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The Legend Of John Prodman


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I was being chased by a Prodman today. He chased me all over the map, and when I finally stopped to turn around and shoot him in the face, he didn't attack me. My weapon aimed at his silvery box head of his, he stood there, not even attempting to attack. I stopped aiming, looked at him, and wondered. Why didn't you hit me. He was trying to tell me something...



I had made a friend, maybe somebody I had fought beside in an invasion mission against the Infested. He felt no need to hurt me, nor did I feel any reason to cause conflict... We stood there, admiring each other, wondering what we could possibly do next; why are we even fighting...







Then, in an instant, that seemed to last a lifetime... he was shot down in cold blood by my fellow Tenno...


I will never know his reason behind never attacking... only that he wanted a friend, and he had chosen me.




If he really was John Prodman the bullet would have stopped and turned around and killed the one who shot at him.



No Tenno can kill the invincible John Prodman.

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Love that Arc its the BEST IT HAS F*%#@ LIGHTSABERS

Not to mention that Kirito's beam saber literally sounded like a light saber, because the creators sampled the sounds from starwars and then used them without altering them whatsoever. XD


But yeah, it was good, though I have to say, personally I liked the SAO arc and the Caliburn arc more, and I'm really looking forward to the Mother's Rosario arc, it looks really good. GGO might have been my least favorite, but I think that's due to the lack of Asuna being in the arc.

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Am I taking the Corpus' side in all these invasions because I want the Brakk? Or am I simply hoping for a glimpse of my hero, Prod-senpai?


Even just thinking about prod-senpai, sakura petals are falling and my heart beats a steady doki doki.

I promise I'll do my best!


I hope senpai will notice me...

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I love this, whenever their is a tale, or legend in real life; from what we know about history people respond in exactly the same way.

With poems, writing, spoken tales, claims, false claims.

Edited by Jamblls
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John Prodman is the Chuck Norris of Warframe (or at least Corpus).


This is prime material (#seewhatIdidhere) for an event (or mini-event).


There should be 3 reward tiers:


1) Dominating Hero: stance


2) John's Prova: another Prova variation, superior to the Prova Vandal. 


3) John's Fists: an upgraded Obex.


John Prodman in normal form would already be Eximus-power level, and have eximus powers. The Eximus version would be uber-powerful. 

John Prodman has the mobility of Warframes. Sliding, coptering, wallrunning. 


After the  event, occasionally Corpus invasion rewards would occasionally reward John Prodman's specters, and killing John Prodman would also provide John Prodman's specters for the players. They wouldn't be available in any other form. 

Edited by BrazilianJoe
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