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I'm Reluctant To Catlayze Or Put Forma On Any Weapons Since We Might Be Getting Wraith Or Vandals In The Future


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Anyone else feel this way too? I could take the chance and supercharge the weapons I have now, but get totally slapped in the face for it if a Wraith or Vandal version is released later on.


I dunno, maybe make the Wraith or Vandal versions different instead of just straight up superior? Like a Grakata Wraith can have higher crit/damage but a lower fire rate, so the original doesn't immediately become worthless?

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Think of it this way.


If you Forma and Catalyst a weapon now, you'll be able to enjoy it all this time until a Wraith/Vandal comes out, and even then it's just a possibility that said weapon will get such a treatment.


However, if you simply wait, you'll never enjoy your weapon to the fullest until a hypothetical Wraith/Vandal version comes out in an unknown future, even though between all this time, you'll probably manage to get multiple formas and catalysts.


Your choice. This comes from a person who potato'ed and Forma'ed the regular Braton 4 times before Braton Prime came out, which was then potato'ed and Forma'ed 5 times. I have no regrets either, but then again, I'm one of those players who enjoy the game AND play it a lil' bit too much.

Edited by Casardis
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Guest Tehnoobshow

I think I've seen this thread before...

That just shows how much of a problem it is within the community. The same goes for the inevitable Akimbo versions of every secondary and Prime versions of every Tenno weapon.

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Just pointing this out...


Wraith/Vandals come ALREADY POTATOED.


You don't need to save that Catalyst for the better version as it comes already upgraded, and besides, events are spread out quite a bit and you will be getting use out of any Catalysts you use immediately.

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forma drops like mad from the void.

I have been sitting on 15 forma forever, and this is after i have formad stuff and build Clan weapons that are just sitting on the foundry.


In fact, i have to go out of my way to get Orokin Cell to build the forma.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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A writh or vandal variant of a weapon comes with a catalyst. So there is no reason not to supercharge a weapon that you like.

Likewise, forma is a fairly common drop, so wasting it isn't really an issue.

Besides, like Kickbot says, potato/forma all the things

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Lets see:


Wraith: Gorgon, Strun, Twin vipers, Machete, Latron

Vandal: Snipetron, Prova, Braton, Lato


A whooping 9 weapons, you will be waiting for a loooooooooong time for that slap in the face my friend.



.......................................while the slap you get from yourself by not adding catalyst and forma is instant. (just saying)

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Anyone else feel this way too? I could take the chance and supercharge the weapons I have now, but get totally slapped in the face for it if a Wraith or Vandal version is released later on.


Well, yes but since Wraith and Vandal weapons doesnt come out that often the chances are that it will take a year/years before your formaed weapon will be replaced by a modified weapon. In this time your supercharged weapon will most likely already be shelved because of powercreep. 


Also if you look at what weapons that have been wraithed/Vandalized/Primed you will see that they are more likely to be the less popular marketplace weapons, i.e. the weapons which has already been relegated to your dirty locker because of powercreep.


So I dont think you should worry too much if the weapon you want to supercharge is a newer weapon or clan tech since I am rather convinced that you will wait a long time for them to be modified by a variant. I even believe that you will welcome the variant when your favourite/multiforma/potatoed weapon have been sitting collecting dust in your locker for the past 4 months because every new tenno reinforcement weapon by DE is better.

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Anyone else feel this way too? I could take the chance and supercharge the weapons I have now, but get totally slapped in the face for it if a Wraith or Vandal version is released later on.

I feel like not sitting on a non upgraded useful weapon waiting for something to not happen.


How many upgraded weaponry are you sitting on that don't have a prime/wraith variant?

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When Vandal and Wraith weapons are released, they come with a free slot and Catalyst. So if slots and potatoes are the issue, don't worry about it.


I have Latron with a catalyst and 2 forma. I don't regret doing all of that work on it, even though I have Latron Prime(Catalyst and 2 Forma) and Latron Wraith. All of these weapons have different stats and that makes the builds different for each one, even if that difference is slight. And it is fun to go back and use that old war horse from time to time. The way I see it is if one of your favorite weapons gets the Vandal/Wraith/Prime treatment, it's icing on the cake.

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A few bullets:


a) Since you are on the game now, new wraith/vandal weapons event rewards are gifted with a weapon slot and catalyst preinstalled. So the odds are you are never going to use a catalyst on a wraith/vandal weapon, unless DE gifts or makes available a blueprint somehow. It is even rarer than events, we have only been given a wraith BP once. So, catalyse away!


b) Forma is hard to get, but not THAT hard. Don't be too scroogely. What's the point of saving something just on the idea that some other non-existing, better weapon will come to the game? You're just not enjoying the game on the chance that you may get something better in the future. Forma away, have fun. You may keep a small stack of Formas on your inventory. Personally, I like to keep at least 2 hanging around for stuff I REALLY want. 

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