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Tenno Reinforcements Wishlist


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1. Two new semi-automatic hitscan based pistol for the Grineer. Currently the Tenno are dominating this field with 4 versions (Lato, Vasto, Magnus, Lex), while the Grineer don't have any (the Marelok doesn't count since it's technical a carbine), so there is definetly a gap in the Grineer arsenal.


One of them could then replace the Latos the Lancer's wield in the tutorial with it (seriously, a brand new tutorial and the first thing players encounter are enemies with placeholders???).


2. A Tenno based grenade launcher. I think something in style of the M79 (single shot and breach loaded) might fit. They are currently the only faction without some form of launcher.


3. A Grineer Katar and Corpus Cestus to fill the claw category a bit.


4. Kukri style Tenno dagger or machete.


5. Tenno based flame thrower secondary.


Compared to freeze rays or lightning guns the flame thrower is a relative mundane and old fashioned weapon. So i think it's somewhat strange that we only got a single Grineer based flame thrower in the game which is also only clantech.


Wouldn't it make sense for the Tenno, who have a Warframe that super charges fire damage on enemies, to have their own dedicated version of a flame thrower? One that could be build from a blueprint you can get on the market, so that all players can make full use of accelerant?


Why secondary you might ask? Because i like the idea that it could use the Gammacor animation set. Meaning your Warframe would shoot fire from their wrists ala the Firebats from Star Craft or Boba Fett. Could look nice on Ember.


6. A Grineer Bow.

I recently had to imagine a Grineer special forces unit, trained for jungle combat, light armored, stealth oriented and using ugly but deadly composite bows.


Even if we wouldn't get these enemies in game, a Grineer bow could still be a nice addition to their arsenal.


7. A Corpus Shotgun.

About time the Corpus get one too.

this man right here knows whats up, give him a medal

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the reveal of the modular corpus unit reminded me of a modular type weapon in one of my anticipated games of this year.

skip to 3:53 where they start talking about the medic's gun

if it were to happen, it would require built weapons like the tiburon and tipedo and the combinations would be endless

Edited by angrykenji
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Something like a mixture between the Stug and the Miter.

Fires small exploding shurikans that stick to an enemy and explode in an aoe.

Does 2 types of damage, direct and aoe, like the quantas or torid.

High rate of fire and magazine, lots of little explosions. Pop pop pop pop pop pop.


I would have said minigun shotgun but we have the Kohm.


A proper minigun or gatling gun I suppose. Gorgon Wraith will never get more ammo. Supra is Poopra Soma is more of machine gun.


An arquebus style rifle.

250 base fire damage. Charges quickly before firing. Massive innate punchthrough.

Sort of like a latron or grinlock mixed with a bow. Fires an actual physical projectile that can hit surfaces and bounce back like glaives.


Ninja arm blades that go on the forearm. Possible with longer retractable blades when using combos.


A tentacle gun that fires loads of metal sinewy robotic wires that flail around, smacking enemies all over the place.

Like Hydroid and Phage had a baby.


Tossable land mines secondary.

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A Tenno SMG. A simple, fully automatic Tenno SMG. Like what the Tiberon is to the Burston, it would be to the Braton.


Also, a Tenno pump action, shell loading shotgun. As in a shotgun where the shell are loaded individually as opposed to reloading the whole magazine at once.

Edited by SlimShazbot
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I was a little disapointed that the gunblade weapon DE added was a shotgun. So I want a new gunblade...With a high powered single shot rifle built in...


I also want a new katana styled weapon. One that uses the sheath to fight with as well as the blade. Did I mention i want the sheath to have a gun in it? Not a shotgun. Or just a new katana. the Dragon Nikana is starting to look kind of old. Also DRAGON VERSIONS OF MORE WEAPONS. Seriously DE made a whole new Grade of weapon (like prime vandle and wraith) and didnt use it. Like what???? So yeah, Dragon weapons.

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plus to good "tactical" pictol.


good alpha strike, but not godlike.

5-6 rounds/sec default firerate, no less, no more.

20-30 ammo clips.

good aiming for medium distance (16-25?).

2x crit ratio, 10-15% crit chance (medium)

low status.

low recoil.

1.5-2 sec to reload. this is pistol, not minigun and not revolver.


and ofc, no "ak" pistol. t-a-c-t-i-c-a-l :)

Edited by plsql
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Corpus shotgun definitely, they need one of their own pretty badly in my opinion and something that could replace the corrupted crewman's strun in the void. I saw a concept art of one called a magna shotgun that I thought sounded pretty cool and could potentially look great in the game. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/362561-corpus-magna-shotgun-added-more-concept-art/ by DarkTails.


Some months back I posted an idea about a grineer lava gun that could either become its own weapon or a similar design could used in redesigning the old napalm's gun with a variant for us tenno to use. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/304553-grineer-lava-gun-and-new-napalm-launcher-design-ideas/


Probably might not see these in this kind of game but it is a wishlist item of sorts: I also wanted to see some new and more modernized futuristic bullet projectile weapons similar in designs to those of today's time or even like what the UNSC used. A shoulder-fired rocket launcher would be fun or finally an option to carry throwing grenades for the 3rd weapon, and be able to actually use the rifle as a melee weapon for quick melee without always needing one equipped to do something as simple as break a crate. I know there's leap and kick but that's rather awkward for crate breaking. 


Perhaps something that unlocks the main attacks of an unarmed tenno during the escape mission to use at will when weapons are holstered, but uses the equipped primary to melee with in quick melee mode to stagger enemies charging you, and can be given the melee mods to amplify it.

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-Chainsaw Longsword

-Halberd/Spear type weapon

-Chain Kunai Thing (like the grineer scorpions tether thing)

-Mini gunblades (like dual pistols with knife/bayonets at the end)

-A Halikar that actually knocks weapons from enemy's hands and allows us to use them when picked up

-dual knife/brass knuckles combination

-a single handed fist weapon that reaches all the way up the arm ("heavy" fist weapon)

-more lasers. lots more lasers. like, add lasers onto the end of ogris rockets

-wrist machineguns. like 3 barrels on each arm, fires like the vipers/afuris

-another mace weapon? maybe an upgrade to the Magistar?

-a tenno sized version of the Centaur

-And finally! Aksoma Primes that shoot rhino primes with continual rhino stomps in effect. 50% crit chance, 200% elemental proc, and inate knockdown

Edited by WildStaticOrder
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