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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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You seem to be forgetting that there are millions of players, there will almost never be a time when everyone agrees on something, those who do not like chroma dont reflect the whole community, but are rather a portion of it, and hence putting down the whole community for the actions of those who disagree with you will only provoke other players.


Everyone has a right to an opinion, saying they "dont appreciate art" because they have one that is different from you will most likely result in a disrespectful discussion

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I just have to say that i was soooo stoked about a dragon frame, concept of color=element, brilliant. Dragons are awesome. Going back to colored elemental dragons, more awesome.


Things im generally not talking about here:

his face; he will have alt helmets. dragon/seahorse/anteater. got it. plenty of threads.

the sloth stance; yes he looked dopey and as though he has no self esteem. there are other threads.

the twizzler/jerky/infested/burnt/melted/has no scales look; again, theres threads for that

The stupid vest hes wearing that looks like the monkey from aladin started a clothing line. just not going there.


Aside from the many threads and mega merged thread for these things, those are all things that cant be changed without redoing his model/character/animations


On to something i havent seen or heard talked about yet...


i was really hoping his energy color would have had more space and prominence in his design. For a frame to be so strongly tied to energy color, you would think he'd show it off a bit more. I saw a few lights on his thighs and thats about it. maybe more lights on him or even an inner light type appearance where the cracks and breaks and deep grooves in his armor give this color off. perhaps "energy vent" type areas on his throat and chest. Unlike most of the other things, this could be kept in consideration for his eventual immortal skin and applied without reworking anything.


Do you need character designers, DE? I've got a portfolio, ill intern, and i currently only live like 2 and a half, 3 hours from your office. as much as im joking, im totally able and willing. just saying. It kinda looks like you could use a hand.


On a serious note, is anyone else disappointed with the fact that this energy color based element wielding frame has 0% of his design devoted to showing it?


Glad I'm not the only one who recognized the sloth-like stance.

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So we learned this about people in general:


A: Some may have a different taste than you.


B: Since they are in fact not you, they react in ways you maybe would not.


Just for the record, I have no idea what this thing looks like, but people act like people do, nothing special about it.


Hopefully you had fun at Tenno Live! :D



Cya in-game, blut ;)

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I'm going to assume his alt helm will be good, since that's the main issue most people seem to have.

The only other thing I dislike about the frame the hunchback stance it uses, which is something I can also change.

Also, I don't see any sentient similarity. People having no chill is a good thing, if all we did was compliment something then no progress would be made.


I think we can safely agree that not everything that everyone complains about is necessarily a "good thing"...


Also, what hunch back? What the heck are you guys viewing? LOL I was at tennolive yesterday with a huge screen in front of me and I saw no hunch back, I saw no seahorse, I saw a very twisted and rough/spiny looking suit of armor. He's very ornamental and decorated.

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What we learned today is the same thing we've learned every time a new frame is revealed: Some people believe that because it didn't turn out like they thought or it wasn't a copy-paste of someone's fanart it's objectively bad.

....And that some are remarkably butthurt about it, to the point they'll go and hate on every single thread that makes the mere mention of the name.

Edited by RahuStalker
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You seem to be forgetting that there are millions of players, there will almost never be a time when everyone agrees on something, those who do not like chroma dont reflect the whole community, but are rather a portion of it, and hence putting down the whole community for the actions of those who disagree with you will only provoke other players.


Everyone has a right to an opinion, saying they "dont appreciate art" because they have one that is different from you will most likely result in a disrespectful discussion


It is very factual that many people don't appreciate art..And I'm not saying that because they have a different opinion than mine. I'm saying it because.. well.. they don't appreciate art.  And I'm not putting down the whole community for the actions for anything as the "whole community" (for some reason in your head) doesn't dislike the design and is intact intrigued by it. 

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What we learned today is the same thing we've learned every time a new frame is revealed: Some people believe that because it didn't turn out like they thought or it wasn't a copy-paste lf someone's fanart it's objectively bad.

....And that some are remarkably butthurt about it, to the point they'll go and hate on every single thread that makes the mere mention of the name.



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Firstly they wanted to make him look more like an eastern/Asian inspired dragon. utter @(*()$ fail. He is too far, his mouth too narrow(looks like a goddamn seahorse), his skin resembles twizzlers as everyone has said and he doesn't even have antlers like an Asian dragon. Asian dragons also tend to be over the phase of wood in wu xing as well as being related the water. This frame is defaulted with fire element. The design does not have claws to be seen any where either, have you ever seen a dragon without claws? Me either. His abilities may be amazing and thematic, but his visual design is so foreign, surreal and departed from what people would recognize as a dragon that the inclusion of even calling him a dragon frame is really just telling us that there won't be a legitimate dragon frame.

Also he only shares two colors with the sentients and not even an entire color pallet, nor does he have the same aesthetic. the sentients are other wordly, inhuman, streamlined, eldritch even dare I say arcane. Chroma is fat, sunburned and hose faced.

Panzer Dragon Orta's designs suck too.

We also don't know nearly enough to even pretend Chroma is rich in lore.

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I think it's safe to say this is the inspiration.


Yeah, and I guess it makes sense, given that it's coming with the underwater tileset, but DE has to know that people weren't expecting a sea-dragon. It really is one big troll to the community, particularly those who were expecting a traditional dragon to be the influence for the frame. I just wonder what how they feel about no one at Tenno Live actually cheering/being excited after they revealed the frame.


And I don't understand why they would even go with the theme of a chromatic dragon if they aren't even going to use chromatic dragons as the influence for the design. Why not just have it be another water frame like Hydroid? There's just a clash between what this frame does and how it looks, and it doesn't fit.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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But being bland and un-creative isn't a good thing either. 


Nothing here is black and white.



Right? It's like saying "it's too risky to try something completely new so just stick to what everyone else in the world sticks to" Bullocks. As a designer I know that more often than not your most impactful work is one that you took extra risk with and tried something new.

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We learned that a lot of Tenno unfortunately have no appreciation for art and creativity and the work behind things to ring ideas to life. 


How does chroma look bad? What where you expecting? 


Have any of you every heard of Panzer Dragoon Orta? 


Have any of you ever read up on Dragons in different mythologies?


Does no one here notice the similarities between him and the sentients in design? 


Chroma is one of the strongest if not the strongest currently known Warframes to date, lore wise. 


And his design is VERY creative whether you want to admit it or not. 



People have no chill. :/



Im gonna take this opportunity to express my enjoyment at being with DE at tennolive yesterday! The 6 hour commute was worth it!


I appreciate art and the work that must have went in to creating Chroma... that doesn't stop me from thinking he is ugly as hell.


He looks like an anteater and the end of his 'snout' looks like it has buckteeth. I was expecting something that made me think 'dragon' when I saw it, not anteater. I was expecting DE to take the eastern approach to dragons just because of their track record.


No, I haven't. I looked it up, that thing is ugly (and stupid looking) too.


Yes, I have.


No, not really. But that could just be the result of the crappy quality of all the pics I've seen of chroma. 


A link to info on he lore surrounding him would be much appreciated.


Creative=/=aesthetically pleasing. My 'fan-art' is creative, but ugly.




Gratz, I was at work.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Firstly they wanted to make him look more like an eastern/Asian inspired dragon. utter @(*()$ fail. He is too far, his mouth too narrow(looks like a goddamn seahorse), his skin resembles twizzlers as everyone has said and he doesn't even have antlers like an Asian dragon. Asian dragons also tend to be over the phase of wood in wu xing as well as being related the water. This frame is defaulted with fire element. The design does not have claws to be seen any where either, have you ever seen a dragon without claws? Me either. His abilities may be amazing and thematic, but his visual design is so foreign, surreal and departed from what people would recognize as a dragon that the inclusion of even calling him a dragon frame is really just telling us that there won't be a legitimate dragon frame.

Also he only shares two colors with the sentients and not even an entire color pallet, nor does he have the same aesthetic. the sentients are other wordly, inhuman, streamlined, eldritch even dare I say arcane. Chroma is fat, sunburned and hose faced.

Panzer Dragon Orta's designs suck too.

We also don't know nearly enough to even pretend Chroma is rich in lore.


You got it wrong again. Scott said that he was researching many dragons and that the eastern/oriental dragon theme is something he gravitated towards for the GAMEPLAY aspect of his design.. not his looks. He literally didn't say anything regarding the design for his looks. 


And you say Panzer Dragoon Orta's design sucks but that's PURELY subjective as a LOT of people's opinions differ. 

And that's fine but it's gotten to the point where people are literally asking for redesigns.. like yo come on..

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It is very factual that many people don't appreciate art..And I'm not saying that because they have a different opinion than mine. I'm saying it because.. well.. they don't appreciate art.  And I'm not putting down the whole community for the actions for anything as the "whole community" (for some reason in your head) doesn't dislike the design and is intact intrigued by it. 


"It is very factual that many people dont appreciate art"?


Everyone has an opinion on what art is, you are saying that they cant appreciate art, but what is art in your opinion may not be art for other people, respecting their ideas is key to a healthy discussion, criticizing peoples "ability to appreciate art" is not going to allow us to achieve anything constructive

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My only issues with him aren't really his artistic influences or characteristics, but rather his stance and proportions. The proportions, namely his tiny head, I think I could live with, but to me what really doesn't seem quite right is the way he more or less slouches. Regardless of artistic style, I think he should be standing up straighter, to project a more bold and confident stance. Emphasis those broad, strong shoulders of his, make him stand up and say "I'm Chroma, the dragon frame, and I'm weird, I'm unique, and most importantly I'm badass." You can bet I will be changing his animation set out the gate otherwise.

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Yeah, and I guess it makes sense, given that it's coming with the underwater tileset, but DE has to know that people weren't expecting a sea-dragon. It really is one big troll to the community, particularly those who were expecting a traditional dragon to be the influence for the frame. I just wonder what how they feel about no one at Tenno Live actually cheering/being excited after they revealed the frame.

Really, after the community's reaction to Zephyr, Hydroid, and Limbo I'm not expecting anything catastrophic.

Hek, some people were hating the concept for Valkyr(even me) when she was first released and now she's grown on me. People just need time to adjust to it.

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