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Ps4: Mesa (+ Hotfixes)


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Thanks for the pic.  I have no explanation on how that excal prime go to PS4 (unless it is a dev).  I had a clanmate who was a founder and transferred his PC stuff.  He complained a lot about not being allowed to bring his excal prime over.



For the Russian post above, you will need to take it to your regional area.  Google translate was more entertaining than informative.

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I actually curious about this as well, as my pc account resets at 1 every time I do one of these things. But I am not sure if what is keeping track of these is actually keeping track of what gives you the trophy on PSN. I have noticed this issue for a while now though on the PC version of the game for any challenge I hadn't completed as of 15.5.0

EDIT: For clarity, when does it reset on the ps4 version for you? Upon restarting the game, or each mission you play?


That's the thing, I have no idea how the challenges 'reset'.


One piece of good news is that I managed to get the 'Camera Adds 10 Pounds' trophy last night by just continuing to run a Venus corpus exterminate mission.  It didn't reset during the multiple runs, but I got the trophy sooner before I hit 150 cameras.


If you look under your Profile and tab to 'trophies', I believe it should show the progress.  I know the PS4 stores trophy info/progress in a separate local file, so while my in game challenges appear to reset, the actual trophy progress is not affected.


On another note, I also got the '10 hours' challenge 'done' again last night (even though I have over 1200h now!).

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You mean besides the fact it looks nothing like pc warframe.


When exactly was it taken? I remember them saying they were purging accounts of certain items that were not supposed to transfer but mistakingly did. That also includes Braton Vandal.


Well thats defo on ps4 plus not a dev,can see this  defo leading to another i want thread lol but true it shouldn't be even possible and only a dev can do this btw when was this 2013 or 2014?  

Well, they should just offer founders pack on PS4 (and probably xbone). TBH them not offering it is straight up treating console users as inferior customers to appease PC fanboys. I've never seen another explaination posted.

That or you know, they could actually modify console versions around the fact that those items don't exist. Telling us that excalibur prime is a part of warframe lore on PS4 - which they did, I swear I could even find that post - is an insult in itself.

It's just I personally don't expect quick reactions to anything. It took them 6 months to release cicero mods.


To the Russian post above: Лично я просто использую английскую версию. Как и с большинством игр на консолях. Перевод в любом случае мусор, что взять с Канадцев. Да и неполный он. Если уж увлекаться онлайн играми то можно и английский подучить. 80% игроков все равно оказываются европейцами которые ни пса по русски не понимают.

Edited by (PS4)Lord_Gremlin
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I can confirm about excal prime being on ps4. Apparently there was a glitch after certain update. There was something like system reverting some excal stuff and giving excal prime bp.

Regardless, that should be confirmed by the dev, to be honest. Besides, a glitch giving excalibur prime BP does not explain braton vandal.


Here's the problem, if they decided to never offer these items on PS4 they should have just remove them from the code completely. Replace void statue with rhino or mag prime etc. Console HDD space is a premium after all, it's not a PC. People were raging at Killzone Mercenary on Vita when they hogged a few extra megs with a patch. Warframe is a work in progress, but really there is no excuse.

Edited by [DE]Drew
Removed name of PS4 player.
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I can confirm about excal prime being on ps4. Apparently there was a glitch after certain update. There was something like system reverting some kind of change and giving excal prime bp instead

If you see something that you believe should not be on PS4, please submit a support ticket with what the item was and the account name that had it. 

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Drew I wish I heard you say if you see something that you believe should be on ps4 then tells us, 1 can dream :D lol

In other news, topic about PS4 exclusive primes in PS4 feedback recently got locked, get that memo. Then again, that forum is ghost town, just like the game most of time.

That update did little to help. Basically, even more grind and disarm loki now mandatory for infested missions too, with all those moas.

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