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The Most Feared Warframe


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Which warframe do you think we should be most afraid of?


The most terrifying warframe is without a doubt Saryn. She has the ability to MELT YOU WITH THE POWER OF HER MIND. Or with the power of space ninja science and evil ginko biloba, I forget. But still, being turned into Tenno Gumbo is the worst possible way to go.

There's also her pesky ability to cause your flesh to erupt with grotesque boils filled with virulent toxic pus. What the hell, Saryn!?

The most dangerous warframe is of course Banshee, being able to split entire WORLDS apart. The reason there are so few Banshees alive is because they've been hunted almost to extinction, no one wants to find out what a rogue Banshee is capable of. Banshees also fight among themselves Highlander-style, in epic world-wrecking battles, with lighting storms and whirlpools and tornados and volcanos erupting everywhere, because there can only be One.


Also, Ash teleporting into your face can be pretty goddamn terrifying lol

Edited by DarkTails
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Hydroid. You know why...


In reality though, all of them. 




Volt can electrocute you, Hydroid can [REDACTED] you, Saryn can melt you, Banshe can kill you with sound (there was an episode of Game Theory on that type of thing), Nova can blow you up, Excalibur can cut you to ribbons, Oberon can literally smite you, Nyx can make you do whatever SHE wants you to do (not sure if gusta), and the list goes on...


The only warframe I wouldn't mind being against in a 1 on 1 is probably Trinity. the worst she could do to me with her abilities is 75% of what I do to her, unless they haven't changed how Energy Vampire and Well of Life work together. 

Edited by Imaru12
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There are a lot of bad deaths when facing Tenno. Saryn being one of the worst.


Something as implacable as Valkyr definitely has the power to terrify, especially considering what's going to happen when she catches you--and she can't be stopped. 


Still, the one that stands out as the most fearsome is the otherwise relatively unassuming Nyx. She can rip the very thoughts out of the heads of her opponents and turn the tide of any battle. There's simply no defense and you might not even know she's there until she upends your reality.


Definitely Nyx. And Nyx Prime.

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Oberon can literally smite you


rofl, I forgot about Archangel Oberon, he waves his fiery sword and udderly utterly smites the wicked, or anyone else who makes fun of his hooves.



Valkyr. Once a month you have to buy LOTS of chocolate to prevent a disaster from happening.


*pets Val-kitty*



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So considering all warframes are unarmed, then it means Loki is the ambassador of peace? he can radial disarm the entire world and free the world from guns. Don't think any country will invade the other country just to swing a stick.

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I was going to say Valkyr, considering she is very angry and if pissed off could enter an unstoppable rage clawing whatever pissed her off to pieces. But I find it hard to be scared of her because she's just the cutest. I can honestly say that if Valkyr was in the process of ripping me apart, I wouldn't be screaming "AAAAAAARRGH!!!" but instead going "AWW!", moments before becoming a bloody pile of flesh.

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I'm already afraid of being in the same match as one for all the crashes.




In keeping with the thread...


Nova. Radiation is nasty stuff to control, and if she is capable of generating high a ouput at will, then she will always be emitting an unhealthy baseline.

(I work in a related field IRL...)

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The only warframe I wouldn't mind being against in a 1 on 1 is probably Trinity. the worst she could do to me with her abilities is 75% of what I do to her, unless they haven't changed how Energy Vampire and Well of Life work together. 

You do realize that she can instantly undo all the damage you somehow managed to do to her and then casually beat you to death with her bare hands, because she's still a magical ninja supersoldier wearing power armor.


Let's face it. If I turned around and saw a Tenno, any Tenno, standing behind me, I would run screaming.


Oh wait. Mirage would probably freak me out the most. Because if the lore is any indication, she has a habit of laughing as she fights. And she looks like a clown.


Goddamn clowns.

Edited by Tahaneira
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