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Which Warframe Have You Had Zero Interest Playing And Why?


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I've tried all the frames and gotten them all to 30 but so far, the ones I just dont come back to or rarely do so are:


Hydroid - I just dont like his skillset and what he can do other frame can do better/without murdering my fps. And while puddle is an interesting skill, it's also just a puddle.


Vauban - I actually bought him with plat after 4 months of waiting for the helmet to appear but nope. Other then in defense missions, AKA grinding Sechura or ODD for xp, I dont see the appeal; that said, sticking your kubrow full of max duration teslas is pretty amusing but that's it.


Ash - I only use him to level up melee weapons when either I need to give Valkyr or Loki a rest. The whole shenanigans with the DS conflicts make me dislike him more, thou I do have a bubblegum coloured Ash, so it's always amusing to see other player's reaction to it.


Bashee - Far too squishy for my likings for solo, I only really use her with I have a buddy using Nova for the slowdown effect to help with sonar and not dying from standing in enemy fire for more then 2 seconds. If Silence was replaced with a better defensive ability or a slow/longer stun, I'd probably use her more.


Trinity - Her lack of offensive powers and the fact that I solo most of the time make her not as fun to me; I use a Max Power Oberon more, his buffs made him WAY more fun to use.


Excalibur - I like him but I just find his skills boring.


Nekros - Only bring him for desecrate, his other skills arent that interesting/useful to me. I might try a SotD build in the future, it might make me like him more.


Volt and Zephyr - I think they are great and fun to use from time to time but their playstyle doesnt suit me well. Just an issue of taste.

Edited by Burq
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I've mastered all 'frames and their prime variants, and keep coming back to all but three I've sold as soon as they hit rank 30. Those are Nekros, Ash and Excalibur. Not only I didn't find any of them visually appealing, but also their skills didn't feel all that interesting enough for me to ever play them again.

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I'm almost rank 13, and I've had Nova built for ages but I just can't bring myself to use her. Thing is I haven't got any real issues with her looks, or abilitys either, it's just...Meh. And judging how she can still nuke everything in sight with the right mods, she'd actually be quiet easy for master fodder but alas, I'm just bloody awkward.


So I've formed a plan and I'm trying to convince the gf that Nova looks like My Little Pony so she'll level her up for me :)

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I have all warframes but 5



Guess I'm over the age of 8 and really don't think the pirate theme is "awesome", in addition to this all his powers are too low on damage to be considered useful in any situation. His tentacle swarm is the most annoying power ever for anyone else than the swashbuckler himself. Making all the loot go everywhere and extend the time it takes to kill anything sure is great. To top it of he can wet himself and keep enemies in his puddle just to keep everyone else waiting for them to pop up again so you can finally kill them. I vividly recall the recruiting tab at the time of his release "hosting odd, NO HYDROID" and for a good reason.



Share the crown along with Hydroid for most annyoing power with tornado. Throws everything and anybody around and about to the great enjoyment of exactly nobody. Can throw herself to the ground without getting smashed (sadly) Create a shield when breaking wind that is not particular useful and has tail wind that can at least be used to cheat most mastery rank tests. Also looks kinda fugly.



I don't know but she has always been such a uninteresting warframe for me. I see a lot of players mention Rhino when they think of boring frames to play but to me she is the epitome of yawn. She also looks like a non straight guy clad in latex trying to pass for a girl, but I just don't see any feminin features there. Her Worm hole ability is pretty descent though.



I have a lobster skirt and can give you the satisfaction of.....errr.......ahem....well of life????.... energy vampire???? ...blessing?????, well excuse me for actually wanting to play rather than watch the other 3 frames have all the fun. She is like the girl in the corner that gets picked last at the school prom dance. No fun, too fat and goody two shoes.



Has a serious cancer tumor on her left shoulder and a chinese fan as a helmet. Features some of the most underwhelming abilities in the game and even though I have received her research multiple times as a login reward nothing about this warframe remotely interests me. Banshee's are usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the underworld. The wail of the banshee would tell of death and instil fear. Sadly she does not live up to her ominous name

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Hydroid - What was that? Magikarp used splash? No thanks.  And I didn't like the look in pirates of the carribean....



Mag - So ugly.  So, so ugly.  Worst, most boring ability set.


Trinity - Speaking of "ugly" and "boring ability sets"....

Edited by Auramau
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Saryn, Ember, and the Banshee.


Saryn - Ok but she felt clunky.


Ember - To easy to get taken down and if it don't die right away you die usually.


Banshee - I tried to level her up TWICE, i could never bring myself to fully level her and sold her both times. She just seemed to awkward for me.

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