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Disapointed In Excalibur's Slash Dash Augment


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Am I the only one who's really really  dissapointed n how it is?


  • Excalibur: Slash Dash: Surging Dash:  Each enemy hit has a chance to increase the melee counter by 1/2/3/4.


I'll explain my point of view


>  It's random

> It doens't take in count the number of enemies hit by slash dash

>It's random



Why random? that just makes it an extremely unreliable mod , and not worth power slot .


Maybe if it was a guaranteeed +1/2/3/4 hit if slash dash hits an enemy , so you can maintain the combo meter going fine.


But making it random was a rally bad idea imo




Okay so the description was wrong.......

It's still dissapointing , that should have been in slash dash frm the beginning.!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Deidaku
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This should have been 100% chance to add a counter and already something Slash Dash did to give it something over its superior ability clones. 


This is a bandaid mod when it should have been a flat buff to the frame itself. Same with Ember. 


As of now it's just something mediocre that eats up a mod slot that'd be best used with another mod. 

Edited by Hastur609
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This should have been 100% chance to add a counter and already something Slash Dash did to give it something over its superior ability clones. 


This is a bandaid mod when it should have been a flat buff to the frame itself. Same with Ember. 


As of now it's just something mediocre that eats up a mod slot that'd be best used with another mod. 

Ikr ?


the augment as it is now should be in slash dash


and augment would just make the ability take in count the number of enemies hit and make it guaranteed

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Ok, I am officially actually mad at a design choice, the way they have been handling Excalibur lately has pushed me over the edge, this is such a blatant bad aid mod, and like you said when its all said and done its random.  Really trying to remain objective here but its almost like they are afraid of making Excalibur a legitimately viable frame.  Such simply and obvious solutions to these problems , many of which have been long suggested by the community and instead of implementing those they do this, gg DE lol


Scratch the random thing but this should still have been worked into the regular slash dash.

Edited by Ebohcalyps3
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The description is actually wrong, each target hit will give you 4 melee combo at max rank


This is nice to hear, but stock Slash Dash is still really lackluster. I think it should add at least 1 to the combo counter, per hit, without the mod.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Unmodded slash dash should already give combo points.


Yes this was a needed buff not the augment we wanted , 


This is honestly something that should be baseline for the skill, not an augment.


But still why isn't that in slash dash ? x)


Exactly. You're hitting enemies with your melee weapon.

Unmodded slash dash should already give combo points.

Why is that not already something increases the combo points?

Edited by Ronyn
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I feel as though DE is looking at using augments instead of buffing bad abilities anymore to make them okay. This simply isn't the route to go, and will just make the playerbase more angry. The melee combo should already be worked into slash dash itself, while this augment will drive the counter higher more efficiently and at a faster rate.

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I feel as though DE is looking at using augments instead of buffing bad abilities anymore to make them okay. This simply isn't the route to go, and will just make the playerbase more angry. The melee combo should already be worked into slash dash itself, while this augment will drive the counter higher more efficiently and at a faster rate.

i agree and as a rhino user iron skin is pritty much pointless against later enemies. 1200 can be taken off easy and the resent augment for it is well pointless? it only causes it to explode off, tho could be useful if you can keep energy up and time it right.

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I feel as though DE is looking at using augments instead of buffing bad abilities anymore to make them okay. This simply isn't the route to go, and will just make the playerbase more angry. The melee combo should already be worked into slash dash itself, while this augment will drive the counter higher more efficiently and at a faster rate.

So do I ,this is very dissapointting :/

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The description is actually wrong, each target hit will give you 4 melee combo at max rank

unfortunately, without also increasing the timeout on Melee multihit bonuses, it still isn't really that useful.


it's very, very common that you'll go 5 seconds between hitting enemies, due to how far apart they are, and Spawn rates, Et Cetera.


the Augment should probably increase the timeout for Melee multihit bonuses to like... 10 seconds as well.

same goes for any other Augment that deals with the Melee multihit bonuses.

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So do I ,this is very dissapointting :/

It seems it is coming to pass. Many of the augments added in the most recent patch have stats that should've already been within warframe abilities, or retroactively inserted once these buffs were made. Not tacked onto powers in a mod that costs so much to offer so little.

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All in all, a terrible design choice by DE.


Instead of listening to us about making Slash Dash have innate combo mark generator, they make it an augment mod.


Very, VERY disappointed in DE right now.

I'm getting angrier by the minute...WHY???


This better be in the next hot topics >:(

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I'm getting angrier by the minute...WHY???


This better be in the next hot topics >:(

This better be on top of the to-do list as well. This isn't how reworking frames should be done, this is pretty much trying to patch up the leaks and giving us a half baked result. Augments should do just that, augment, they should not make an ability viable.

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