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What Has Pvp Ever Done To You?


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I see a lot of very vocal people posting anti-PVP sentiments and it always seems personal. It's rarely "PVP isn't for me, I don't care", it's more in the lines of "PVP is bad for this game, it will ruin it".

That second one is a pretty bold statement to make, and it often goes unchallenged and upvoted.


So aside from you not wanting to engage in PVP (which is fine) what has PVP ever done to you?

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too many unbalance thing that could take month to balance at the risk of screwing the pve side of the game.


look at destiny how they have settle the pvp by screwing the pve of the game.


+ warframe is advertise has a heavily pve game type, i don't even think that there is a pvp ad for it

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Given me unparalleled enjoyment and frustration. It introduced me to the best and the worst of this community. It gave me the most immediate and most delayed satisfaction.


It has provoked the most thought in me than anything else in this game. PvP is both the best and worst thing for this community.

Edited by Kashiki
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People's fear is that PvP concerns will be used to change PvE content.  That's a valid concern because if done to an inherently-tiered game like Warframe... it's a bad thing.


However, the devs seem to realize this, more or less, which is why they've talked about limiting gear selection for PvP to balance just that gear in a PvP situation, leaving PvE untouched.

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People's fear is that PvP concerns will be used to change PvE content.  That's a valid concern because if done to an inherently-tiered game like Warframe... it's a bad thing.


However, the devs seem to realize this, more or less, which is why they've talked about limiting gear selection for PvP to balance just that gear in a PvP situation, leaving PvE untouched.


To be fair, the gear used in PvP have been changed for PvP only. They never changed the damage formula for PvE to fit PvP.

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I see a lot of very vocal people posting anti-PVP sentiments and it always seems personal. It's rarely "PVP isn't for me, I don't care", it's more in the lines of "PVP is bad for this game, it will ruin it".

That second one is a pretty bold statement to make, and it often goes unchallenged and upvoted.


So aside from you not wanting to engage in PVP (which is fine) what has PVP ever done to you?

Well normally I do just say PvP isn't for me so w/e.


However there is one notable exception where PvP in a way *has* affected areas of the game for me. Namely Dark Sector conflicts. Before they were PvP matches I enjoyed running them and found Tenno Spectres to be great enemies. The change to PvP only in this area meant I effectively could not contribute to rail conflicts. Imo this is also the main reason that many high tax alliances gained control of so many dark sectors for so long as a minority of PvP players now controlled the fate of PvE nodes as opposed to the rest of the primarily PvE players who utilized the nodes.


So yes it is my opinion that PvP is one of the main contributing factors to the failure of the Dark Sectors. 

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Hmmm, let's see:


New guys trying out PVP getting one shotted by players with OP gear, ganking, most of this comes from Open World games, but still that's where most anti-PVP people hate comes from.


Also coming from League of Legends, and other PVP games, community is S#&$, flamers, bullies and cancer wishers everywhere, it got to the point I was afraid/anxious of pressing the Queue button...

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The presence of a PVP arena attracts... a certain kind of person. A person who want to win at any cost, and will trample all over fair play, sportsmanship, and other players, to get there.  My experience with PVP gameplay is that it is full of trolls and sadists. People that make the game not fun, deliberately, and gleefully.


The fact that the dark sectors system is a complete joke now that it's PVP-based, overrun with battle pay exploits and backroom cartel agreements, tells me that I'm not far off the mark.

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I think PvP was added to the game as content that increase value of the game in the eyes of buyer. When you think about it, last year was mad run to add content, most of it half finished with missing/crippled functionality or broken mechanics that u can check in your check list of what game can offer. If it helped DE to make better deal - I'm happy for them, i just hope they make it playable or put it out of its misery. Like most of outdated elements of this game.


Oh, and to actually answer your question - it got me around 15-20 mil of credits.

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If I wanted to do PVP I would play a game such as TF2, counterstrike, etc. aka A game that is much more polished than warframe. I don't want to deal with the horrible unbalance issues, people going mock ten from spin attacks, the not so great parkour which can work in your favor or screw you.

It doesn't help that PVP in this game is locked behind bullS#&$ dark sectors, I've heard of what they said in the dev stream about reworking PVP and I might have given it a try if it wasn't locked behind dark sectors.


what has PVP ever done to you?

In other games that have a pvp and pve from my experience PVP has directly affected the PVE side of the game. Nerfing things for the sake of balance in the pvp when they we're already not so great for PVE. (Dark souls 2 to name an example)

Generally how awful any community is when it comes to PVP, I've tried league of legends few times and each time it was the same thing, players insulting there team and rage in general.


It has ruined dark sectors.


This is coming from a person that has ~1900 hours into TF2, I don't mind pvp I actually like it quiet a bit, but the main reason I am playing warframe is cause it was advertise as "Warframe is a cooperative free-to-play third person online action game" and that is the main reason why I am playing it. And to be honest I don't mind pvp being in the game but when it starts affecting PVE I get upset. 

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PvP took away dark sectors. Community used to control them. It was possible to fight against taxes and get something done. Now that's impossible.


That's what PvP did to us.

If I wanted to do PVP I would play a game such as TF2, counterstrike, etc. aka A game that is much more polished than warframe. I don't want to deal with the horrible unbalance issues, people going mock ten from spin attacks, the not so great parkour which can work in your favor or screw you.


It doesn't help that PVP in this game is locked behind bullS#&$ dark sectors, I've heard of what they said in the dev stream about reworking PVP and I might have given it a try if it wasn't locked behind dark sectors.


In other games that have a pvp and pve from my experience PVP has directly affected the PVE side of the game. Nerfing things for the sake of balance in the pvp when they we're already not so great for PVE. (Dark souls 2 to name an example)


Generally how awful any community is when it comes to PVP, I've tried league of legends few times and each time it was the same thing, players insulting there team and rage in general.


It has ruined dark sectors.


This is coming from a person that has ~1900 hours into TF2, I don't mind pvp I actually like it quiet a bit, but the main reason I am playing warframe is cause it was advertise as "Warframe is a cooperative free-to-play third person online action game" and that is the main reason why I am playing it. And to be honest I don't mind pvp being in the game but when it starts affecting PVE I get upset. 


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I'll allow other's to speak for me:

PvP took away dark sectors. Community used to control them. It was possible to fight against taxes and get something done. Now that's impossible.


That's what PvP did to us.


However there is one notable exception where PvP in a way *has* affected areas of the game for me. Namely Dark Sector conflicts. Before they were PvP matches I enjoyed running them and found Tenno Spectres to be great enemies. The change to PvP only in this area meant I effectively could not contribute to rail conflicts. Imo this is also the main reason that many high tax alliances gained control of so many dark sectors for so long as a minority of PvP players now controlled the fate of PvE nodes as opposed to the rest of the primarily PvE players who utilized the nodes.


So yes it is my opinion that PvP is one of the main contributing factors to the failure of the Dark Sectors. 


The fact that the dark sectors system is a complete joke now that it's PVP-based, overrun with battle pay exploits and backroom cartel agreements, tells me that I'm not far off the mark.

As these guy's said, PVP ruined Dark sectors, Before, clans had to competitively set the credit and resource taxes in order to get people to support them, causing taxes to be fairly low.  Now, it doesn't matter how low a tax the attacking clan offers, the resident clan is going to win because 1, no-one wants to play the DS PvP, and 2, the few people who will play it will probably play for the resident clan.


Personally, I enjoy PVP, My friends and I do conclaves quite often (admittedly, we do the in a private squad), but the DS PvP is an absolute piece of crap.

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