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Coming Soon: Devstream #38!


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Q. seeing as you generally end an update with an event, how about you start with one, to toss in the last orokin towers that some people have been asking about and quick access to archwing or perhaps another quest where we wake up more tenno to continue the interesting story line?

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Revisit streamlining the UI so i can switch configs without needing to press 15 buttons.

Also revisit having the ability to switch difficulty for missions, this one of the main reason the game is boring. After you get almost everything and have it a max the rest becomes a chore to do because it poses no challenge. People have to purposely limit themselves to have some fun.


This are key issues people.

Say if you are going to deal with them or not. At least have a answer so people know what to expect.

Yes UI is bad now, make arsenal accessible with ONE click not five pleaaasse.


Oh and fighting bullet sponges is what is a chore, I love feeling the power Ive work hard to have so a difficulty slider would be nice, I like having fun and not die because some people want to suffer while playing.

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Q: Hey DE I was wondering when we would start seeing the Stratos Missions again? I log in all the time and never see them, please don't tell me you are dropping them, because it is one of those fun game options that all players can play and earn cool rewards. Also I really want to see my Startos Emblem evolve.

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I want more pink shorts!

Now the question:


Will we ever see rewards for completing a Mastery Challenge, such as the choice between 2 Weapon slots or a Frame slot?

Not necessarily for each mastery Rank, seeing as one of the biggest streams of revenue would be(?) from Slot purchases.



Steve Fix the Mastery Rank up bug (loading screen then back on the Liset) :P

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Do you all have any plans to revisit the clan Dojo, namely alternate tilesets, more furnishings, and how certain rooms require other room prerequisites (Greater halls can't be placed till a Great Hall has been built first, that sort of thing)?

People like me enjoy creating our little spot in the galaxy, and although Warframe provides this sort of thing with clan Dojos, I feel as it doesn't have a whole lot of "Ease of access" functionality.

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Very excited about the topics of this devstream, especially melee being brought back up. I put forth some questions about it two stream topics ago but they unfortunately weren't brought up.


If you don't mind, I'll be copy/pasting:


My top questions for you guys would be:

1. Have you considered the concept of all melee weapon loadouts, and if so, would you like to make that happen in the future?

2. As a followup to question 1, would you guys be willing to make weapon switching instant, as well as have animation frame cancelling to better facilitate combo chains? If not, why?

3. Have you considered giving dodge roll an improved animation or speeding it up, or perhaps replacing it with a less pacebreaking maneuver for melee mode such as a dash? Alternatively, have you considered giving weapons more lunging features that are instantly performable from an input rather than from traveling down a combo branch?

4. Aside from future Tyl Regor, can we expect more intricate melee based enemies in the future that have slightly improved combat functionality and can engage in more fluid looking duels with the Tenno?


5. A bit of a wild question, and I'm not sure if this is a thing you guys can modify very easily, but have you considered playing around with the game's base "speed"? As in, increasing everything by about 20% or so. I feel like this would go a long way towards making the game more fluid. On a related topic, have you guys considered improving the Tenno's mobility and agility as a whole, and do you consider double or even triple jumps as mechanics that could have a place in the game?

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But in all seriousness, when will we get a solid story for the game? Right now there is only little bits and pieces, and sometimes what you (DE) have considered canon seems to conflict. The one example that I can think of is the Mirage quest and Warframe, we were told by you guys (DE) that the Warframes have different Tenno in each one, but Mirage died and we (the players) recreate her Warframe then we are able to "Equip" it.


Also, if I have somehow missed something in the Mirage quest that actually explains this then please let me know.

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question: is there any thoughts on if you will (give an option) slow down the game  (as there is too much rushing)

e.g. make enemies have higher health but lower damage & smaller maps so people don't feel like going 100mph through the tile set (and maybe encourage to look for those secrets you hide)

and since you don't hear it enough... THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS GAME! <3

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Q: When can we expect a major update to clan dojos? There are currently several bugs/issues with them, including spawning and getting stuck inside placed decorations, and my least favorite, being unable to delete rooms that are part of a loop without deleting all the rooms built after it in that loop. Additionally it is rather tedious to have to MANUALLY tear down, then rebuild rooms over the course of several days or weeks to redo the floor plan, especially when you make a mistake and realize something won't fit where you thought it would. It would be nice to make a dojo planer UI where those with Architect permission can create a final dojo layout, which will auto-queue the rooms as they're built, even allowing resources to be allocated ahead of time. It would also be nice if we could rearrange rooms that are already built with it so we have a head start and save time.

Edited by DrazeA
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Why not put weapons on a lisset and have space ship fights to infiltrate solar rails, and grineer battle ships as well as corpus warships, from lessets to archwing tenno to ground warfare on the rails both sides attacking and defending sides and first to destroy the generator does damage to the other side? that would be pretty epic.

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Q: Rework of combo system, WHEN? It's simply impossible to maintain a combo counter in corpus/grineer, even with a radial disarm Loki or a teleport/blade storm Ash outside of Infested. My suggestion: combo count begin to decrease in a slow rate rather than simply vanish. 

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PLZ answer questions about melee horizontal-lock


why can we not have mid-air melee (not just the ground slam, for instance glaive cannot be thrown in mid-air, nor can a sword be swung while jumping to hit an osprey)


why does melee not track at the crosshair? why is fighting crawlers on stairs so cumbersome? more diverse level design only makes this problem worse


can we at least get an 'uppercut' or downward slash type of melee attack for each weapon?

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 I have a few questions that are probably not that very mainstream. Mostly these are taken from both general and non-general feedback forums:


1. In-Game Asynchronous Communication (player to player mail system): Will you guys implement some kind of mail system that allows us to talk to each other if we aren't online?


2. New Trade System: I know there's been a lot of talk about auction houses (But thats a bad idea in my opinion). That being said, do you have any plans to implement some kind of market system, and if so will it be tied to the new space hubs?


3. DOJO!: Dojo's haven't seen some love in a while, is there going to be any significant work going to be done on these in the future? People are asking for new rooms, new obstacle courses, more decorations, and PLEASE GOD PLEASE some kind of dojo planer thing.


4. Liset Where do we stand on Liset customization and will we ever see each other fly our ships in the loading screen? Bonus question: Liset Prime anybody?


5. RNG: Have you guys ever thought about making it Pseudo - RNG, meaning that the less soemthing drops the more likely it is to drop in the future? And if so, where are we on that?


 I think these are the ones I can think of now.


Edit: I did think of one more: Recruitment System for Clans: Maybe having a recruitment page where clans buy an ad. How do you feel about that kind of system?

Edited by Lakitel
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All I have to say 


> We need better visual feedback for melee. à La PSO2  or like in most fighting games


> Lephantis should be meleeable to some degree. it's really frustrating to be unable to slice the biggest infested around

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Referring to this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/317421-modsweapons-that-are-pointlesslyinexplicably-weak/


Are there any plans to go back and buff the numbers for mods like Freeze and Electric damage mods, pistol critical damage and melee critical chance mods, etc. (there is a long list in the thread there)? Perhaps long ago, these weaker numbers were justified but now only serve to make these mods relatively useless and limit the options players have in maximizing their mod loadouts.

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Q: In your eyes, is each Warframe a character or it's one Tenno that can wear multiple frames? If it's the second how do you explain the "instant sex change" that occurs when a new frame is equiped?


Thanks! Keep up the good work! :P


This, even if the Devs don't want to answer the question. At least ask it. If they are deliberately keeping it vague, let them say so.

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