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Warframe Nominated For The Most Improved Mmo Of 2014


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It's gotten more content but improved content? :/


Archwing is horrible. Syndicate are just grind. Most new Prime weapons sucks. Shotguns still broken except for maybe 2. Armor is still scaling in Survival and other endless game mode on Grineer.


I can't see much improvement really.

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This game is so underrated and not many know how much it's improved.


But then again the F2P nature of this game makes it one of the most expensive ones out there to be 'top tiered' so it's no surprise people tend to avoid it all together. If you don't pay, the grind is so insane that it makes many korean grinders I have played look tame and that's saying some thing.


Lastly, this is no MMO; not even close.


If it had open world enviroments then maybe it would be but until then this is merely a ME3 style co-op game in the most part.

Edited by fizbit
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Im afraid I can not in good conscience vote for warframe. Right after update 13 was released I came back to the game from a year long break (and really coming back was just one of those whims I have from time to time). The last time I had played the game I had just finished farming volt off the J-3 golem and I was MR 4 or 5. I can only view warframe over those months but an 8 month period is still quite a bit.


That said, while warframe has improved over the last 8 months Ive played everytime it takes 2 steps forward it seems to take 1 step back as well. Its no one thing, its a lot of little things, and when piled together add up into major issues. The hydriod grind was my first and still is one of my major issues with the game. Now hydriods my second favorite warframe and I think hes great but that doesnt change the fact that to get him is an atrocious grind. I thought DE understood that and improved upon the formula when they released Mirage and her quest line (which IMO was perfectly executed with enough missions, lore, and variety to make it seem like a real quest to put together this lost warframe). Then my hopes that DE had learned were dashed when we got limbo and his quest line which was just a massive grind. Arguably not as bad as hydriods but still pretty awful. Then there was Mesa who required you to be online during invasions, to run that mission 3 times, and then assemble a key. Now to be fair Mesa's keys arent as bad as hydriods keys. Theres only one type of beacon that youre garanted to get but its still a minimum of 9 runs to get a key. Then its a chance, a chance!, to do the boss and get the mesa part you need. IMO this isnt as disgusting as limbo though who requries interception (what I consider the one mission type that requires multiple people to run) missions to make him. This entire time DE has not, to my knowledge, addressed the situation with hydriod, limbo, or mesa and their quest design philosophy shows a clear step back from what was a good quest to obtain a warframe (i.e. Mirage)


Mechanics have also been improved and then left alone. Melee 2.0 came out with update 13 iirc and from day one we said it needed work. It still needs work. Yet I havnt heard anything about further development on the system. Instead we've gotten rescue 2.0 (good but still needs work), Archwing (good but again needs work), Kubrows (really good but once again needs more work), and the ships UI (which still doesnt offer the basic functionality of the pre-update 14 UI). Granted there have been other good improvements since then like the heavy weapon buff (shotguns too but that doesnt count for 2014 since it hasnt happened yet) and now I would say syndicates are an interesting addition (not good, interesting)


Many of the events have been a mixed bag. Breeding grounds was kind of meh IMO. Gate crash was pretty cool. The halloween event was ok. The tons of christmas tactical alerts were alright (although Im still annoyed that the one with poisoned scorpion weapons ended up having all grineer weapons do toxic damage), the formorian event was garbage (I didnt like grinding all day for isotopes and then having to do the formorian run, relays be damned. It just wasnt worth it IMO). Overall i think Gate crash was the only one I really really liked


Now heres the big issue Im having right now in the current state of the game. Difficulty has skyrocketed with the addition of new enemies and changes to warframes. The rewards for overcoming that difficulty have sharply fallen. Now Im one of the people who thought when dark sectors originally hit that doing 5 waves on sechura for a t3 key was a little much. However look at the void right now, this very day. You do a T4 survival or defense you get forma at that 20, 40, and 60 mark. You use your T1 keys and you more likely then not come out with more keys. Im a firm believer that its ok to have strong or even overpowered stuff as long as its difficult to get (see dark souls or Morrowind for good examples of this) but as the games difficulty soars we should be getting better stuff, not worse. Our enemies should be the enemies we fight in the missions, not a random number generator and certainly not the developers of the game. Yet from where I stand thats the way things are going in the games current state. Its possible that things will get better and possible that they will get worse. However for an award that says "most improved game of 2014" I personally dont think warframe deserves that over some of the other games on that list.

Edited by kuri99
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Im afraid I can not in good conscience vote for warframe. Right after update 13 was released I came back to the game from a year long break (and really coming back was just one of those whims I have from time to time). The last time I had played the game I had just finished farming volt off the J-3 golem and I was MR 4 or 5. I can only view warframe over those months but an 8 month period is still quite a bit.


That said, while warframe has improved over the last 8 months Ive played everytime it takes 2 steps forward it seems to take 1 step back as well. Its no one thing, its a lot of little things, and when piled together add up into major issues. The hydriod grind was my first and still is one of my major issues with the game. Now hydriods my second favorite warframe and I think hes great but that doesnt change the fact that to get him is an atrocious grind. I thought DE understood that and improved upon the formula when they released Mirage and her quest line (which IMO was perfectly executed with enough missions, lore, and variety to make it seem like a real quest to put together this lost warframe). Then my hopes that DE had learned were dashed when we got limbo and his quest line which was just a massive grind. Arguably not as bad as hydriods but still pretty awful. Then there was Mesa who required you to be online during invasions, to run that mission 3 times, and then assemble a key. Now to be fair Mesa's keys arent as bad as hydriods keys. Theres only one type of beacon that youre garanted to get but its still a minimum of 9 runs to get a key. Then its a chance, a chance!, to do the boss and get the mesa part you need. IMO this isnt as disgusting as limbo though who requries interception (what I consider the one mission type that requires multiple people to run) missions to make him. This entire time DE has not, to my knowledge, addressed the situation with hydriod, limbo, or mesa and their quest design philosophy shows a clear step back from what was a good quest to obtain a warframe (i.e. Mirage)


Mechanics have also been improved and then left alone. Melee 2.0 came out with update 13 iirc and from day one we said it needed work. It still needs work. Yet I havnt heard anything about further development on the system. Instead we've gotten rescue 2.0 (good but still needs work), Archwing (good but again needs work), Kubrows (really good but once again needs more work), and the ships UI (which still doesnt offer the basic functionality of the pre-update 14 UI). Granted there have been other good improvements since then like the heavy weapon buff (shotguns too but that doesnt count for 2014 since it hasnt happened yet) and now I would say syndicates are an interesting addition (not good, interesting)


Many of the events have been a mixed bag. Breeding grounds was kind of meh IMO. Gate crash was pretty cool. The halloween event was ok. The tons of christmas tactical alerts were alright (although Im still annoyed that the one with poisoned scorpion weapons ended up having all grineer weapons do toxic damage), the formorian event was garbage (I didnt like grinding all day for isotopes and then having to do the formorian run, relays be damned. It just wasnt worth it IMO). Overall i think Gate crash was the only one I really really liked


Now heres the big issue Im having right now in the current state of the game. Difficulty has skyrocketed with the addition of new enemies and changes to warframes. The rewards for overcoming that difficulty have sharply fallen. Now Im one of the people who thought when dark sectors originally hit that doing 5 waves on sechura for a t3 key was a little much. However look at the void right now, this very day. You do a T4 survival or defense you get forma at that 20, 40, and 60 mark. You use your T1 keys and you more likely then not come out with more keys. Im a firm believer that its ok to have strong or even overpowered stuff as long as its difficult to get (see dark souls or Morrowind for good examples of this) but as the games difficulty soars we should be getting better stuff, not worse. Our enemies should be the enemies we fight in the missions, not a random number generator and certainly not the developers of the game. Yet from where I stand thats the way things are going in the games current state. Its possible that things will get better and possible that they will get worse. However for an award that says "most improved game of 2014" I personally dont think warframe deserves that over some of the other games on that list.

oooooooooook...i disagree. i think WF has improved.

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oooooooooook...i disagree. i think WF has improved.

He didn't say the opposite. He said that when it does two steps forward, one step backwards follows.


That's one step forward instead of two...

Edited by unknow99
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