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Update 15.2.0


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Seriously though DE what is this mess called a patch...? Ruining the last good thing about excal and put nonsensical limitations on abilities that shouldn't even be affected by such limitations. (magnetic fields aren't stopped by walls or "line of sight"! or how the new way javelin works as described by the dev team lol) Let alone have a need for such limitations other than an overreaction to a problem because people want to exploit a system that's too grindy to begin with. You guys could have removed the interception, could have made a hard cap on how much rep you could get per mission or you could have even put an enemy spawn limit on mission types. nerfing 3 frames that didn't need it was a bit far and you know it. if you don't know that then it's time for a break...if you guys are just overworked take some time off and get more people on the team to break up the workload and while you're at it get some people to read forums for suggestions because there are many good ideas that would fix some of the problems with this game such as this viver thing people are probably still exploiting mind you with different things. i personally expect these nerfs to mag, excal and trinity to be undone next patch and maybe some kind of repermendment for the uncalled for nerfing and outcry this has caused, but then again at this point i honestly don't care how this is handled.  nerf all not just a few...this patch feels targeted and hateful. (excal looks like this game's figurehead but he's the weakest of the bunch in almost every regard?) 


This says it all..........

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So you nerf Excal, Mag and Trinity into oblivion, making them practically useless, only to get rid of an exploit that you've introduced yourselves with ANOTHER stupid grindwall?

I remember a couple updates ago, during a dev streaml, it was said that "we're going to reduce the grind" and now what do we get? Even more grind!


Fix the problem, not the (at least for the players) solution.

I understand Viver was an "exploit" but we wouldn't have to use exploits if the game mechanics wouldn't be such nonsense.

You need a combined 311.070 points to reach max syndicate rank if you don't buy anything. Anyone else see how ridiculously tedious and repetitive this will be for endgame players? Because it seems the devs think we love grinding to be the only thing for us to do in the game.

Edited by Flashie
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Now, Im all for the Syndicate system, I think its a great and much needed step in the right direction but, the changes to the mechanics of the game that are coming BECAUSE of it, are causing us to revert backwards.  You do NOT and I repeat NOT, create a forum on how to fix certain warframe abilities that last for almost a month, only to immediately change things back to the way they were with a few extra bells and whistles just to 'fix' an exploit on ONE map and/or game mode in the game.  That's ludacris and asinine, and Excalibur has to pay the price for it.


Also, Changing only the warframes that were involved in the exploit, is, by far, an extremely heavy handed approach to solving a very simple problem.  To justify the claim I just made, lets take a look at the new Shield polarize, which has been a focal point in the recent nerf.   The power is now affected by "Line of sight" like the other powers, which is grudgingly acceptable (Not by me personally but by enough people that it should be noted), but at the cost of this, the power no longer effects the caster because said caster CAN NOT SEE THEMSELVES, due to warframes not having eyes (Im guessing on the reason, but regardless, the point is the same).  Now, because of this, people who played a different role using Mag and or Mag Prime, and did not simply "press 4 to win", cannot continue forward with the same comfort they once had.  They can no longer recharge their own shields which puts them in more danger than necessary for the warframe.


Lastly (to some degree), there is Energy Vampire.   Im simply going to place this scenario and leave it be.

There is a corpus prodman,  He is being attacked with energy vampire.  He is facing away from me, and I am not looking at him.  We are virtually back to back but are not touching one another.   The caster trinity is trying to refill my depleted energy, because well, its empty.   But, since neither I nor the prodman are aware of each others existence, I cannot benefit from the effects of energy vampire.   This scenario should never, ever, be possible but with the new 'line of sight' function it is all too common.


These 3 'changes' to powers are not, in any way, needed to fix the issue at hand, Syndicate gain.   That alone is the ONE issue that needs to be addressed, and once it is solved, all the other chips will fall into place. You would not need to nerf any warframes and or their powers, you wouldn't have to change the amount of loot for 'performance'


Im trying to contain my anger at the recent patch to avoid disciplinary actions from the devs/moderators so Im going to come back and finish this post later.

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I don't post often, but this is an incredibly disappointing method of resolving your syndicate grind issue.

Give us an alternative way to earn larger, more realistic chunks of reputation or just leave us alone. There are so many potential options that would be incredibly easy to implement that could alter rep farming. 

To name a few:

Give standing for defeating the platoons that hunt you down, maybe a small boost per eximus kill, bonus standing for clearing bosses, implement syndicate versus mode in conclave nodes (then people might actually play conclave and you'll actually feel some kind of tension toward other tenno you meet), and/or have rep be gained over time instead of through affinity. Or here's a wild idea. Let us keep some of our standing after ranking up so we don't feel like we're not being rewarded at all for putting effort into grinding up the syndicates. 

As many others have stated, this hasty nerfing of our warframes is unwarranted and is only making the game as a whole, less enjoyable, and even more of a grind. If your goal was to push your supporters away you're doing a damn fine job.

I've been playing for a long time.. and this is one of the crappiest things you've put us through yet.

I think you owe the community an apology and should revert these nerfs immediately. If you don't like viver, fix the syndicates, put a temporary tact alert on viver to keep the veteran players you seem to despise from exploiting it. Or just slow down the damn spawns. There is no reason in a fast paced game like this that LoS should hinder AoE abilities to this degree. 

Sometimes I wonder if you even play the game and test things before implementing them.


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There are so much stuff in the game that needs fixing, and you guys just keep on nerfing fun out of the game.


Thousand and one time THIS.


Nerf Fun = Angry Community

Angry Community = Bad Reputation

Bad Reputation = Low playerbase 

Low playerbase = Less cash


Pretty much every F2P I played, devs nerfed fun at least three times.

SMNC , TF2 , Combat Arms , Soldier Front , Offensive Combat (R.i.P) , Loadouts and plenty more...




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I never said it justified the extreme measures taken (And I'm against them).

I'm just trying to figure out why they were so extreme and swift, when many other issues have been clinging for long.

This takes us to another problem, the infamous taxi system. But I guess that's food for another day.


Paraphrasing a discussion in DE studios:


A: Listen, we have a couple of things going on with this new Warframe, Limbo. It's really easy to use him to grief and prevent players from completing missions...

B: Not right now. Our playerbase has found a way to bypass our absurd grind. This can't be allowed, they can't know that there are tons of non-working and bugged mods among Syndicate rewards, locked beyond months of grinding.

A: But... We'll fix that, that's no problem.


A: ...Ok. Isn't rep grinding done by exploiting Interception spawn mechanics on Viver, a small tileset map?

B: Oh, that's the one where they use Trinity and Mag and Excalibur for farming, right?

A: Yes.

B: Good. Nerf all the skills that were used to farm it into the ground.

A: ...All right. What about the map itself? How do you want to fix that?

B: Make the mission start with all points capped for the enemies

A: But that won't fix the spawn mechanic issue, we already got feedback from our community members and...

B: Just do it.

A: It will also cause higher level Interception mission in other planets and Archwing to become really, really hard, maybe even impossibl


A: Ok. What about Limbo?

B: Was he used in this Viver farming thingie?

A: Yes.

B: How? Which skill?

A: Well, not exactly a skill, just a bug that stacked energy regen on his allies.

B: Fix that.

A: What about his other bugs and all the griefing issues?

B: Too much work. Just do the nerfs, fix Limbo and release the patch.

A: ...


And thus U 15.2 was born. The worst patch in Warframe history.

Edited by Yurilica
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  • Removed Neural Sensor Requirements from Large Restore Crafting Recipes.


Thank you very much DE :)

Now Please tell me, this extends to ALL the large team restores?!?

IE, have u removed all the rare resourse requirements from all the large team restores?

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thanks for your updates, DE






how one node changed the game. along with the 50 mod limit thing, you guys are so quick to nerf but where are all the other changes that we've been asking for so long? who's fault is it? Viver? or the Syndicates that created such a grindwall in the first place.


with such a system behind the Syndicates, you can guarantee exploits will be found and abused. if this is a part of your endgame, i hope you put this into consideration.  but i am excited to see what comes next, so keep at it!

This is just sad. You let one aspect of the game (Syndicate farming) control almost all the others.

This is not the way to go.

Just came back to Warframe after a year long break and while I haven't even looked at Syndicated in depth yet, they already affected my gameplay in such a way that I feel like giving the whole thing a break again.

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Update 15.2.0


Warframe Changes:


  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).


Sense in such an imbalance in relation to these characters? Time for that matter do all Warframes line of sight when targeting enemies. Or you feel sorry that someone will pump faster reputation and who is not? Oh yes you are planning to enter the boosters that enhance the reputation of the players that they spend money on them.

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Soo 2000 + hours every weapon and frame in the game (except founders - oh how i am glad i didn't take that road now), usually 99% of the time changes are ok but now and again well they just are not thought through before the hammer hits. 


I woke up this morning and booted WF - Thought ooooo hotfix time and proceeded to read the notes :( oh dear, I wish i hadn't. Yes i ran viver and with the need for 240,000 rep points to max a syndicate rep and the feeble amount of rep points from other missions for the last few days i jumped on the bandwagon to try to accrue some of the rep. 


Yes viver was flawed but it was flawed because of your own game mechanic DE and it was abused because of a system you yourselves put in place. But.....


Instead of fixing the core issue, you all but destroyed the use of 3 frames - no longer can mag stand up to corpus (they hide behind everything available) over level 40 putting yourself in direct line of fire in an open map is suicide. Magnetic forces anyone????


Excaliber LOS WTF are you kidding me radial blind was the first of your poster boys powers to get it - now radial javelin (straight after his buff no less) and his other 2 powers will not keep him alive in a T3 or T4 run.


And finally Trinity, wow she has had a hard time with the hammer of nerf, first blessing, now energy vamp :( - is this ever going to stop ?


See the thing is DE many other frames and a 4 player team with energy siphon + restores can easily keep up enough energy to farm on viver, A different set of AOE frames whilst not quite as efficient can do a similar job what will happen then? Are you just going to nerf every weapon and frame until we have no way to kill anything ? 


Change VIVER it isn't rocket science and you would not have gotten 39+ pages of grief in doing it :/

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That's incredibly disappointing that the frames got nerfed because of one node being particularly powerful, especially when the node itself got nerfed too. What reason was there to nerf both? I kinda feared we'd see the frames get nerfed and not the node, didnt expect a nerf for both. Hopefully we see those frame changes reverted or atleast adjusted, nerfing them because of them being powerful on a particular node is ridiculous, and I never even played Viver.

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Disappointed the fact frames gets addition nerf, team work nerf everything nerf. Instead of introduce better gameplay to solve the problem. Viver farm was mindless grind, laughable for endgame play, but we were waiting for a better way to get reps in a more sensible play style.




I'll to be honest and blunt for the feedback on this problem solving, it feels straight up lazy.

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I like Warframe, but I feel it has made a wrong turn. 


Changing interception to 'no neutral nodes' already goes a long way to avoid the infinite level-up issue, since enemies will grow to ludicrous power levels sooner, as the players can't be forever in a single message decode. 


Slapping LoS on every skill is the wrong way to go, especially on level 4 skills. 

I understand that level 1-2 skills should in most cases follow LoS. Perhaps there may be exceptions.


But level 4 skills? That's the usual oh-S#&$ button. If you make them less effective, you are just robbing the players of what makes Warframe unique, which are room-clearing awesome space ninja magic powers. 


You've gone such lengths to make Excalibur a top-tier again, And now you savagely ripped off his claws. Radial Javelin was nerfed to Radial Javelin MK-I. I could suggest you to buff damage if you plan to keep LoS in the ultimate power. But I really think level 4 skills need no explanation to go through walls.


In Mag's case, you should take another look at it, because she might need a buff somewhere else to compensate, or just plainly revert this change. Otherwise she will drop into the garbage bin. 


And Mag is supposed to be the best frame against Corpus/Shields.


In Trinity's case, as a support character, it would be better if you balanced the skill some other way. One possible compensation for this nerf is to make an enemy killed while the skill is active to drop an energy orb (besides the default loot). 



The amount of negative backlash is huge, and you should listen to your community, despite the fact that some people don't choose the best words for  it. 


Perhaps it's also a matter of bad communication. Do you plan to stick LoS to "every" direct damage skill (Crush, Miasma, etc)? Make it clear. But if you don't plan to do that, Excal needs its power back. Really. 


And make up for nerfing Mag and Trinity elsewhere, to make them more effective. 

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I think this update broke the Guinness record of hate... btw not participating in the moustache thing, since I already uninstalled the game.


Also, No need to be dramatic, as old players pack up their things and go 100 new players replace them. WF is far from dying.


Have fun peeps, I hope this gets addressed properly...

Edited by ArchPhaeton
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And these nerfs just to extend the "content"? Do you really call this "content"?

Why all these line-of-sight changes? Write some lore (that's a good one) articles about how powers work. Bring in some physics explanation, best sci-fi is the one the seems possible after all. It worked the one way before, but then suddenly you decided to make a change. Why now? Why not earlier? Right, people beating "content" too fast.


On the side note: Please. Please stop nerfing the strong. Buff the weak instead. What are trying to achieve? Balance? In PvE focused game? There are frame that are not very popular, there frames that are. You dont make something bad look better by making something good worse.

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this is slowly turning to a wow clone, i see this coming. i know alot of people play this game BECAUSE it was different but you let one nod change what 3 frames after giving us all the abilities ( which i hated when you did that, you really took the ONE major aspect of the game that alot of us enjoy, being able to customize, actually customize). i really did like this game, but quite honestly the more you make us HAVE to depend on squads, the more your taking the power of from players, i remember when me and my clan mates use to be able to 2 team no shield missions, they were still challenging, but we would plan before heading in, now we have to recruit randoms or go to public. have you ever played with randoms DE??? do you know what they do?? no, they charge the mission, ( while some of us are still loading in which is very smart right? we definitively need that kind of help in a lvl 30 to 40 no shield alert) and you have to baby sit instead of doing the mission, and this is crap. i would rather have a plan go through smoothly 2 teaming a mission then having 2 guys i never played with die over and over and then blame me or die before i even load in. so yea i find this nerfing of mag, excal, and trinity way out of line. viver was a tough mission regardless. funny thing is if you didnt give us all abilities, you would have less people able to grind on there. some people were built and forma so there was no way they could easily just change from a certain build to the other nekros is the perfect example of this and you know it that you cant have a max descrate build and have terrify max both working efficiently at the same time and before this update 15 i had a pure descrate nekros i dumped hours in. and now any old nerkos just change a few mods and become that build??? yea i find it horrible, you wanna stop people from easily grinding on viver?? you should take away us having all the abilities so a maxed range excalibur would be harder to find so it would be well worth it on the end great job DE. great job. 

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О госпади...DE вы меня огорчили....Мало того что 4 способность экскалибура почти ничего не наносит высоким уровням,так она стала еще хуже....Ладно бы если оставалась старая ульта (где от него вылетают сканы) это было бы понятно что нужно видеть врага....Но нет! надо было сделать еще хуже эта способность была нормальной...Боже даже слов нет....*О НЕТ,МОБ ЗАБЕЖАЛ ЗА МОБА,Я ЕГО НЕ ВИЖУ,ОН НЕ ПОЛУЧИТ УРОНА ОТ МОЕГО УЛЬТА* -.- Волна тринити....боже это же волна энергии -_- 

Да-да,знаю о том фарме эксом и триней,но все равно убого -_-

Мой экс рыдает на полке с пылью

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