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"so What Are You Waiting For!" I'm Waiting For You To Die, Ordis.


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I haven't encounter this glitch yet, but really? It's a @(*()$ glitch. Get over it, it's not by intentional design. How about we hate him when he is actually functioning, hmm? Jeez, you all need to stop thinking with your damn wieners. 



Edit: Unless I am wrong and it is not a glitch.

It's not even about hate...


Read this thread again.

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How long do you people stay on the Liset? Seriously, I spend more time ingame than on the ship. He doesn't talk that much.

The problem is he says the same damned thing every time you return from a mission for the entire 36 hours Archwing is building.


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Never ceases to amaze what will annoy people, and how easily soooooo many gamers get annoyed by voices that imo aren't all that bothersome.


Seriously I don't know how that grates on soooo many peoples nerves... Would annoy me a lot more if ordis sounded like a fat guy slobbering all over a sandwich or something...

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It's the shouting "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR" every three minutes that absolutely drives me bonkers. I plan to rip ordis out and give him to my kubrow for a chew toy.

THIS. lol. I really love U15, everything about it was rally good for me, but Ordis broke my immersion again. I just imagine Warframe to be more serious and less cute/silly.

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I both want new Cephalons to pick from, and many, many more lines for each of them so that they do not become as stale as Ordis has. I want a glitchy Suda as my Cephalon, and I shall call her SHODAN.


I also want to be able to turn off the Ordis and Lotus screen popups in the Liset. It is really annoying when they are constantly covering up my color pallets while I am customizing my gear.

Oh yes, dear old SHODAN. The creepiest ***hole I have ever encountered. "L-l-look at you hackers... P-pathetic creatures made of meat and bone walking through my corridors... H-how could you challenge such an immortal, perfect machine..." and her voice is made up of many people talking at once. Try searching for a audio clip.

Please, I want choices of Cephalons. Like maybe an old Orokin one, an extremely glitchy and hostile one, a sarcastic one... someone like SHODAN...

Edited by MeowTezu
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I hate Ordis...worst addition since those imbicilic arc traps. It reminds me of what George Lucas did to the prequal trilogy, for some reason there was nobody to speak up and say...dude...jar jar (arctraps/ordis)...is like super dumb. Don't add that, it's not funny (fun) in any way.

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Never ceases to amaze what will annoy people, and how easily soooooo many gamers get annoyed by voices that imo aren't all that bothersome.


Seriously I don't know how that grates on soooo many peoples nerves... Would annoy me a lot more if ordis sounded like a fat guy slobbering all over a sandwich or something...


I find it weird myself. I never found him annoying really. 

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Honestly just wish I could have the option to turn off AI in the Liset but have them active while playing. Usually Lotus isn't that bad in-game, but Ordis is just beyond annoying while in the ship.


I'll just keep them muted until I can turn them off completely while in the ship.

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I don't mind him, but the whole WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? Was funny perhaps the first 2 or 3 times. After that..I agree, definitely annoying.


And now that I have the Limbo quest, he keeps yammering about garbled code. While I don't mind it as much, I also agree that it's extremely repetitive.


There needs to be a better way to let the player know they have quests pending. Perhaps have the codec screen glow red or something. Then, when you activate it, the Quests button will be glowing red. Click that, and you'll see what quests are pending in - you guessed it - a red glow. Finally, when you click THOSE, THAT'S when Ordis chimes in.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I unabashedly detest this claptrap-esque, unfunny, screeching and thoroughly annoying voice in my Liset. 


Warframe was majestic, dramatic, and all the things that space ninjas wielding swords on distant starships ought to be. Ordis is what would happen if if the Observer had been tipped over a desk by a drunken Claptrap on a regrettable evening of poor decisions. 


Please count my vote as firmly on the side of slitting this abomination's digital vocal cords and replacing ... it ... with some semblance of utility and dignity.


one day... i dream... about DE letting us buy a cephalon replacement, and then i will buy a  female ordis with a sexy voice, or a daughter of cephalon suda <3

The only solution is to destroy the Liset. Then you'll be wandering in the space ...


just like the good old days... :sigh:

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Did you tried the limbo's interception quest for the systems?






Me, after the 10th time losing connection:




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Go to settings, and go to audio, turn Ordis Volume Off.



Dosent really help with the visual cues (text boxes) whenever he speaks, but its definetly a good start, now they just need to give us the option to turn those off too..

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I really dislike the Ordis popup. It seems to always popup when I'm reading something that "needs" covering. That's really annoying to be trying to figure something out and this stupid non-essential dialog pops up for no real reason.

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