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December 19Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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In my view, the issue with Nullifiers and enemies like them is gimmick overload which accomplishes little more than tanking player options. Even choices which are central to the game such as a player's preferred frame/class are largely rendered irrelevant, which is simply toxic.


It's particularly true in the Void since they get grouped with Heavies with effectively unavoidable CC under the bubble. Tanks can't do their job and actually, you know, tank damage for squishier frames, since all the means to effectively do so and remain functional are ability reliant. And because it's regularly grouped with the aforementioned heavies in the Void, the notion of entering the shield to deal with one is a non-starter, going melee/"sword alone" to deal with one under a bubble is a non-viable failtrain with no brakes unless he's alone in the bubble (which he rarely is). So you're relegated to the same old routine of "Moar DPS".


The Extra Credits video on "When Difficult is Fun" has been posted around here enough, but important key point it makes: access to tools and thus being able to develop a range of novel and interesting solutions to a given challenge is a cornerstone of what makes that challenge fun. It's why the Shield Lancer is considered by quite a few folks to be one of the best designed enemies in the game, because you have the option of flanking him, marksmanship to hit him where he wasn't covered by the shield, jump-kicking to knock him down, using an ability...


Incidentally, as I've said elsewhere, it's also why I have a much better view of the Stalker during U7/8 than now. He was one of the most dynamic encounters in the game back then, specifically because there were options and novel ways to handle it: Lead him into a pack of enemies and make yourself scarce so they wind up killing each other, elude him and sneak off to complete the mission regardless, hell, it was even possible to use the quirks of specific tilesets against him which could completely change the encounter, e.g. luring him into a room that could decompress on the Corpus ship tileset and blowing out the windows to lock him in until he suffocated. Then he became a tedious ball of "you can't do that" cheese which dumbed the encounter down to "carry a good weapon, pump damage into him until he dies".


This post turned out longer than what I would've liked, but long and short: Nullifiers (particularly those in the Void) are simply the latest symptom of problems with the enemy design - effectively throwing player options (even ones that are core parts of the gameplay) in the trash while leaving precious little in the way of engaging, viable options (plural) for counterplay in their stead.

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Digital Extremes.




Any hatred or vitriol players have for Nullifiers would be gone in an instant if they dropped rarer mats on death.


Neural Sensors.








Add any of those to Nullifier's drop tables and players will be lining up to die in their bubbles in attempts to farm them.

You know it to be true.

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D polarities on weapons need more mods and the ones already available buffed, 2 of 3 Ice mods are below average damage percentage and don't even get us started about the status chance mods.


Make really weak energy/life leech mods that require a high slot count for the polarity, change the silencer mods to this polarity, make these mods actually silence the weapons.


Add small energy shield mods for this polarity that spawn such shields around the weapon to avoid being grappled/weapon stolen small amount of damage reduction.




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Syndicate Explosions:

Sure, sometimes they're wasted and the enemies are already dead, but they happen often enough that I never really felt the need for more fine control. And I'd rather not have an extra button I have to press all the time. However, it looks like my side is loosing the poll so I would suggest maybe a toggle? That way people who want to can hold back the explosions for a while but I can just leave them on.

The one change I would make would be to stop them destroying Corpus windows. Most weapons that do that, you can be careful not to shoot at the window unless you want to, but you can't control syndicate explosions and they have quite a big range. I'll be playing a solo mission (so I know it's not anyone else doing it) and the syndicate explosion will go off and destroy a window in the next room that I didn't even know was there yet and then I have to go hack the lockdown. That's annoying.


The D polarity is bad on weapons because it removes choice. Polarities are meant to give you extra mod points to use, a V or - will give you more choice in modding than a blank slot because there are so many good mods to put in them you'll probably want at least one mod with that polarity and it will give you more options in the other slots if it's using less points. There are only a couple of decent D polarity weapon mods (and who needs a polarised slot for Life Strike anyway, it only costs 4 mod points) so you basically have to use those, which is bad. I mostly forma away any D polarity if I can.

I would say the same thing about Nova Prime. What are you meant to do with 3 Vs on a frame? You want probably want Continuity or Primed Continuity on her, so that's one. Nobody uses Provoked because it's stupid. Rage can be useful, some people might use that on her. Then the only mods left to go in those 1 or 2 remaining V slots are power strength mods. It's limiting my options, making it harder to build Nova Prime as Speed Nova (which requires you have no +power strength mods). And Speed Nova is fun, so I will have to remove at least one of those V polarities with forma. The extra polarity on Prime frames is meant to be a bonus:

"Nova Prime wreaks devastation on her enemies using volatile anti-matter. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization."

But because of the limited number of V frame mods it's not greater customisation, it's less.

Edited by Azure.M
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In my personal opinion, since Nullifiers have been introduced, they've been getting easier and easier to deal with, and they weren't really all that difficult before (although this is a good approach to enemy design and addressing the "Press 4 to win" gameplay without around the board nerfs). Honestly, I think at their current point they are rather trivial. My friends with automatics have to pull the trigger once to destroy the shield, that shield is maybe 3 bullets down the drain and that's the only danger they present now.



In my opinion, any enemy with a shield, Nullifiers included, alienate sniping and precision shots. Nullifiers should be kept the way they are, as well as frost leaders, except with weak points on their shields, so pople would be more encouraged to aim, rather then spray-and-pray.


I second this.

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I think we have a winner for the '2014 worst phrased CHT polls'. :/



Warframe Passives:

If you do think some Warframes should have passives, what should those passives be?

In your opinion, should Warframes have passive bonuses?
-> No opinion on this topic.
Which is not actually the case, but the question is so broadly phrased so as to be useless.

Define 'passive' for the purposes of this discussion.


I've heard Zephyr's 'low gravity' perk referred to as a passive.

I've seen Mesa's unintended-ly shipped bonuses referred to as 'passives'.

These are not the same type of thing, at all.


Zephyr's Low Grav is a unique (atm), character-appropriate stat abnormality.

Is it a 'passive'?


Rhino has a 0.8 movespeed.

Rhino P has a 1.0 movespeed.

Is that a passive?


No? Why? They're both stat changes.
Broadly, there are 3 'tiers' of stats: Low, average, high.
Take armor. There's 15 (low), 50 (average), 150 (high).
Does Valkyr's 600 armor count as a passive?
Take it farther: A new frame is introduces. Its hat is 'tankiness', though not at Valkyr-suicidal levels.
It's given 200 armor.
Is that a passive?

 etc. etc.



Are they mandatory?


Moreover: If the intent is straight up MOAR POWAR!!!!11!!, they should not exist to begin with, imo.

(On that note: Mesa's 'no melee = 50 HP' is interesting... but the 50 bonus flat HP is in no way worth the loss of the ability to air-melee/copter.)


Are they a nice way to flesh out a frame, give players unusual set-pieces, stats/stat-combinations or mechanics to play with?



Syndicate Explosions:

The source thread for this topic wonders if players should have more control over when the syndicate explosions detonate. Do you think controlling the explosions is a good idea? Would that be too powerful? Are syndicate explosions too powerful already or are they too weak? Would controlling the explosion be balanced? Discuss your ideas in this thread and in the source thread below. 


Do you think the radial explosions from syndicate standing are too powerful?
idk, compared to what?!
They wreck face on Mercury.
Does that make them too strong?
'Truth' is fairly useless against anything past level ~25 (due to damage/proc -type), as is 'Entropy' against anything without shields.
Does that make them too weak?
For that matter, what is their purpose?
The damage? The proc? Either? Both?
-> Yes, for all syndicates.
-> Yes, for some syndicates.
-> No, they are just right.
-> No, they are too weak.
Voted: No opinion on this topic.
Which isn't at all what I think, but between an unclearly phrased question, and insufficiently discriminating answers...
Do you think the syndicate explosion should be player controlled in some way?
-> Yes.
-> No.
Voted: No opinion on this topic.


'Should'? Depends on you.

That said, now that Health doesn't 'Second Wind' downed players, I think that letting the player control when to release the burst would actually be a good thing, as long as you can only hold 1 filled charge at a time.



Combo Cancelling:

C-C-C-Combo Breaking is what this topic is all about. DarkTails wonders if there should be a way to cancel out of a combo while it’s in progress. This mechanic would be useful in situations where the combo is no longer beneficial or another action is required. What are your thoughts on combo cancelling? Post your opinion here or in the source thread. 

Ah, now this poll Q/A is good.


How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?
->  Frequently.


Should there be a way to cancel out of a combo (aside from stopping tapping, and waiting for the animation to finish)?

YES. Without a second thought - yes.

I happen to think that the combo system went in the wrong direction (tl;dr - Rhythm game as opposed to fighting game), but I may-or-may-not get around to posting that.


To the question at hand:

Waiting out the animation can get you killed, and will - if you're not careful.

Also, mistiming a combo is annoying.


Tactical Alerts

The source thread for this topic is about the conclave requirements for Tactical Alerts. Saint_Tan argues that the Tactical Alerts should scale up with conclave rating, rather than requiring conclave rating to scale down for the alerts. Do you enjoy the conclave requirements for Tactical Alerts? The lower conclave rating has the benefit of allowing more Tenno to participate. Would you change the requirements? Answer the poll above to give your opinion! 

I don't think that they should scale up.
I do think that their being low is advantageous for several reasons.
How do you feel about the conclave restrictions on Tactical Alerts?.
-> They are too high.
-> They are too low.
Voted: No opinion on this topic.

Again, not because I really think that.
700 Conclave is a fully geared mid-player.
It's also a frame+primary veteran well-geared player.
Which means that the low/mid geared players are at a much greater relative handicap.
I've said before that I think the Conclave rating should be per-item rather than per-loadout.


Faster/More Enemy Waves:

This topic is fairly popular and straightforward. Do you think enemies spawn quickly enough in survival missions? Would you like to see bigger/faster waves? 
It appears to be famine-and-feast.
Forget spawn-rates.
Speaking for me, I enjoy Survival the most when there are ~20 units in my tile at the same time.
This usually means 35+ minutes. (Or did before the recent changes. Haven't checked all the Survival variants recently.)
As long as Survival delivers that, I'm happy.



The D Polarity:

Althran has a hot topic that questions the validity of the D polarity on weapons. Do you think it is useful? Are there any other polarity types that you feel aren’t as useful for weapons, warframes, or other gear? Would you remove the D polarity from weapons or make it work with more mods? Answer in this thread and the source thread. 


Let's have a look at what mods we have for the D polarity:

(Source: The wiki)



Hammer Shot - Situational at best, and even then, not a first-pick mod even on crit-focused weapons.

Cryo Rounds - 15%/rank elemental damage mod. Only problem - Damage 2.0 element combo mechanics. Hope you wanted Blast/Viral/Magnetic.
Rifle Aptitude - Useless.


Chilling Grasp - see Cryo Rounds

Shotgun Savvy - see Rifle Aptitude
Tainted Shell - Corrupted, situtational, non-staple.


Deep Freeze - Strictly worse Cryo Rounds.

Sure Shot - See Rifle Aptitude.


Parry - Blocking "bandaid" mod, situational.

North Wind - see Deep Freeze
Life Strike - Starts at 4 cost, common wisdom is: Works best unranked. Waste of a polarity-ed slot.
Melee Prowess - see Rifle Aptitude.

I can't say whether the polarity itself is the problem or not, since the polarity has at best 1 choice of mod per category.




Do you think the “D” slot on weapons is useful?
 No, it isn’t useful on any weapons.
How the hell am I supposed to know?
-> No opinion on this topic.
'Hey guys, we're adding a new 'Kranshik' polarity! It's symbol will be a star!'
"Uh, well alright. What does it do?"
'... Nothing?'
"... Joy?"


Last but not least, Nullifiers are definitely a hot topic right now in the community. Ninjamander has already created a poll to gauge the community’s opinion on Nullifiers, and I’ve included a similar poll above. The source threads for this topic are filled with mixed opinions about the pros, cons, and value of Nullifiers. In your opinion, do the Nullifiers add an interesting challenge to Warframe? Do you think they are too strong or their mechanic needs to be tweaked? 



'Challenge'? Yes.

'Interesting'? No. There's no counter-play involved.

Too strong'? The units? No. The ability? Absolutely.

"Their mechanics need to be tweaked'? Certainly.

What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?
-> They are fine they way they are.
-> They could use some tweaking.
-> Their shields should not stop guns.
-> They should be nerfed or more rare.
Any of those would work.
Voted: Other (post your opinion below)
I'll post more-indepth on this later. This post is quite long, already.
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On the topic of nullifiers:


Everyone only complains because dealing with nullifiers requires people to think about how to efficiently deal with them rather than shooting them outright or spamming their abilities.  Its really not that hard to close the gap on them and smack them in the face. The nullifiers are fine the way they are, and I appreciate the variation in strategy.


Syndicate Weapon procs:


They're fine the way they are. The revive bug was fixed (as awesome as it was), nothing really needs to be addressed. I wont lie though, I believe the Syndicate weapons needs to have a Mastery rank requirement on them, as they are equal/greater in power to most of the weapons on the market, even most primes (which is a discussion for another time).


Enemy Spawn Rates:


Enemy spawn rates are ok for most of the time, i think most of the problem lies in the size of the tilesets (mainly void missions and other missions aside from defense). Perhaps less pain would be felt if the all of the tilesets (outside of defense) were slightly reduced in size?



"D" Polarities on weapons:


Unfortunately, there aren't enough mods worth using in the D polarity category to be worth placing a d polarity slot on any weapons.  While the polarity doesn't necessarily need to be scrapped, perhaps better utility mods i.e. extended range/flight speed for all weapons in the category (not just continuous fire weapons like the nukor) could be created in the future.....


Warframe Passives:


If it can be implemented correctly, these abilities will make the warframes more unique, and also eliminate the annoying "i need x, x, x, and x, warframes for this mission" as they would bring more variety to squad setups.


A few ideas:


Banshee: Echolocation- Increased accuracy with bows/sniper weapons. Passive enemy radar up to 10m.


Rhino: Rampage- Increased armor for the rhino and all party members (at a slightly lower value); increased Attack speed with heavy melee weapons.


Trinity: Combat Medic- Increased revive speed on downed tenno. Party health regenerates passively by "x" after 5 seconds of taking damage in combat.


Valkyr: Frenzy- melee damage increased by x amount for all party members. exception: does NOT stack with steel charge aura.


Volt: Gathering Storm- Charges all party members with electricity, causing "x" electical damage upon attacking/recieveing damage from an enemy.


Nova: Dark Matter- Nova's null star particles protect her and party members, dealing "x" amount of damage to nearby enemies.


Loki: Confusion- Enemies targeting Loki suffer from reduced accuracy.


Nyx: Vertigo- Nyx's superior mental abilites disorient all nearby enemies; reducing enemy accuracy on all party members within 5m by "x" amount.


Ember: Heatwave- Ember's fiery presence causes enemies within a 5m radius to burn, dealing "x" fire damage over time.


Mirage: Mesmerize- Mirages presence causes nearby enemies to sometimes forget what they're doing. "x" second stun to nearby enemies.


Saryn: Typohid Mary- Enemies attacking Saryn have a chance to take viral damage. "x" viral damage over 5 seconds.


Frost- Cold Snap- Frost's freezing presence reduces enemy shields by "x" amount; enemies within a 5m radius suffer from reduced movement speed.


Nekros: Grim Reaper- Enemies within Nekros' presence have a chance to proc terrify without using the ability. Bleedout time increased by x amount for all party members.


Zephyr: Grace of Air: Zephyrs command of the winds increases all party members jump height by "x" amount.


Limbo: Touch of the Void: Any enemy attempting to melee attack limbo in the current reality will automatically be dragged into the rift. Any enemy attempting to melee attack attack limbo in the void will be pushed back into reality.


Excaliber:....drawing a blank.


Definetly worth looking into. 


In the meantime, keep up the good work. The way things are going now, 2015 looks to be a promising year for us space ninjas.

Edited by Taraj
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Against nullifiers fast melee is rather good. I don't really know how insane they are at higher levels (nor do I care much), but if you enter into the bubble with coptering or directional melee the result can be devastating. Maybe a little stun could be useful on nearby enemies when the nullifier is killed, but I like it as they are. Finally players can't run around mindlessly.


On D polarities... Well... We need more D mods and then it can be good. Make more use of them on melee weapons. Originally I saw some idea behind polarities, V for damage, D for utility, etc., but it's now rather confusing with those clan names mixed in it. Clean this up a bit please, because it don't make much sense now. Tons and tons of V mods, almost nothing else.

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Passive abilities & elemental frames should go in parallel. No other way.


Ember with a % fire resistance. (she still needs her 2.0)

Frost with a % cold resistance.

Volt with a % electricity resistance.

Saryn with a % toxic resistance.

Hydroid less likely to get hurt if enemies throw a bottle of water at him. Or you know, faster swimming ability than anyone else

 since swimming is coming (andwedon'tevenknowhowitwouldworkDEpleaseshowsomeWIPgrmmmbl!!)



Nekros & death. (he still really needs his 2.0 ! Press3dude no more!)


Nullifiers are a way to punish "press 4 to win", and it's cool, but please do it in a fairer way...


We want challenge, but challenge bypassable through some skill demonstration. If the community uproars with these guys, I can't even imagine the cheap tactics a well hidden Manic Grineer(with a knockdown) would bring if they are implemented that way... I trust DE, but sometimes I'm worried about their ways of punishing.

Edited by unknow99
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I think the issue with Nullifiers is that they're way too effective at blocking both weapons and abilities. Completely blocking any and all abilities is fair so long as you can fall back on your weapons to take down the shield quickly, but the issue is that a good deal of weapons (snipers and other slow ones in particular) is that even with the changes they still take too long to penetrate; combine this with a likelihood to spawn in groups of 4+ at a time with an entourage of Heavies and they becoming too overwhelming.


They're basically the opposite of Arctic Eximus units, who can't block ability AoEs and have a rather small threshold for damage, making them sorta pitiful by comparison. I think the Nullifier's high gun resilience should be transferred to the Arctic Eximus, so that way they excel at tanking gun damage but not ability damage, whereas Nullifiers completely negate abilities but have shields that are crap against weaponry.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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I kinda wish that the nullifiers would be made differently - no bullet protection from the bubble, but the nullifier itself is a slow. massive, tanky proxy that requires precise shots to take down quickly, and that can 'deploy' to start dealing damage to tenno (like, a slowly-charging opticor burst without the AoE).

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 Of course D polarity is useless/bad,  its nobrainer - there are only few D mods and you dont always want to put them on,  they are not  mandatory like V mods. Have more D mods. 


Conclave rating the way it works is currently irrelevant - you just take one maxed out (potatoe+ 5 forma all maxed mods) weapon with maxed frame and you still fit into 700.   It doesnt make the game any more difficult, only makes you pick your equipment more specifically. 

Edited by Monolake
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- How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?


What is the difference of smashing E, and doing animation A B or C ?

Is the animation of combo A superior to B, or any more helpful then C ?

Are combo animations from a different stance mod more helpful ?


We are doing these combos that just produce an animation which is random, cause whichever one we use its not better, worse, or more useful then any other.

Combos do not give us any strategic melee combat, they are just this or that animation we get stuck in, and hit the enemy a few times, wile another enemy is shooting our back.



Also, whats the use of heavie melee, if charged attacks no longer exist?

Since all weapons have channeling and a comparative damage multiplier, why would anyone use heavy and slow weapons at all ?


There is till so much stuff related to melee 2.0 I seen many of the community ignore and dislike, at the end I'm not even sure if 2.0 was an improvement at all.

Edited by 7grims
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People complain about the nullifers? I think they are great, they actually make t4 void actually hard and make the corpus something to worry about. Why even bother playing the game if you want no challenge. I do believe the way the shield works should be fixed to accommodate the amount of damage you are able to dish out.

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Syndicate explosions should be controllable. I don't think they're too powerful or too weak. At low levels they can wipe out a mob but that's fine seeing as you're not getting a ton of exp. In an exterminate missions of about 150 it will probably go off once or twice I think.


The reason I want them controllable (aside from the fact that it's annoying when someone kills an enemy that gives 800 exp across the map and triggers it when you're completely out of position, or having it trigger as you kill the last enemy in a defense wave) is that I don't see the point of having augments on sniper or long range weapons. You're supposed to stay away from enemies and snipe, right? So if you're no where near enemies what good is the syndicate aoe going to do? Probably little to nothing, even including the buffs they give like more health, shields, energy, and whatever else.


D polarities are useless on weapons with the current mods. Absolutely no reason to keep it if you like the weapon you're using and want to continue using it at higher level play. The only time I try to make it work or build around it is if I'm leveling up the weapon and want a secondary element like viral but short on points.


As for nullifiers, I ONLY voted for "they should be nerfed or more rare" because I think their spawn frequency should be lowered. Aside from that nothing should be changed about them, they are fine as they are.


Haven't had the desire to cancel combos very often but I would do it with the roll feature.

Edited by Seraphyx
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Warframe Passives:

Should have been a thing from the beginning. Now it's going to be awkward to integrate and will probably be hard to make meaningful while also balancing them around the focus system which if I understand it right is basically giving us passives. Might be too little too late on this one. But I hope it isn't.



Syndicate Explosions:

Yes and no. Elements aren't really balanced well against one another so some syndicate bursts end up dealing much more damage than others, and their bonus effects are pretty fleeting in general.  Suda for example gets stuck with magnetic damage....which is good for..........nothing. Seriously. There is no enemy that magnetic damage is good against that another element doesn't perform as well or better against and it also is severely hindered by armor....for some reason.(Someone explain to me how wearing metalic armor reduces the effectiveness of being magnetized.)


Personally I don't care a great deal about the raw damage of the burst it's the special effects they provide which should be important but since you can't control the burst often both effects go completely to waste resulting in basically ignoring them because they'll just go off when they go off. There's no point paying attention to the meter or worrying about whether or not it's about to pop. So they end up as just a background effect you quickly forget about until the occasional boom of the effect popping reminds you it's there.


Combo Cancelling:


All I have to say about this is:  Yes please.  Pretty please. I've dreamed about combo cancelling for as long as melee's been a viable thing.



Tactical Alerts


Give me lower conclave limits on tacticals. They've been far too easy so far even the one everyone cried over about the capture targets being too buff. I cleared it on day 1 less than an hour after it started....with a hydroid.  It really isn't hard to drop your conclave rating once you trim unnecessary equipment like sidearms you never even use in most missions or sentinels that for some reason are fully modded despite that they never get the chance to kill anything between ability spamming and OP boltors. Scraping by with the bare minimum is probably the most fun challenge I've had in warframe in a long time. I honestly hope it doesn't change. I would love to see bonus objectives like 'Clear with a melee weapon only' or "Use no warframe powers'  or "use no weapons with a base conclave rating higher than 100" to get other goodies. I think tactical alerts are a good way to inject some fun challenges into the game.  They should be challenges of skill and game knowledge not just bring the most powerful thing you can cram in under the cap and coast to victory.



Faster/More Enemy Waves:

In survival the enemy should never stop coming at you. Too often it ends up feeling more like hide and seek than a fight for survival. Excavation basically does what survival should do and does it better.


The D Polarity:

There's nothing wrong with the D polarity, there's just not enough mods for it. I don't think a D polarity weapon mod has been released since Tainted shell. Almost everything is either "V" or " - "  However the D polarity fits in fine on shotguns at the moment if only because tainted shell helps some weapons alot and shotguns tend to favor status chance over crit so shotgun savy actually can find a place in a build sometimes. However any other weapon type has basically no use for it. No weapon category has more than 4 D polarity mods and the only weapon type that even has 4 is melee weapons, rifles and shotguns only have 3 and pistols only have 2. So it's really more a lack of useful mods that aren't "more damage on your damage while you do your damage." that makes the D polarity feel weak. I'd settle for an accuarcy increasing mod,a better reload speed mod than the commons we currently have, and the introduction of a new type of mod....maybe something that absorbs damage to create bursts similar to the syndicate mods but not quite as powerful or minus the fancy bonus effects like healing or generating extra energy. Could be an interesting way to provide more burst damage to weapons that don't normally put out tons of it.



Initially I had no problem with nullifiers as I quickly found loopholes to their shields however when the shields continually got adjusted and improved they became more of a 'wtf DE?' enemy. Not as bad as the initial release prosecutors but still bad.  Throw in the fact that they can become eximus units on top of having the nullifier shield (I've seen redundant frost eximus nullifiers quite often and basically your only option is to run in there hope you don't die and try to kill him within his nullifying and slowing bubble shields.) 


The other problem I have with nullifiers is that the shield doesn't nessecarily block everything but even if you find a way around it it still nullifies damage inside of it. For example if I put down hallowed ground, the nullifier who walks over it doesn't remove hallowed ground hallowed ground only disappears suddenly if I step inside the nullifier bubble but hallowed ground's damage ceases despite that they're still quite clearly standing in it.


There should be loop holes. All nullifiers are is a jacked up frost eximus providing mobile invincibility zones to enemies. That isn't a fun or interesting mechanic, particularly not when the AI tends to crowd around nullifiers as if they were cover. If you're going to have an enemy that functions as a captain calling all nearby enemies under it's protective umbrella shield you can't make that shield essentially invincibility to everything that isn't close enough to be shot to pieces by a full squad of dera/detron weilding crewman. I haven't even touched on what happens when multiple nullifiers end up standing basically right next to each other so their shields overlap.


The shield itself having scaling was also pretty ridiculous.  However reducing the shield's strength too much would result it in being a minor annoyance and nothing more there's a sweet spot somewhere, personally I preferred when the number of hits was the determining factor rather than the shields having HP. it meant there were weapons ideal for cracking the shield faster and weapons that were terrible at it rather than it simply being about bringing the highest dps gun....because right now everything is about dps.


As far as weapons go, the shield should only block some weapons say maybe it stops energy weapons but solid projectiles can pass through, seeing as you can just run through the shield and it apparently negates any non-corpus energy sources this would make sense.


Right now Nullifiers feel like yet another overcompensation for the fact that warframe powers are actually powerful. It's also revealing just how broken enemy balance and scaling is when you take those powers away. But that subject would require a whole thread of it's own.

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The conclave restriction as it is right now is a good idea. However, the entire conclave system itself needs an overhaul. This topic has been brought up before regarding spectres and what mods offer higher conclave. The most commonly used and useful mods often don't have a high conclave rating while mods that are widely regarded as utter trash are some of the highest conclave rated mods. I think the conclave system needs an overhaul before putting conclave restricted missions into the game.

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Warframe passives

In favor. There is little actual difference in play style between warframes except for their powers, because health and shields quickly become irrelevant and the only frame that has enough armor to affect gameplay is Valkyr.  Passives are a good way to add character. Though I would vastly prefer "always on", proactive features over things that require special gymnastics or only have a chance of triggering. For example, in the link thread, somebody talks about Frost having increased power strength when his shields fail...  Do not want. It is far better to not have our shields fail in the first place, and having to deliberate put ourselves at a vulnerable position to get a minor, fleeting benefit... feels like a consolation prize more than a character feature. Continuing the example, Frost might get increased damage against any target that is suffering from Cold, or perhaps he should have a built in sort of Coolant Leak that slightly slows down enemies that get close to him.


Syndicate explosions

At low levels, the explosions are completely overpowered and ridiculous while at high levels they quickly become useful only for their status procs. Should probably consider just getting rid of the damage aspect completely and let the procs + restore be the main attraction.  I would be okay with being able to hold the charge until needed, if that were the case. Though I'm not sure where would be a convenient place to bind that....


Combo cancelling

Not a fan of melee combos in their entirety. Pass. :|


Tactical alerts

The thing that bugs me about tactical alerts is the goofy way conclave rating works.  Already wrote a thread about this. I like the idea of having to go into a mission with a low "signature" and having to make hard loadout decisions, but currently that just means stripping down to to your single favorite weapon with lots of uber mods on it.  Low tech weapons need to have a lower cost than high tech ones. Also, what about encouraging people to use factional weaponry as a way to make the challenge more interesting? So if it's a Corpus tactical alert, bringing an actual Corpus-based weapon is better (less obvious to enemy sensors) than a Primed whatever.  Could also extend to adjusting the "cost" of specific mods in relation to specific alerts.


Faster/More Enemy Waves

Mmm.  I feel like survival works pretty okay after the first couple minutes, though, those first couple minutes do feel a little slow.


The D Polarity

...Is useless on weapons. Actually, worse than useless, because a blank slot is better. The mod selection selection is almost non-existent and the ones we have aren't even very attractive.  I don't think I have EVER polarized a weapon with 'D', and when I polarize a weapon that comes with it, the 'D' is usually the first thing to get wiped.  This is contrary to warframes, where a lot of my favorite mods are 'D'.   Vee and dash are well represented and always nice to have.



The idea is very good. Force people to change up their tactics and react to what the enemy is actually doing instead of just bulldozing through on auto pilot.  The problem...   At higher levels, the only thing keeping you alive is various sorts of crowd control and getting rid of the Nullifier is a nuisance. It might be good to try making the Nullifier a lot tougher personally, but make the shield itself not block gunfire.  Either way: The maximum quantity of Nullifiers on the map needs to be harshly limited. They get massively irritating when they stack up into a blob

Edited by Momaw
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Ok,so I have 2 opinions here..


First,The D Polarity-> I voted "No,they are not useful"....But,the actual problem is we don't have enough D polarity mods,thats the reason why they seem useless. D polarity is fine by itself,we just need more useful mods having D polarity. I mean no one,like really NO ONE,uses the normal Status mods because they provide so miserable bonus that using them feels like I am an idiot.


Second,Nullifiers-> I voted "Others". The thing is Nullifiers are fine as they are. We need such challenges where we can't the kill the whole room of enemies by pressing 4. But,they need a tweak. The tweak could be any of the following -

       1. They should be rare spawns. Like very rare. Its very annoying if we get 4-5 Nullifiers spawning together,making all enemies invincible.

        2. If they are to be Normal spawning enemies, they should either allow bullets to pass through their shields or they should just be able to protect themselves from Warframe abilities,not their allies too.

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Two things here that I'll focus on are the topics of "combo cancelling" and "conclave restrictions in tactical alerts." I think both of these topics are too narrow, so I'll elaborate my thoughts on them a little better than the poll allows.


As for combo cancelling, there are two major points. Animation lock is a problem in both Warframe abilities and in Melee 2.0 combos. Being forced to stop moving and having an inability in either of these situations to move is very dangerous. An inability to cancel a Radial Javelin, Desecrate, etc. used in the wrong situation could result in death. This problem also exists with melee, but to a greater extent. That extent is that combos are, in 95% of situations in-game, not only completely worthless but it is generally detrimental to attempt to use them. There are certain exceptions, where specific parts of combos can be useful for AoE knockdowns or very quick multi-hit combos to build up your counter (Also, the counter resets to 0 MUCH too quickly, but that's a topic for another time). Outside of these, the M2.0 combos are less than worthless for anything save "just for funsies."


Conclave restrictions are another fun topic to deal with. The options in the poll are far too narrow to actually gauge what the issue with them is. The restriction on points is fine, I believe, but the conclave system itself suffers from what seems to be several unending lapses in judgement on what does and does not warrant a high or low conclave score for a mod. Status elementals, for instance, apparently warrant an increase in conclave score of 50 points EACH. Increasing crit chance and damage, however? 20 points. Maybe twenty points compared to fifty makes sense if you're sticking them on a weapon with mediocre crit, but on a crit weapon those 20 points can multiply the usefulness of the weapon far more than a single status elemental. 

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On Combo Breaking,
Yes, absolutely. We play in a game where positions and enemy layouts change every second, and enemies move relatively fast to the speed of our combos. Combos are incredibly rigid, they are clunky and ooften the situation is gone for the desired effect by the time we get to the part of the combo we need. More flexibility has been asked of the melee system since its implementation in the feedback thread.

On Nullifiers, 
They should limit powers, not guns. The bubble can be able to sponge some gunfire, but not a lot, and it shouldn't favour high rate of fire weapons in that regard. Maybe make multipliers for different weapon types to hit it harder. smgs need a few extra bullets over assault rifles, Snipers and whatever the Opticor is should be knocking it back in massive chunks. Rarity might need to be made a little more rare, being sandwiched between two in a small hall can easily decimate squishy frames because of spawn mechanics working out like that. They need tweaks, they're currently too limitting. It is a fine balance between creating a need for tactics and strategy, and eliminating room for tactics at all. Nullifiers are just little bit too much towards the later.

D Polarity, 
It needs more mods, and good mods for it. As currently the only reason to have a D polarity on a pistol is if you don't have the statistically superior in every possible way V polarity Frostbite dual stat event mod, for BOTH of the D polarity mods, it's not even a question if it is useful. It is not. It is horrendously underused and outclassed outside of warframes.
It's not useful on melee weapons, all melee mods of any unsurpassed value for D polarity, lifestrike and parry, only cost 7 points at max, those mods actually reduce the need for forma because they are below the average cost per mod slot number of 7.5.
Rifles it has marginal use, Hammershot for crit/status hybrid builds, for the few weapons that can use that, none of which having an innate D polarity as far as I can remember, and Cryo rounds. However, they both only cost 9 points. Where staple mods, Multishot, Base damage, other standard elements cost more, meaning they are more effective slots to polarize, with more options to fill in them as well. They're sort of useful, but far too limitting with rifles to be valuable.  

Conclave Limit
It's a broken system. Some mods that are worth less than others cost more, it is too easy to strip down to a frame, a secondary, and an unmodded melee for travel, and be well overgeared for a tac alert, you can't push it any lower, or people won't have enough room for anything but a frame and a melee, tac alerts will be filled with Valkyrs essentially. Fix conclave stats on mods, and possibly split the restriction to arsenal slots, so people can't toss out one weapon to overpower another for the alert.

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