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Boltor Prime: Killing The Game?


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I hope DE really understands that already and will increase the MR requirements for Prime gear. Its really stupid that a noob player can get best and Primed gear after a day of gameplay.

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Such threads appear by dozens daily...


I hope DE really understands that already and will increase the MR requirements for Prime gear. Its really stupid that a noob player can get best and Primed gear after a day of gameplay.

they can't do that before they do a very serious review of all prime weapons, becouse having things like the reaper and braton prime of highter mastery level highter than 2 is stupid (becouse ether reaper and karak exist) and the can0t do a review becouse..... well they can and they should but  they havent done it yet.

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This might sound like a bad concept to some, but yes, Boltor Prime is good..


There are 30 other primaries if you would like a different challenge... Those who refuse to use them because they're not as good are the type would who would naturally get bored quickly anyway, because they don't want to try anything else out.


It's like the people who complain about someone beating them repeatedly with a gun they own and then taking some invisible rule hardline stance that they won't use it themselves; they're shooting themselves in the foot and complaining about the privilege.


I'm not saying you're doing it, I understand your reason for not wanting to feel discontent, but those who stick to one thing, will not stick to it for long, in my 15 years of gaming history.

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I agreed that Boltor Prime's MR needs to be raised to something higher than it is currently. I'd say at least 6. 


With regard to the argument of making ALL Prime weapons at least MR 8...1. I think that's going to be a pretty steep requirement for some people and 2. you would have to buff certain Prime weapons to be worth MR 8 - Braton Prime in particular. Not like buffing Braton Prime would be a BAD thing as it desperately needs a decent buff!

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I'm kind of on the fence, and definitely agree with Ailissa and others on this,  the problem isn't just with the weapon, it's also a problem with the mindset of the players who decide to essentially spoiler themselves too soon.

Most old WF players have had some form of loadout progression, you guys started with the basics and moved on to newer and better stuff as and when it was released, because that was pretty much the only option available to you.  You had to learn to effectively use what you had access to, because there wasnt much else.

New players starting now, however, aren't limited like that.  We dont have to wait till update [random number] to see a new gun or frame, and dont have to spend our time maxing out the few basic things we can access whilst we wait, because it's almost all available right now, for less than the cost of a pack of cigarettes.

Where you needed to spend time learning how to mod your frames to make the most out of them, a newb will chose one, plug in the few mods they're able to find, regardless of how effective the build actually is, and will presume that all the problems they have with survivability and take down power is due to the fact they are in a "newb frame" with "newb gear", because over the past couple of decades online games have conditioned them to expect as much.  It's hard to break the habit of a gaming life time and realise that you could potentially start with endgame gear and just need to mod it - we're used to playing in newb mode with newb gear that needs replacing.  We don't expect to work on our gear, we're used to buying/earning/etc newer and stronger weapons and armour to improve as soon as its available.

The low MR requirement for Prime gear exacerbates the issue - most gamers aren't patient and they want instant gratification, very few have the self control to NOT pick up the obscenely powerful weapon they keep hearing about from the oldbies, especially since they can use it pretty much from the moment they can trade for it.  Obviously that spoils the later game for them - you can't walk around in god mode forever, it gets boring and removes all the satisfaction that comes from progression.

Needless to say, I agree with a lot of the posts here which suggest that weapons like this should be moved to a higher MR in order to make people work towards them, but I'd also suggest that the game is probably reaching a point now where the whole issue of "newb syndrome" needs to be addressed somehow so that new players come to realise that the emphasis isn't necessarily just on having what player consensus says is the best frame and weapon combination, and that unlike other games they dont need to ditch their starter gear as soon as something else becomes available.

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The Boltor Prime was created with endless content in mind I think. Which means using it in level-locked content makes it appear overpowered. And it is. But only for level-locked content. That's the issue in my opinion. Some weapons seem to be clearly designed for endless scaling (to a certain extent of course^^), while others are for missions without endless scaling. This is a big flaw (the biggest in my opinion) of Warframe.


That's how I see it anyway.^^

It's just MY opinion, based on MY experience, I completely understand that others might not agree and I respect their opinions.^^

Edited by Marthrym
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I think MR needs to be used more. They should sit down and and change MR requirements for almost everything in the game.


I've seen more people leave for a different reason though. It's something that people hate being brought up. It boils down to some real bad decision making on DE's part. Every time someone finds out they will Never be able to collect all things due to certain exclusive items they lose interest. 


New guy: Hey! That looks cool. What is it? Where can I get it?

Me:          *sigh* it's blah(insert exclusive item) you can't get it.

New guy: Why not?

Me:          It's exclusive(insert reason for particular thing being exclusive)

New guy: WTF! If I can't collect everything whats the point?

Me:          I don't know, ask the devs.

New guy: Screw it! I am going back to(insert other game)


I have had slightly varied iterations of that above conversation way to many times.

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Just raise its mastery requirement.

Giving one of the top-tier weapons a Mastery Rank requirement of 0? That is a gigantic flaw that must be rectified.

A mastery rank requirement of 7 would be reasonable to make sure that new players go through enough weapons to properly earn the right to wield Boltor Prime.

considering none of the other weapons have a proper tiering<>performance fix why should this 1 weapon, its also not the first to be "king", funny how after the soma got eventually got "fixed" from MR3 to 6 there wasnt much if any people wanting the then melee king Galatine to also get fixed from low to high mastery.


also new players cant exactly run a few simple void missions and bag a boltor prime, not without lots of help at least and i certainly wouldnt say anyone here earns the right to wield any weapon, theres no such thing, all we all do is get lucky on rng, no1 really earns anything.

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The Boltor Prime itself is fine. It's MR requirement is far too low for its power though and is symptomatic of how broken, flawed and arbitrary the whole Mastery Rank system is with regard to weapons. That said, Boltor Prime isn't the only weapon with a Mastery requirement that doesn't match up with its performance and power level. I'd argue that a lot of weapons need their Mastery requirements looked at as well. Boltor Prime just happens to be a shining, obvious example of that need, at least to me.


I feel that DE REALLY needs to work out a consistent formula / criteria for determining and assigning MR to weapons and implement it.


For example: They could have MR be tied to total physical damage ranges, like say O MR for 20 damage, 1 MR for 25 damage, and so on. Do the same thing with Crit Chance and damage as well. Polarity slot? Add 1 MR. If the weapon is a Prime version of something existing, add 2 MR.


Something like that.

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The Boltor Prime itself is fine. It's MR requirement is far too low for its power though and is symptomatic of how broken, flawed and arbitrary the whole Mastery Rank system is with regard to weapons. That said, Boltor Prime isn't the only weapon with a Mastery requirement that doesn't match up with its performance and power level. I'd argue that a lot of weapons need their Mastery requirements looked at as well. Boltor Prime just happens to be a shining, obvious example of that need, at least to me.


I feel that DE REALLY needs to work out a consistent formula / criteria for determining and assigning MR to weapons and implement it.


For example: They could have MR be tied to total physical damage ranges, like say O MR for 20 damage, 1 MR for 25 damage, and so on. Do the same thing with Crit Chance and damage as well. Polarity slot? Add 1 MR. If the weapon is a Prime version of something existing, add 2 MR.


Something like that.

Well-said and strongly agreed!

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My Latron Prime would get mad at me if I found pieces for the Boltor Prime.... (LP so far is my favorite weapon). Though as long as I'm not running high level, must survive missions, I build and play with many weapons. Just much more fun and interesting that way. Find out what types you like and what you don't. Even if it's not my cup of tea, it'll hit Rank 30 eventually and I can try another.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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I say nerf, down to 35-40 damage. Yup. And I love the Boltor and the Boltor P (for it's looks; it's a strong successor unlike a few other primes).


It's really way too powerful. When I read the in-game description, it suggested it had damage falloff, which would also have been a great balance and kind of interesting. But no, it does 55/bolt, has a rate of fire on par with the LMGs, unlimited range and accuracy is rarely an issue in this game.


Too good for us Tenno. Plz nerf.

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I think MR needs to be used more. They should sit down and and change MR requirements for almost everything in the game.


I've seen more people leave for a different reason though. It's something that people hate being brought up. It boils down to some real bad decision making on DE's part. Every time someone finds out they will Never be able to collect all things due to certain exclusive items they lose interest. 


New guy: Hey! That looks cool. What is it? Where can I get it?

Me:          *sigh* it's blah(insert exclusive item) you can't get it.

New guy: Why not?

Me:          It's exclusive(insert reason for particular thing being exclusive)

New guy: WTF! If I can't collect everything whats the point?

Me:          I don't know, ask the devs.

New guy: Screw it! I am going back to(insert other game)


I have had slightly varied iterations of that above conversation way to many times.

I can't think of any "exclusive" weapon that is vastly (or even remotely) superior to those available... To me that's just plain old "other people have it but I don't and I can never have it, so my baby reflexes kick in and I cry".

I know it sucks, I wasn't there for Strun Wraith and Snipetron Vandal events, and it &!$$es me off, but I don't blame DE for it.

There are other games where the "exclusive items" phenomenon is much more present too. It would be hypocritical to put the blame on the devs just like that.^^'



And who knows... maybe we'll get another shot at Strun/Snipetron/whatevernotfounderstuff in the future. The vault might be re-opened for these. Might make the current owners of these weapons angry (and understandably so) though.^^'

Edited by Marthrym
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This is one of those pernicious bullS#&amp;&#036; arguments that has no basis in reality.


What weapons others use in the game does not effect you. All it does is show a disturbing tendency of a certain mindset to meddle in others' affairs. In other words, mind your own business and quit worrying about the Joneses.

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My Latron Prime would get mad at me if I found pieces for the Boltor Prime.... (LP so far is my favorite weapon). Though as long as I'm not running high level, must survive missions, I build and play with many weapons. Just much more fun and interesting that way. Find out what types you like and what you don't. Even if it's not my cup of tea, it'll hit Rank 30 eventually and I can try another.


Incidentally, the LatronP is only 20% behind BoltorP in DPS when modded correctly... Not including Headshots.



One suggestion I saw was have every Prime weapon at unPrime Mastery requirement +5.


What I would like to see is a sort of hybrid mastery/weapon progress tree, with weapons being exactly as they are right now, but some requiring use of X 'lower tier' weapons of the same category to rank 30, encouraging players to try out different weapons. (I'm only thinking a low number, so BoltorP might require Boltor, which in turn requires 1-2 automatic weapons before unlocking.)

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