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Spy 2.0 Preview


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That certainly sounds interesting however there are three things which i'm wondering about.


1. This statement makes me worry:

"Data vaults are heavily fortified self-contained areas with automated security measures and patrolling enemies.  Trip the vault’s security measures or allow an enemy active a panic button, and the vault alarm goes off, starting a timer to wipe the data."


Does that mean we have zero room for failures if we want to make a good non-alert run?

Like one enemy which somehow escaped our noticed spotted us, runs to a consol and all attempts at stealth or coordinated movement are gone and we have to go into "PANIC!!! mode?


Likewise tripping a single laser and all our previous 5-15 minutes of sneaking through the level are wasted, just because our hitbox was a tiny bit larger than we expected?


2. Can we get an enhanced radar map that shows enemies and their line of sight, while the alert is not on please?

I know we allready have an aura and a mod which allows us to see all enemies on our map, but not everyone who might want to play Spy 2.0 stealthy might have it because of the RNG behind drops and alerts.


So i think it might be fair to give us the effect of that mod in Spy 2.0 missions, at least as long as we don't trip the alert.


3. Enemy Spawn rate and location.

Enemy spawns in Warframe can range from hillarious to annoying.


It's not uncommon for enemies to spawn in a way that you quickly find yourself attacked from various directions (annoying), or enemies spawning in groups of 8+ in one of the Corpus tiny storage rooms after you had just looked into it (hillarious).


While these make no difference when you are blasting your way through levels. If you want to avoid alerting enemies, i can imagine there is nothing more frustrating than having just stealth killed half the present enemies, only for one to have spawned just in the right distance to see you and trigger the alert.

Edited by Othergrunty
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I hope that there will be better rewards for this spy mission

as right now, even if you change the interface of the mission

if you can get exp from another mission, people will do it

there needs to be incentive to run these spy missions after the initial release


but one step at a time I suppose

This. I was hoping for a unique reward similar to the specters from Rescue 2.0

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It still doesn't seem like a console people would use for such a thing. I mean, it makes sense from a gameplay perspective to have this variety of monitors and input devices in a location, but it doesn't make sense that it looks nothing like an area people (Grineer or Corpus) would actually use for basic data entry and output.

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why does it feel like you guys just took rescue 2.0 and changed its name to spy 2.0.....


at least the first few parts of it seem very very similar x_X

Was just thinking the same thing. It sounds like rescue 2.0, but more laborious, and less-fun.

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What about stealth-kill exp multiplier? Or like x10 more exp if mission done in full stealth without invisibility abilities (Loki, Ash, Ghost, Huras). Some multiplier if mission done without kills. Not just exp, but real rewards, like different Specters BP on resque missions.

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3. Enemy Spawn rate and location.

Enemy spawns in Warframe can range from hillarious to annoying.


It's not uncommon for enemies to spawn in a way that you quickly find yourself attacked from various directions (annoying), or enemies spawning in groups of 8+ in one of the Corpus tiny storage rooms after you had just looked into it (hillarious).


While these make no difference when you are blasting your way through levels. If you want to avoid alerting enemies, i can imagine there is nothing more frustrating than having just stealth killed half the present enemies, only for one to have spawned just in the right distance to see you and trigger the alert.


Yes, very often this game decide spawn enemies right before your face or behind back and, even if you kill them fast and silent, all whole base will know that you are here (or sometimes they are know it from start). It would be nice to change spawn logic and enemy AI at first.

Edited by ZoMbi656
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Insert Smiling Loki





The rise of Stealth is coming!Finally!! First time I really feel hype for this game!


I'd just suggest some quality of life things(since 2015 is the year of quality) that might be useful to go along with Spy 2.0 :


- Please add a tool to distract the enemy(equippable like the codex scanner,from the market for credits). Why? When you're not an invisible frame, and when the enemies get stuck together in a buggy loop, you are doomed to wait days before they restart a normal behaviour.


- Rescue 2.0 alternate paths are excellent. If we have the same different ways to complete the objective, then it would be the cherry on the cake.


- Please consider adding air finishers


- Please allow us to get rid of moa's silently. It currently is impossible.(even Rebecca said it when she showed a spy 2.0 work in progress)


- Please add some sort of stun to stealth finishers, there's nothing more frustrating than doing one but nope,the enemy just turn back for a split second & shoots, alerting everyone in the room.(this telepathy also is quite a problem)


Okay, where were we again?Ah yeah : GET HYPED...

Edited by unknow99
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So... rescue with 3 jails instead of one and no guy to protect after rescue?


Please note that current rescue is annoyingly boring at best and makes you curse pubbies at worst. Solo stealth loki cheese with suppressed high end weapon is likely well documented. And we all know how pubbies just don't care about stealth or timers. They'll just rush in like lemmings and then you may or may not fail depending on your luck with doors in rescue.


Please, PLEASE consider both of these cases before you make the final decision on design.

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Theoretically sounds nice. my concern relies only on the patrolling corpus/grinneer.


Will we at any point see bundles of spawned enemies like we currently see in other mission types if we start with stealth? Or will it be like other stealth based games with enemies following specified routes? My hopes are for the last but confimation would be much appreciated.


Also will the enemies be spawned fully in the beginning of the game or will they keep spawning throughout even if we are not detected?

Edited by Lone.Hunter.99
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