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Void Drop Tables' Rotation C Was Stealth Nerfed, Please Raise Awareness Of This Issue


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I'm not sure if this was pointed out or not but...


You guys do realize the change was made so that players dont go crazy with getting so many prime parts to sell for

void trader points.

(which is kind of moot right now since there are alot of players who still have left over currency in stock.)



Also I would like to report in that t he last time my clan has done a T4 defense (pre nova prime and after Nova Prime



Has been nothing but forma BPs, Lex Prime BPs, some R5 x5 cores, and dakra Prime BPs.

This is mostly all that we have had gotten up to wave 45 (where we had to leave due to a Bug

where the game just doesnt seem to want to Work properly after wave 40)



another note I would like to bring out: The drop rates for certain other Prime parts were lowered

(I claim this as a purposely done due to having a push for Prime access) on other void missions.


*And its getting Much more annoying as more prime weapons/warframes are being released.



**I dont care about nova Prime or soma Prime or Vasto prime, due to the fact that I dont see them as worth it

at the moment.  What I DO Care about is the Drop Rate for the OTHER Prime parts that took a hit due to this


Yeah we already discussed the idea of controlling ducat income. However this was a horrible way to go about doing it

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Hmm... lately I've been playing a lot of defense and survival missions and I've been thinking I'm crazy for noticing the drop tables are complete garbage. Apparently there's a huge thread on this topic.. :p 


Anyway, the OP is correct. Maybe it was U15 this happened? Cuz this is also on console. Rotation C doesn't have the guaranteed prime drop anymore in void.. The reality is the drop tables in the entire game feel for lack of a better term 'dumb'. It's kind of 'dumb' when a player can play say a defense mission on Eris with enemies starting in the 20s-30s range and the rewards are common mods that can be obtained on the first planet Mercury. Dark Sector needs to be completely reworked imo... Tier 1 keys should not drop in ODD at all. Tier 1 keys drop in Mercury and similar respected level range planets. There's no proper progression in this game. Don't misinterpret my use of 'proper progression' as 'less grind'. I love grinding in this game. It's just the way the drop tables are across the whole board there's no incentive to play the latter planets, higher tier voids, or Dark Sector (except rare cores). 


tldr - Drop tables are terrible now imo.

        Drop tables need to be improved across whole game. (except maybe the starting planets)

        Dark Sector needs to be completely reworked and have 'meaning' (drop tables/rewards/art/gameplay/lore tied into this


Edited by (PS4)velvet_tabernacl
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Hmm... lately I've been playing a lot of defense and survival missions and I've been thinking I'm crazy for noticing the drop tables are complete garbage. Apparently there's a huge thread on this topic.. :p 


Anyway, the OP is correct. Maybe it was U15 this happened? Cuz this is also on console. Rotation C doesn't have the guaranteed prime drop anymore in void.. The reality is the drop tables in the entire game feel for lack of a better term 'dumb'. It's kind of 'dumb' when a player can play say a defense mission on Eris with enemies starting in the 20s-30s range and the rewards are common mods that can be obtained on the first planet Mercury. Dark Sector needs to be completely reworked imo... Tier 1 keys should not drop in ODD at all. Tier 1 keys drop in Mercury and similar respected level range planets. There's no proper progression in this game. Don't misinterpret my use of 'proper progression' as 'less grind'. I love grinding in this game. It's just the way the drop tables are across the whole board there's no incentive to play the latter planets, higher tier voids, or Dark Sector (except rare cores). 


tldr - Drop tables are terrible now imo.

        Drop tables need to be improved across whole game. (except maybe the starting planets)

        Dark Sector needs to be completely reworked and have 'meaning' (drop tables/rewards/art/gameplay/lore tied into this


I also feel like specific drops should be better in "endgame" missions, such as t4 survival enemies dropping rare cores more often

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i may be wrong,but i think they said that it was very unusual to drop the same part two times or more...

well...i am angry,and i feel like i have wasted 1 hour and 11 minutes of my life to get absolutely nothing,if i sat without doing nothing i would have had the same results!

here are the pics <-<:




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Look that's just RNG being RNG. 

You could have potentially gotten every rare item during that run but everyone would hate you. 

Imagine if you got everything you wanted on one run this game would be boring and now you can sell extra prime BP's for Ducats so it isn't a total loss.

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Look that's just RNG being RNG. 

You could have potentially gotten every rare item during that run but everyone would hate you. 

Imagine if you got everything you wanted on one run this game would be boring and now you can sell extra prime BP's for Ducats so it isn't a total loss.

It's not random, it's selective random. Some called it "the first month of prime access". To OP, don't worry, the usual rate will be back before next prime start

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DE is back from vacation tommorow, hope they notice this huge topic.

Anyway, Im shocked to see that nova prime is still 200 to 300 plat and soma prime is 150-300 plat. Are the drop tables screwed up bad? The unusually high prices of parts that have been out for over 2 weeks speak volumes about the drop tables

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