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Update 15.2.0


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  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.

Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).

Whine-hamster praise the day - your dream became reality.Duh.

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why not apply line of sight for all abilities d.e.?  like a huge drop of nerf!
they didnt want to change repu system so they nerf abilities lol

i got a nerf idea, why not nerf speed novas and vaubans so we cant lvl at sechura too? lol

Edited by Ritchel
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Im talking about high level mission... if you press 4 with Excalibur its just suicide cause you have to be in the middle to hit a maximum of target but you can't one shot the enemies and they one shot you while you are casting the Radial Javelin.

Excalibur abilities are useless in high level mission, what's the point to play him if you only shoot with your pew pew gun...

I still play him in T3-4 missions. Quite effectively.

Just blind em first, then Javelin. You're moderately protected. They're stunned. Mow em down. Slash dash out of there and giggle like a maniac.

True I can't last as long as going with Loki, but Excalibur creates that challenge that I like.

If javelin isn't doing enough damage, it's still stunning. Which is superb at higher levels, which is also why I try to max out Range and Duration for my Excal to make sure the blind lasts longer, the javelins go out farther, and I can slash dash very far.

I'm just saying. He's not high tier, but you can still have fun with it and jump around and use his dash and jump for mobility and gaining better advantages around the level. That's practically what he was built for. 

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How about buff S#&$ no one uses instead of nerfing S#&$ that is fun. Honestly don't get how DE can be so stupid, not like you will make less money if there is a wider variety of weapons and frames people will want to use. You will make more money.

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alright, so.



Line of Sight Requirement.

it's good in theory. but the Missions available from lv 1-45 will already suffer. 
and for further Endless play, not having to worry about some Enemy behind a railing being considered without LoS or something else aggravating that will probably go wrong.
which the game might not be directly balanced around... but it is still there, and there's no need to completely ignore it. 
anyways, Tile layouts in Warframe don't seem to support LoS on... presumably in the future, most Abilities. as Monster Closets and Tiles in general often have chokepoints where Enemies get stuck, out of sight.
among other things. clearing out the AI and map issues abound in the game certainly helps combat those issues.
on a side note, i don't really like the thought of needing LoS for Energy Vampire. in Missions that aren't AFK fests, like... normal Gameplay, that means that Energy Vampire is pretty much useless for anyone other than myself. they'll be in a different part of the map, handling, yno, the Enemies coming from that flank, and Energy Vampire won't help him out because we weren't camping in a corner enough.
this Ability in particular, requiring LoS feels like punishing Players for using Strategy in say, Survival, covering flanks and using Combat Tactics that are used in real world situations for their logic.
all in all, changing those Abilities hurts skilled Players playing other Gamemodes and Missions, rather than why we know these Abilities were Changed. the difference is negligible in AFKfests, and instead punishing Players for not pitching Tents in Mission Types that require you to.... do the exact opposite of that.
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DE, I have an extremely simple solution to Viver.


Just change the level tile. That's it.
Change it to any other interception map, and make sure that old (originally endless defence) map is never used for interception nodes in the future. The micro tile used for that level is the reason the farm frenzy is possible. Just give it one of the gigantic outdoor defence tilesets that Venus uses for the time being.




Now please.
Stop taking our frames out back and throwing them into a mass grave.

None of these Frame nerfs were needed. They've been perfectly fine and balanced up to this point. Excaliber's Radial Javelin was the only thing he had left. Vision based nerfs to Excaliber, Mag, and the already beaten and bruised Trinity is sketchy at best considering that even waist-high objects and railings are considered to block LoS at the moment.

Please. Just put a bullet in Viver's skull and change it's tilset. Leave the frames alone.

Edited by Lean-V
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Warframe Changes:

  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).

GG, RIP Excalibur & Mag, you will useful while it last.

EV indirect Nerf, inb4 Blessing needing Lone of sight with allies for buffs.

Still Waiting for network buff-.- server super lag.

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Look i understand why you would line of sight mag and excal after the bs that's been going on but the trinity is still not recovered from the nerf hammer you hit her with last time. 


Trinity should not need LOS for Energy Vampire period.

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I still play him in T3-4 missions. Quite effectively.

Just blind em first, then Javelin. You're moderately protected. They're stunned. Mow em down. Slash dash out of there and giggle like a maniac.

True I can't last as long as going with Loki, but Excalibur creates that challenge that I like.

If javelin isn't doing enough damage, it's still stunning. Which is superb at higher levels, which is also why I try to max out Range and Duration for my Excal to make sure the blind lasts longer, the javelins go out farther, and I can slash dash very far.

I'm just saying. He's not high tier, but you can still have fun with it and jump around and use his dash and jump for mobility and gaining better advantages around the level. That's practically what he was built for. 


And the augment mod "Furious Javelin" + melee wep = :D

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Y'know, I was gonna type up some big rant before I go off of Warframe for a long while, but whatever, you guys won't listen anyway.  You guys didn't listen to the dozens upon dozens of people giving good advice to fix stuff like Viver anyway.  Sides, this is my fourth post in this one topic.


Looks like I'm going on a big old Binding of Isaac Rebirth trip, and maybe then I'll start beating my backlog, like Zone of the Enders.  Later.

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Thank you for the fixes, I personally don't feel sorry about the Viver because it was too OP in my opinion.

The only thing I feel sorry about, is that the extremely small, hardly noticeable sugatras are not fixed yet.


You mistake the fixes. The frames were nerfed instead of Viver.

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