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Coming Soon: Devstream #38!


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Re: Directional Air Melee and Zephyr: is there any chance of altering Tailwind so that aerial activations cause Zephyr to ascend (now that we can effect lateral movement without it) without needing to aim upward? I've found myself rarely using Tailwind once airborne (at least when enemies are around), because I prefer to keep targets in sight.

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Q: What about a Mk-1 Skana, and Mk-1 Lato for the sake of consistency? Then make the normal versions be mid game weapons. And, what about making the Mk-1 Braton an actual Mk-1 version of a Braton rather than them having very different stats?

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Q: This is related to the Assassins currently in the game, G3, Stalker, Harvester, and future possible Assassins. In Diablo 3 when their Loot 2.0 came they implemented a system for Legendaries so that as the player kept killing if you had not received a Legendary within a period of time the game would start to increase the chance for a Legendary roll until eventually it was a guaranteed drop. This was done as many players who had been playing the game since release had never seen a Legendary drop in their own play. Are there any plans to put in a safety net system such as this in order to ensure that the Assassin enemies can spawn within a reasonable time frame? As it stands you have cases like myself who have been waiting for the harvester to show up for around 9 months, yet it never spawns, and have the Stalker showing up for marks a year late.


Q: Are there any plans to push out a major enemy update that introduces a good number of new enemies for the 3 factions in the game? Rather then just pushing out 1 new enemy once in the blue moon. In particular the Corpus frankly could use some power armor ground troops (perhaps mercenaries) or non animal based mechs (even if they are something not combat purpose built such as SCVs (space construction vehicles) or power loaders). Compared to the Grineer the Corpus feel lacking in diversity. The Infested are in a similar situation.

Edited by TankHunter678
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Thanks guys. For the DevStream and all your hard work!


Any chance of Braton Prime being looked at? It underperforms heavily compared to other Prime weapons. A buff to crit perhaps? Status? Something to make it stand out a little more would be nice.


Thoughts on buffing rewards from Invasions? Currently, the invasions tend to sit on nodes for quite a while. 3x Gallium, 3x Neural Sensors, etc. might help entice folks to get them done.


Tethra mods returning on a boss similar to how Vor drops Cicero? J3-Golem, perhaps?


Any plans for Dark Sector-esque game modes/nodes/missions that are designed for clans of certain sizes? Ghost versus Ghost for example.


Will the Proto-Excalibur skin be returning and are there plans to do special "one-off" skins for other frames?

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Part of the "Etc" topic:


When are you going to fix Aklato now that its single pistol form deals 50% more damage? I know most people don't seem to care for the weapon in the grand scheme of things (due to it pretty much being a post-starting equipment), but still, it makes it hard for us to even consider using it if its just outright bad.

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Are you ever going to make sideway attacks and backward attack ?

Currently we can only attack in 1 direction - forward. Looking back at Jedi Knight 2 series - there was a great saber melee system with directional attacks, quick and easy combos/moves, but what made it great is that you could just chain your basic moves to make a combo chain.

Why don't we have that in warframe ? Even skyrim has it and bethesda devs are known for lazy animation work..

Making animation for new combos is definitely longer than making for quick directional attacks, so why are you going the hard way ?

Edited by Unibot
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Even if my question is not that related to this subject of the livestream...I still really want to hear your opinion and an answer about this question.

I wanted to ask that when Dev Strean 30(which was talking about bosses) was going to be on twitch...however I could not ask my question because I was abroad for a few weeks :(


Well...here's my question:


The bossfights in warframe are very good...some of them are very challenging...however I'm thinking "how could they do the boss battles even better?"

And you know what came to my mind at that moment? QUICK TIME EVENTS


Yes you heard it,back to the question:


What are you thinking about the idea of having in warframe Quick Time Events in bossfights?

For instance...when you nearly at the point of killing krill...and there's an option to just kill him or executing a QTE cutscene,with all this awsome actions that are done by the tenno that will be done if you mash the right bottons...but lets think...how do you make it work in a real session?

Lets say when more than half of the session succeeds to press the buttons- it's all great and an action will be executed...same goes for missing the QTE...

so in a session of 4,,,if 3 players got the action right...an action will be done and the cutscene will continue(until the final action when you actually kill him ^^)

And if the QTE fail..you can't do it again for that same session and you will be forced to kill the boss in the normal way


Anyway what do you think of this idea? and what do you think in general about QTE in warframe?


Thanks,i really hope to see this question answerd in the stream

Edited by PROzeKToR
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Two questions that bother me:


1) Will you make melee a little more free for us in the future? Like being able to maybe have a set of moves tied 3 different keys and thus being able to choose if we may do a downslide slash or an uppercut or directly stab instead of just fighting the enemy with the same 3 attacks over and over and trying to pull of a complicated combo with one key?

I mean that maybe it would be expanded to having three keys, e would do a normal slash, r would do uppercut slash, w would do a stab forward and d a slash downward. Like this players could choose how they want to attack and it might make melee more interessant then just fancy.


2) When will parkour get an improvement? We now surely feel like stiff warrior deities, but when will we get swifter movement  and being able to move much more freely? For example , we can not choose the direction the wall run will do, only the height. Will there maybe be a tweak in which the sign of the cursor will choose if we run upward or downward?


Thanks and I hope my questions will be answered.

Edited by MihawkDulacr1
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Q: Are there still plans and/ or ETA when the tutorial mission will be (re)playable? I have been asked to make a playthrough of it for my friends channel to start off my WF contrubution there. But since I did the mission before I can't access it anymore :(
For now the workaround seems to be to make a new "ghost" account?

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Platinum Prices on the market. Any plans to revisit them?

It looks to me everybody will spent more platinum if prices were a bit more relevant.


90pt for 30000 credits.

30pt for 9 000 credits.


Anyone can get a T4 key for 2-5 pt on chat. But random mods cost 75 pt for 5 pack

Anyone can get rare mod for 5 - 20 pt in trading chat, but you charge 90pt for random pack with only 2 rare mods.


You can buy Rhino Prime Full Set for 40 - 80 pt, but regular Rhino cost 375 pt, prime version is cheaper, even considering slot, reactor and rush cost.


Rush cost, you talked about it some time ago, but nothing changed, 3 days warframe rush cost 50pt and last 10 minutes rush is 50pt.


Forma 24 hours, rush cost 10pt

Mutagen Mass 12 hour cost 25pt.


I think i would use rush more often, as for now i only rush thing only if am going to use them now, no way i am going to start crafting today and rush tomorrow.

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Q1: Will we ever have Chako-meele?


Q2: Will we have beside immortal skin other skins?


Q3: Will we have more warframe attachments beside syandana and armor to make the customization more unique and individuell?

Edited by Tyreuzs
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Will the old primes ever get passives since the newer ones are?


Will Frost Prime ever get a visual rework, since the only difference on his frame is a gold helmet and changing some tints on his model to gold?


What Frames are up next for buffs? (Pls don't start nerfing frames again).

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will weapons that are considered weak (starting weapons, mk1 weapons, some other weapons) get buffs to be viable, or atleast making some way to upgrade weak weapons so they can stand agaist harder enemys and since these weak weapons cant be fixed with potatos or mods.





My idea how to make these weak weapons viable over time (not instantly but we could make kits to buff them over time)


Edited by omegaskorpion
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1) Is there going to be an improvement in the trade system? 

2) How is the Lore expansion coming?

3) Is there a fusion system which able to fuse two warframes into a single warframe?

4) Is there armor,helmet and cape for the kubrows?

5) Is there a movie that features the game? :)

6) How about the dojo 2.0, some love for the dojo improvements? Maybe adding chairs, round table that can allow players to interact with the facilities (can be quite boring with obstacle and dueling as the only most captivating choices)

7) Is there going to be a clan cape? 

8) Maybe adding NPCs around the tileset in gameplay, more life to it :)

9) I was a little curious on how the kubrow extract the mission with me.. :P

10) What about removing the host migration whenever in gameplay? :)


Edit: If above has been mentioned, i would need links as i might have missed some primetimes or devstreams. Just to make sure everything's okay ;)

Thanks DE for wonderful game experience as well, looking foward to taste the new contents ;D

Edited by Sonicz
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1) Are there any plans to add a new solar system (i.e. Fomorian home system)?

2) Although the aerial direction attack is promising, are there any considerations on allowing melee strike zones to follow the Y-axis of the camera or changing the attack based on angle of elevation?

3) Can there be options to "Always/prefer host" and "Never host" for public games or to allow a squad to choose a host with recommendations?

4) How are the plans for the social hubs coming and will they allow for player shops?

5) Are there going to be different mission types for Arcwings (i.e. assault, defend, evade/escape)?

6) When are excavation missions going to replace planet survivals?

7) Will Gate Crash-like missions be coming back with Arcwings?

8) Is it possible to have the Affinity Bonus challenge window to be displayed on the Esc menu?

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