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Rng Is Rng, Or Something Horribly Wrong With Void Drops? O_O


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t1 exterminate's drop ratios are the most horrendous in the game


also, i think you should be pushing to arrange the bp drop tables by tier, so that vital pieces of very powerful weapons aren't sitting in t1 keys hidden behind mountains of items that have long since stopped being useful to anybody

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As for myself I will no longer farm for Prime Parts because DESheldon either refuses to manage them or they are just being ignored, because it is quite obvious to me that they are so bloated that a fair chance of getting a part is no longer existent anymore. Sure you will have players who have gotten all the parts in one day, but I bet the number of those players is vastly less than the actual community. Since Rhino Prime I have acquired all my Primes through Trade Chat. What this has done is 1) Saved me a vast amount of time that I can use to play the Prime Warframe DE what's me to play 2) In money it is actually cheaper to buy the Prime Part than pay a big price for the Prime Package which most of the stuff, at least for me, I wouldn't need. Nyx Prime cost me about 200p which worked out to about $11. So no I will never hunt for Prime Parts until the drop tables have actually and truly been worked on.

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RNG extends gameplay but the gameplay it creates is more and more grinding which can last potentially infinitely. Its NOT FUN. I repeat its NOT FUN. It is if anything a system that REMOVES FUN from what fun can be had with warframe.


I sincerely hope that someone reads this thread. This system is not working out for many players. Progress in warframe is halted when you come up against RNG.

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I'll just leave this here:


27 T3 Mobile Defense rewards:

 -12 Boar Prime BPs(No jokes)

 -9 Forma BPs

 -4 Reaper Prime BPs

 -1 Boar Prime Barrel

 -1 Ember Prime Systems

And the best part of this:

 -0 Scindo Prime Blades

 (And this was only the Scindo)

I love RNG


On the bright side:

 -I got the Nyx Chassis on my 2nd run

 -Helmet on the 1st run


 -I bought the main BP(Because of at least 10 T4 Defenses keys to at least 40 round and, Nothing)

 -Again, i bought the systems(I got a Rare rank 0 Fusion Core as reward on T4C, No jokes, and also, Why is the Frost Prime BP so common there?)

Edited by A71U
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Oh how fitting! I was just complaining about T1 Captures as well. Let's see, out of nine runs, I got (in order of appearance)


Forma Blueprint

Tower I Defense

Tower I Defense

Tower II Capture

Tower II Capture

Tower II Capture

Tower II Capture

Boar Prime Receiver

Tower II Capture


So I switched things up and decided I'd go for the Scindo parts on a T1 Exterminate. The results weren't much better:


Wyrm Prime Cerebrum (At least I got that!)

Boltor Prime Stock

Tower I Mobile Defense

Boltor Prime Stock

Tower I Mobile Defense

Tower II Exterminate

Tower I Mobile Defense

Tower II Exterminate

Tower I Mobile Defense

Tower I Mobile Defense

Boltor Prime Stock

Tower I Mobile Defense

Forma Blueprint

Wyrm Prime Cerebrum

Tower II Exterminate


And to think they keep telling us drop tables are fine/balanced/don't need to be looked at. Anyone who consistently runs a high volume of the same void mission is going to see the same thing over and over again. Even IF all these keys are on the drop table, I should be getting more than the same two types on each mission.


Heads up DE: This is NOT going to make me want to shell out almost $150 Canadian for your Prime Access. People like me, who would never pay that price, won't do it just because you fudge with the RNG to "incentivize" P2W.


Edit: Added my most recent runs.

Edited by Tyrarl
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Ha, you people haven't even seen the Scindo Prime Handle situation yet.


I've spent 5 hours a day the past 4 days running T1 survival trying to get it. I swear, I've lost my sanity somewhere along the way, as I keep running it over and over and over and OVER hoping for a different result. Even my peers are concerned for my mental health, as I've started laughing maniacally whenever we hit that wondrous 20 minute mark and a Latron/Burston part pops up at the bottom of the screen.


One thing's for sure. When I finally do get this thing, I'm taking a break from this game, and DE's not getting any more of my paycheck until they find an alternative method of giving incentive for buying prime packs, because this is absolutely ridiculous.

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Ha, you people haven't even seen the Scindo Prime Handle situation yet.


I've spent 5 hours a day the past 4 days running T1 survival trying to get it. I swear, I've lost my sanity somewhere along the way, as I keep running it over and over and over and OVER hoping for a different result. Even my peers are concerned for my mental health, as I've started laughing maniacally whenever we hit that wondrous 20 minute mark and a Latron/Burston part pops up at the bottom of the screen.


One thing's for sure. When I finally do get this thing, I'm taking a break from this game, and DE's not getting any more of my paycheck until they find an alternative method of giving incentive for buying prime packs, because this is absolutely ridiculous.


You're only laughing at the 20 minute mark? Your peers have nothing to fear, you'll be fine. ;)

Now when you're cackling the entire time... that's when they should worry!


Something needs to be done about the RNG in this game, as the repetition may be its biggest downfall (but sadly, one would assume it's major source of income), though I'm not a fan of any proposed Token Reward system that's cropped up in this endless sea of posts. The game as it is now feels like a bag of coke on a stick dangling in front of us... and we keep reaching out for another fix, but not being able to quite reach it.

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i liked when lower Tier Void Missions could award higher Tier Keys.


that was a neato feature.



but nobody likes playing musical chairs with TI Keys. a perpetual machine might sound useful, but in actual play Players don't really care, Void Keys aren't exactly in low supply. TIV Keys are a little bit i guess, and TIII Keys are a bit Uncommon, but overall Players can collect enough of them on their own without perpetual motion ;)

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ah RNG woes...oh do i have them.


32 T3-Ext and no nyx chassis (had to buy it from someone)

10 T4-Def done so far... no nyx bp (going to 20-30 waves depending on situation or team)

5 T2-Mdef and managed to get helm (not bad)

12 T4-Caps and got Systems (not good but not bad)

20 t1-caps so far...no pouch... surprise surprise (gotten about 12 t2-caps though.


so far i am just barely breaking even on the farming insanity meter but if i do all of my T4-Def i have left (20 of them), and dont get a Bp. I will probably go murder something. i hate Defense missions so #$%%% much.

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Can we please change the basics of how Primes are acquired and built?


Instead of having to farm up multiple completed parts and then perform basic assembly, why can't we use our preexisting resources (Rubedo, Ferrite, and the like) and maybe have a new set of resources (lets just call it "Prime Scraps" for lack of creativity) plus a blueprint in order to build the thing we want?


Then add more blueprints to the Void so that you don't have to farm for a SPECIFIC mission key to get the S#&$ you want.


That way it would be easier to get individual blueprints, Void farming would feel a lot less RNG-based, and people could actually feel like they're making real progression towards getting the specific Prime stuff they want.

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Just to throw in my two cents here, I feel the problem of farming Prime frames, while in itself tedious and overly-reliant on RNG, is significantly compounded by two additional factors: The fact that Void Keys are in themselves RNG, and the fact that all void groups must be made manually.


For the Keys, going after any specific Void part requires you to be lucky on not one, but two RNGs: One in a star chart map, running stock defense / interception / survival nodes in hopes of getting that specific key for that specific mission. After that, it's a second RNG to get what you want out of the Void. If you don't get it, it's back to the star chart node for you, farming the thing you need to get the thing you want.


The second problem comes in the form of the Recruiting channel. If you want to bypass the key farming, the only way that you're getting into the run you want is to sit in the recruiting channel, digging through all the useless "LF X" posts, and waiting until you see someone hosting that run you want, at which point you must scramble to contact them before their group is full. If you don't make it, tough luck. Back to staring at the chat feed for you.


Over the past few weeks, I've been doing a bit of brainstorming, trying to come up with ways to improve the system. I don't want to make it instant gratification, but something to take some of the tedium out and allow a player to batter work for something. Here are a few of my ideas:


1. Key Targeting: A reusable blueprint which includes a key as a resource, among other things. When you build it, you can select one or two drops to remove from the drop table for that specific key, creating a Targeted Void Key.

--Example: You use the blueprint on a T4 Capture key. Upon selecting Build, you are presented with a menu displaying all the T4 Capture drops. There are four possible drops: Bronco Prime Receiver, Akbronko Link, Frost Prime BP, and the Nyx Prime Systems BP. You have Frost Prime already, so you select that. Once the key builds, using it will cause the Frost Prime BP to NOT be included in the possible rewards, leaving three possibilities.

I suppose it would be possible to send the same key through the target blueprint multiple times to narrow it further, but I'm not sure if that's too much compensation for RNG.


2. Void Matchmaking System: Simple enough. implement a matchmaking system for the Void similar to that of the rest of the star chart, along with an algorhythm that ensures at least one person is using a key. However, doing it this way may cause problems to arise in the form of no one wanting to farm keys anymore, so some incentive must be given. I thought of two methods:

a) if you use a key to get into the void, you get a choice between two drops instead of being stuck with one.

b) all players are required to have void keys, but to compensate, void keys are made much easier to get. Perhaps crafted, as with Derelict keys.

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Every time when new primes/weapons/events are released a bunch of complaint threads pop up only to disappear and be forgotten after few weeks. 


DE wants to earn as much money as possible with Prime Access and I understand that and I don't blame them. The whole game has always given players two choices: be patient and repeat the same missions over and over till you eventually get the stuff you want OR pay for a shortcut with your real life money. You have to choose between sacrificing your money and your time. OR you can choose the third option: use your mods and items gained during farming to earn some platinum and then buy the prime parts you are missing.


INB4 "priem parts are too expensive, I can't afford 8723468p for that prime set I want" - look above - do you want to have all the stuff immediately? Pay up. Do you want to save and buy that item for 5p? Be patient, the price will eventually drop.


I do understand the frustration that some of you may experience after doing hundreds of runs and getting the same rewards but you have to ask yourself one question: "why do I play this game?" Most likely the answer is "to have fun".


For me, actually just playing the game is enough and I think Warframe can be compared to playing with Lego bricks. You have a nice set of bricks that you use to build stuff but then you notice that one part that would nicely enhance your collection. You can live without it but you try your best to obtain it.


I don't mind how the void drop tables work because eventually you'll get everything if you are patient enough. However, I wouldn't mind having an alternative that would guarantee me that I get the exact part I want. I guess I just learned to live with the way the things are now.

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I often dont speak about the Void drop table "issue" but I'll throw some ideas in.
In my eyes it seems that the problem most people encounter is the dilution of the table by adding keys as a reward, I never understood this in the first place;why would you run a t1 key to get another t1/t2key? And an easy fix to this would be a token or a way to scrap unwanted parts for a piece of technology which allows you to focus down a part of a warframe. E.G 1-2 Rhino BP's would allow the tenno to buy a certain asset for the mission they are doing which may remove a part from the table or increase the chance of the drop for the part you want, but i thought players might spam this to remove all RNG but maybe it would cost more prime scrap for multiple assets to be used. So therefore if a player wishes to remove all RNG it would cost them a hefty sum of prime scrap.

Another issue: Remove repetition in the void survival/defense/Interception cycles because getting 3 burston recievers in a row on a t4 defense just isnt on, like randomise the cycle they will appear in but just dont let them repeat. So one time i might get a Nyx BP at 15 but in another game i might not get one until 35+
Anywho these are just ideas. 

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Friend, I don't mind spending a good amount of time farming these items, as the grind is enjoyable for me to a certain point.


But when it rapidly approaches that point where I've spent more time farming the same mission over the past week than actually working at my job, it becomes less of a "having fun at the game" experience and more of a "SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, DELIVER ME FROM THIS RING OF HELL" experience.

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700 hours in game, no despair


Then this happened. I'm starting to question my life choices, am I playing the game for the memory of all the fun times i had with my buds who have lost faith in the game, or am i playing because im obsessed with it? I can't evn tell if im enjoying doing the very same missions i did when loki p and rhino p came out over and over and over again like the spinnin wheel of the aradigm


Someone once suggested i go kill myself. The more i get entrenched in the churning repetition that makes my blood boil with envy, anger melancholy, and yes despair,  the more i see why he told me to do so. I enjoy the game, but i don't appreciate it anymore. The same tilesets, the same enemies, the same results hundreds of times, and i now care not for the hard work invested into creating the game, i care for not having fruitful results.




It's hard to wrap my mind around how a game meant to cause me enjoyment is causing me to feel like incinerating the horizon with fiery trials then drawing lines with the blood of my accusers in the sand.


Thankfully, logic tells me, there are ways this can be solved;


a. buy and enjoy prime access

b. stop playing warframe, warframe and no other game besides warframe

c. write a detailed thread with suggestions and ideas only to be shot down by a large amount of the community because the suggestions dont "fit muh style 11010111 1337"

d. pm a dev with those very suggestions and hope I dont burden them with unnecescary suggestions since they seem to have enough work cut out of them  already


I look forward to option 3 soon

Edited by Somedude1000
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