will be like "omg why nobody lets me join with my excalibur, I hate when people dont let me play what I want, every frame is viable double ju ti ef, but I dislike rhinos in my parties because they are noobs and I'm not hypocrite".


Are you mocking me? Because if you are, you aren't really doing it right. 

First off, no one ever said we hate Rhino Prime or Boltor Prime, they are simply overrated.


EDIT: You don't get our point. Rhinos are just in every party and they steal all the XP with Rhino Stomp, at least let us kill something!

Edited by NyancraftG
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because most rinho players are 10 year old kids that think invurebility = skill.

or pressing a key to clear a room= skill.

or just like him, they are sterile (cod part is for insecurity issues)

Please tell me this is a troll post, no one can be so dense.

Regardless, OP and others, if you see Rhino often then it's because literally the second frame players can get, if not the very first one that drops, and with it being early content (especially one that works throughout the game) you are bound to see if often.

And as a reminder for the haters, player=/= warframe, or if you hate it just because you see it often.... well then I guess logic is not for you.

Edited by RahuStalker
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EDIT: You don't get our point. Rhinos are just in every party and they steal all the XP with Rhino Stomp, at least let us kill something!


Not to mention the way too common propensity to copter ahead of the team to do it.


This isn't theoretical physics - lone wolf-esque elements in a team piloted by someone who has no interest in furthering goals that aren't their own make team cohesion evaporate. Is this really such an illegitimate complaint?

Edited by Haemel
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Are you mocking me? Because if you are, you aren't really doing it right. 

First off, no one ever said we hate Rhino Prime or Boltor Prime, they are simply overrated.


EDIT: You don't get our point. Rhinos are just in every party and they steal all the XP with Rhino Stomp, at least let us kill something!

Are you even in your final form yet? Because,


because most rinho players are 10 year old kids that think invurebility = skill.


or pressing a key to clear a room= skill.


or just like him, they are sterile (cod part is for insecurity issues)


this guy is.

Edited by Deccode
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I started with volt so rhino is my second frame. I use my rhino for survival and against grineer most of the time and when i try to farm material i switch to volt and raid corpus for components.


But that is just the thing i cant play any other frame becasue i have yet to farm their parts.  Heck excalibur is dropped by ambulas on pluto i am no where near pluto yet.


So since rhino is so easy to get and so easy to play of course newer players will run around as rhino a lot.

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