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One Of Warframe's Greatest Youtubers, Calypso, Is Almost Done With Warframe :(


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I like the daily routine.

Log in -> Roll a dice for 75% -> Reset Prime Extractors for profit -> Repfarm while watching some TV (GOT, Archer etc..) -> do a little loot run at the end of each round. Run a void mission or two to keep ahead of the ducat / credit game.


On update day instantly start building new gear and Max it the next day via a Rep run.

The routine has good pacing and good progression and will most certainly stretch this game out far into the future until a real endgame is implemented.

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oh my, im tired of listening to voices with wall of texts like reporting a football-match because its a internet-game, but his guitars behind looks interesting, looks like he has a chance for some creativity :-)


sometimes i think the parents of "people like them" allow them everything with a comp that they can feel save about the "son/kid" at home :-))))))))))))


no bad meaning, just a bit joking ... 723 views arent also that big numbers and i think sometimes people go down as their numbers, this has nothing to do with the game or whatever then their personal view :-)


anyway, if he was useful for the community i can only say: BIG THX =) & never ever give up ))

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Why should we care? This is no different than any other "I'm burnt out, I don't want to play anymore" threads. Him being apparently one of the "greatest youtubers" doesn't make it any special or anything. Veteran players quit very often because they are burnt out and this is nothing new.



Oh wait, but no, he is a big shot and he quit Warframe - this must mean something! Quick DE, fix the game so some dude can come back and continue playing.


I get your point and I agree.


But, there is a reason to care, for the possibility that the game can be made more fun by solving the burn out problem.



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people who don't care probably haven't sunk 1000s of hours into the game as he has. as someone who has, i can understand his viewpoint and there is virtually nothing to do.


one point he makes out is that we have our multi-forma'd frames and weapons but have nothing to do with them other than 40+min survivals where that content comes into play. we now have primed mods which boost our frame's energy over 700 and whatnot but nothing to use them on.

no endgame


another point is that every new feature WF introduces has been incredibly overhyped and is extremely buggy and/or broken when introduced. it takes months of fixing/balancing and by that time the majority of the playerbase has lost interest (kubrows, archwings).


so unless if you are in Caly's position that has NOTHING to grind/farm for, unlike the lower mastery level people, then you will not get it.

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That's a shame calypso's pretty chill.

And like others have pointed out you don't have to care but him quitting is really part of an importnant symptom, too many veteran players quit.


The root cause ofc is that WF is still only a glorified skinner box and once you've ran the hamster wheel to the end there's no point, the game is a joke without a punchline.


But oh well, WF is still only a skinner box and white nights are still jumping to DE-maidens rescue - ssdd really...


edit: PCG also quit a while back it seems and he imo had the most in depth vids about WF by far...

Edited by DitsyPixie
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I think we are all tired of this SOON.

Focus system which was was supposted to be a part of U15 and as you can there is almost delayed U16 and we still have no idea about its state of development.

Its coming soon.
We have no idea what it will be and after wathcing Dev #44 i think that even devs dont know exacly what they want to do.

It would be nice to see when DE wants to do particular update.

StrictNat Fix - U17 etc.

Now everything is mentioned in Devstream but we have no idea what we are waitning for. I remember that there was a whole devstream sacrifed for UI development and someone showed that we will be able to customize it.

After so many month we get only buff information and there is still no energy bars for our teamamtes after 2y of development.

Dragon warframe concept - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-20-%E2%80%94-archwing-art-update-8182014/

  almost 2 year have passed  and there is still no information when he will be released.


Every week the only thing which changes are new tenno reinforcments and nerfs/buffs which turn good weapons into crap or buff them to completly insane level.(for example Launchers ammo nerf by 95 %- i could understand that the ammo pool was too big but let be honest almost 80 % of us used those weapons because of that, we werent forced to use ammo mutation on those weapons. Changing something by 95% cant be called balance,  gammacor buff- many people do not remember how crap this weapon was on the begging.)


After 6 formas on my penta i just give up on making them. I use max 2-3 formas, there is no point of adding more to good weapons because it can change into crap some day and the reason why you like this particular weapon can change drastically.


Warframe lack of progression system.


MR is just a weak joke.

Tenno build more weapons so you will be more advanced than other players.

Everyone in recruiting uses it as an plaver level indicator.

What does it indicate ?

How many gear you have crafted ?


Now we can build warframe and lvl it up and do 3 formas in one day. Here your progress ends.

There is no difference between player who just get 30 lvl and someone who has 500h on this warframe.


Modding warframe looks always the same. I use the same build for over 4 months and nothing will probably change any time soon.

Max range and P. strenght on Offensive abilities and Max range and duration on CC abilities. Flow QT and Redirection and your build is ready.


The real problem isnt game content like weapons or warframes.


We need an objective. Long term objective.

Some goal to achieve in game.


Now we have none.

Except build every possible weapon to max your MR.


Im almost 90 % sure that there will be no Focus system in U16.

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Why?? Why do people expect to play one game for the rest of their lifes? Warframe already has so, so much content. Most offline singleplayer games are through in 5 or 6 hours, and they cost 50 dollar on release. Warframe, people have stuffed thousands of hours in it, and its FREE. So QUIT the "OMG DE MOAR CONTENT IM GETTING BORED", search for other games.

Actually I have to disagree... MOST offline single player games (IF they're good) have more than 5 or 6 hours of play (IF you don't play in marathon sessions)

Warframe has a lot of content,sure,but it's the same content EVERYWHERE... The ONLY thing that separates Grineer on Earth from Grineer on Saturn is LEVEL.... it's STILL the same CONTENT,just buffed a bit..

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That's a shame calypso's pretty chill.

And like others have pointed out you don't have to care but him quitting is really part of an importnant symptom, too many veteran players quit.


The root cause ofc is that WF is still only a glorified skinner box and once you've ran the hamster wheel to the end there's no point, the game is a joke without a punchline.


But oh well, WF is still only a skinner box and white nights are still jumping to DE-maidens rescue - ssdd really...

Every game EVER made and that WILL EVER be made is a Skinner box formula....ALL OF THEM.

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I think we are all tired of this SOON.

Focus system which was was supposted to be a part of U15 and as you can there is almost delayed U16 and we still have no idea about its state of development.

Its coming soon.

We have no idea what it will be and after wathcing Dev #44 i think that even devs dont know exacly what they want to do.

It would be nice to see when DE wants to do particular update.

StrictNat Fix - U17 etc.

Now everything is mentioned in Devstream but we have no idea what we are waitning for. I remember that there was a whole devstream sacrifed for UI development and someone showed that we will be able to customize it.



personally, i'd rather DE not tell us everything that's coming up. it gets our expectations up way too high and it'd be nice to have some surprises

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DE really needs to turn this around by eliminating the need to grind. Warframe is moving into the space where it's current population cannot sustain itself, so DE will need to bring new players in to keep Warframe going.

It all comes down to the senseless grind. Recently, power creep has come up, but that is only a part if the issue, albeit a bigger one.

To that youtuber, he should simply diversify. If he has created a personality, then he will keep his audience. If he is a surrogate for the game, his channel will die.


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Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.  Calypso is very overrated. 

Trust me you have no idea. He isn't the same guy on and off camera let me tell you that. 


As to the topic. if he wants to leave, let'em. He'll find something else that interests him, or he won't, and that's his choice. 

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Y'know, I have never felt the need to watch warframe videos on YouTube.

Mostly because I have no desire to take tips on how to play from the sort of person that I carry.

Not saying anything bad about them, just that I don't watch them (only exception is Tenno clock, and that is because I listen to the discussions while playing)

Regardless, if you are playing a lot and making a bunch of videos the game stopa being fun and starts being a job.

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DE really needs to turn this around by eliminating the need to grind. Warframe is moving into the space where it's current population cannot sustain itself, so DE will need to bring new players in to keep Warframe going.

It all comes down to the senseless grind. Recently, power creep has come up, but that is only a part if the issue, albeit a bigger one.

To that youtuber, he should simply diversify. If he has created a personality, then he will keep his audience. If he is a surrogate for the game, his channel will die.


You know that Warframe is growing right? Not shrinking?


Also the current problem isn't the amount of grind its just that there has been no major update for a month an a half. This kind of stuff always happens before a big update.

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Usually watch mogamu , calypso and potatos to have an insite of their ways of any new content ( most of the times , im still sticking to my own build) but its good to watch them still..

So ill hate to see the day when legit warframe youtubers stop making videos and i have to end up watching gayguyplays .....which ill never ever will -.-

Edited by ValorousKs
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