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January 30Th: Community Hot Topics!


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The only time I've used a bow is when I've gone on a Solo exterminate. Otherwise, no. Why? Because bows are rather slow, and can't keep up with guns and blades. The game is fast-paced, and bows are rather slow-paced weapons, like snipers.

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In addition to supporting 8 players, what else do you expect/want from Warframe raids?

Personally I'd like to see more interactable things. Be it puzzles or just the map. If you're going to do weekly maps you may as well try to build a non rng-generated one, see how that goes.

Thing in one room affects another thing in another room.

Skills can be used on terrain.

More than one way to complete a mission.


What do you expect from a Warframe raid boss?

While I'm note "expecting" it, it would be nice if we could use the terrain/map/interactable things to chance the behavior of the boss, or to aid us in some way. Perhaps the boss will even use them against us?

The boss could also change the way that normal enemies preform - making them feel a bit like new enemies.


Do you think more enemies should telegraph their attacks? (see topic below for explanation)

As always it's nice to feel like you have an option, telegraphing moves enables us to counter or at least prepare/understand (what ever it may be). When a big enough "thing" happens, a telegraph animation is appreciated.


Should some void rewards be moved to different mission types outside the void?

YES! Finally crack open those ancient orokin relics you've shown us for ages and let us go into normal missions with a chance of going into hidden orokin temples or what not. Let these be gateways we can open, like vaults (but no keys! codes or pussles would be nice, or getting something from enemies).
Make it so that they are "stand alone" and can spawn anywhere (on appropriate tilesets).


PC players, in your opinion, the Overtake Tactical Alert was…

Well, it could be hard and it could be easy. Having nyx sitting on top of the truck it was easy. Going around trying to fight your way through was...hard :D


PC players, How did the Overtake tactical alert compare to previous tactical alerts?

It was different in that you didn't just pick your most powerful gun and left the rest out.


In your opinion, how do bows compare to other weapon types overall?

More powerful, but I've never liked them.


Would you like to see more bows added to the Warframe arsenal?

No thx. A few maybe cause others like them, but nothing I'd want personally. At least not with how they work now.

They kind of feel "too basic" for the whole space thing. A more modern tech-bow with fancy mechanics/looks would perhaps be more appealing.

Edited by Lactamid
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Firstly, YAY.


This CHT feels *SO MUCH MORE RELEVANT* than usual.Kudos, these are actually things that players have spoken to me about in game. TY TY TY for whatever methodology change you did for this week.


Secondly, I'm a bit confused on why players do *not* want to know that enemies are attacking/preparing-to-attack them. I rather much dislike dying for no apparent reason. It removes the skill level from the game, and makes death feel random and pointless. Giving the cues that they're doing something allows actual player development--learning when you need to dodge so that you don't need HP buffs is far more useful than getting HP buffs, and would give the much-desired "needs to feel like there's progression/skill/difficulty" that people clamour for.


Thirdly, on "raid" missions, I'd very much like an actual "raid" mechanic, ie. actually getting an orokin artifact and dragging it to extraction.


To make that interesting, the "boss(es)" should be guarding the artifact, and part of the teamwork involved would be having an "impulse bomb".... the part of the team trying to get the artifact would be solving puzzles and dodging bullets from the boss, while part of the team is actively fighting them. By default, the boss should have not only fancy mechanics, but extreme armor and damage. Getting through the puzzles to unlock the artifact would allow it to be secured, and once obtained, a "would destroy the artifact if we don't acquire it first" bomb would be detonated to nerf the boss's health, damage, and shields--effectively high-powered perma procs of corrosive, magnetic, viral, and puncture, along with a damaging blast(and perhaps removal of any invulnerability phases they have).


The damage thus done, plus the fact the entire team can focus on the boss now, would make the remainder of the fight dramatically easier. It would/should be entirely possible to kill the boss before getting the artifact, but the level of challenge should be designed for 12-16 players--it could be done, but you're obviously badly outmatched if you decide *not* to try and get the shiny object they're guarding.


One other interesting proposal would be a sort of race... multiple paths to the artifact with both the team and the boss starting away from it. That way the team would be able to try and lead the boss off the wrong paths(the ones not marked as going towards the objective), while some players go to retrieve it.


Included unlocks for the artifact would need to have at least 1 "friendship door" style thing(multiple buttons pressed at the same time), to guarantee teamwork on the effort, hacking puzzles, and perhaps puzzles that go in a paired sequence--one player solving puzzle A would unlock a puzzle piece for puzzle B, and solving puzzle B would unlock a puzzle piece for for puzzle C, which can only be reached by player(s) who solved A.


There should be some movement to them(grab a block and do a mini obstacle course to place it, for example), so that the answer isn't just "puzzle players bring a frost".


Total *ideal* puzzle time should be calculated to be no more than two minutes, max--it should be challenging, but the people actively dealing with the boss need to have some sanity(dodging for 1/2 an hour gets either tedious or impossible). Also, the power of the impulse bomb needs to be high enough that there's a clear DPS advantage in actually getting the artifact rather than having the players engaged at such just shooting at the boss.


For added effect, the finale should involve a "super boss"(perhaps just the boss recovering for a second round) that chases the players to the extraction room(well, right outside of it) after the artifact has been recovered, sealing off the areas behind as they go. The final battle would take place across the remainder of the level, the players needing to take advantage of the super bosses's poor/weakened attack while chasing them(very deadly up close, but not so much at a distance), so that merely running away isn't an option--there has to be active attacks as you retreat. The damage done in the easier-to-hit phase(while running away) would count towards the standoff at the extraction room, where the boss would be able to focus entirely on the team. This should be balanced slightly higher than expected for 8 players, because it's expected that damage should have been dealt during the chase phase.


Bookending the mission with archwing insertion/extraction, if the mode change stuff gets put in properly, would be ideal. Also, under the same caveat("if mode conversion is possible"), having a scaled-for-1-player side mission(basically, a treasure room using AW) to get a helpful "cheat" for the artifact puzzle(something that bypasses one or two stages) would give it some perfect flare.

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Personally I think the overtake was easy, but EXTREMELY gimmicky. 


I always try to stray away from gimmicks like the soma prime, nova prime, rhino prime, etc in normal gameplay, which I get away with by using somewhat gimmicky but not as gimmicky weapons like my trusty twin wraithvipers or my grinlok. I don't S42W/spam42win, and I can get away with actually atleast trying to be tactical in t4 missions.


I tried to stray from the alert's gimmicks ie. max range Nyx absorption or Bastille spam, but it was too hard without. So, meh. Shiny mod. Me wanted. Me gotted.

Edited by Ordel
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In what context do you mean puzzles? Are we talking about getting locked out to find items hidden across the map to open a door to continue through? Or stepping on multiple platforms at different locations at the same time? Perhaps one person interacting with items in a particular order? We need some clarification here.

Plenty will probably disagree with me and that's fine.

Going into a raid I'm expecting epic battles, getting that feeling of satisfaction for a job well done at the brink of death. But when you throw in 7 other people, you expect them to bring much needed manpower to take down tough enemies.

But bringing that amount of people to do puzzles, really? Especially if one or more people lag behind, it essentially kills the pacing of raids. Meaning I have to wait for someone for 5 minutes who can't wrap their heads around something or is just being slow for the sake of being slow. If that's the case:



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What I would like to see with 8 player raids? I'd like to see many things, but if there is only one thing I really, really want see and will be quite disappointed if it doesn't come out with them:


Massive optimization of the game.


We can add any jazz and and all that to 8 player raids, but if it requires some crazy gaming rig just to play reasonably (and please, lets not even get into hosting one) then how would people without crazy gaming rigs be able to truly enjoy it? I'd personally like to see a laptop with integrated graphics be able to host one of these reasonably, although that could be asking for much. Considering the minimum system requirements though I see no reason for this not to happen. Aside from this, I'd be fine with any non-gear related super challenge for raid bosses.


Telegraphing is not a big deal to me atm, cause there's so many ways to preemptively disable and/or kill enemies or put yourself into a situation where it does not matter anyway. This, however, would be nice for raid bosses.


Void rewards in regular missions? Sounds interesting, would be nice to reduce the dilution of the current void drop tables. Really depends on how it's implemented though (i.e. Will there just be more massively weighted dice?).


Overtake was certainly better than all the other tactical alerts, as it actually required you to be... well... tactical. Once you were the mission became easy. The thing I did not like about it was, which sadly is also what made it good, the gear restrictions. This goes to show our weapons and mods are indeed highly imbalanced and remove any difficulty the game was supposed to have.


Bows, at least Dread and Paris prime, are indeed leagues ahead of 99% of the weapons in the game. The reason for this in my opinion is because for the most part, weapons all have the same behavior (You shoot, the projectile flies forward until it hits something. with a meager amount of exceptions, all weapons do this). Since they behave the same, it comes down to which ones have the highest number potential and how often they can roll for that. Dread and Paris Prime are among the highest, and since every other weapon works like they do there's no way to compete. If we had more behaviors maybe we'd see weapons with lower numbers still competing with weapons with higher numbers.


On that note, I wouldn't mind more bows being added, as long as it's accompanied by balancing. If not, then I see no reason to bother, cause either they will be the same thing but stronger, or the same thing but weaker. Really, who wants another of the same thing?

Edited by Racercowboy
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Welcome to another week of Community Hot Topics! Our last Community Hot Topics received a massive number of views/responses, so I just want to reiterate that these topics are 100% community driven and do not necessarily reflect the development process. However, these topics and responses can influence design decisions, so your opinions are extremely important. Hope you enjoy the topics for this week, and I’ll do my best to keep up with all of your responses. 
Raid Expectations
In case you missed the news, Devstream 45 revealed important details on some upcoming 8-player content (aka: raids). The source threads for this hot topic delve into a few player ideas and expectations. Niryco’s thread does a great job compiling many variables to consider. If you could narrow down the quintessential aspects of a raid to 1 or 2 things, what would they be? What truly makes a raid, in your opinion? I’ve included a simplified poll to get some basic opinions on this topic. 
Source threads:

Telegraphed Attacks
For those who are unaware, a “telegraph” is a cue from an enemy that lets players know an attack is coming. HibikiGanaha’s source thread simply states that “[Nullifers] are completely broken without one.” Do you think Nullifiers should telegraph their attacks? Warframe enemies typically do not telegraph attacks, so do you think telegraphs are a good idea? This topic is also important for bosses (and potentially raids). Do you think boss attacks should be telegraphed?
Source thread:

RFaul has a popular thread on void rewards and wonders why the wealth isn’t spread throughout more mission types. Do you think rewards should be diffused? If yes, where would you like to see certain rewards go? If no, why not? Answer in the poll to give your opinion and post your comments below!
Source thread:

Overtake Tactical Alert
The Overtake Tactical Alert has been the source of many hot topics, most of which said the challenge is great! 
PC players, what is your opinion of the Overtake tactical alert? Was it too hard, too easy, or just right? How did it compare to previous Tactical Alerts? Same, better, or worse? 
Console players, are you looking forward to the Overtake tactical alert? Does it seem more interesting/exciting than previous tactical alerts? 
Source threads:

Two of the source threads for this topic request new bows, while the third discusses the power of bows compared to sniper rifles. How do you think bows compare to other weapon types? Do you use bows often? How do bows compare to sniper rifles (which, arguable, share a similar niche)?  What changes, if any, would make you want to use bows more? Is there a specific style of bow you’d like to see (a corpus bow, perhaps)? 
Source threads:





No real comment on this. I've never seen a circumstance where more people necessarily improves a section of gameplay, and I doubt this will buck that trend. It's one thing to have content you can access either alone or with a couple of friends, another that requires you to have a lot more than just one or two people you can count on. People are unknown variables, and considering my experiences of World Bosses on Guild Wars 2, typically that's going to make or break things for you.


So...I wish people luck in satisfying the Raid fans. As long as I don't have to do it if I don't desire to, much as Dark Sector PvP stands currently, let it have its corner. If Raids become something one has to do, not going to be thrilled.




They exist already for some enemies, so it's not unreasonable some of the more dangerous/attention worthy enemies have them.


Personally, playing with headphones I do know that Mutalist Moas and Nullifiers have distinct audio cues, which do also count as Telegraphs, especially with the flanking potential these enemies possess. Of course, Audio cues and Physical motions are important to have both of, in the event you cannot hear the enemy but can see it, or can't see it but can hear it.


Again, Monster Hunter reference: If you don't learn to pay attention to the movements of a monster, or the sounds it makes, you will probably end up on your arse. It's good, as every battle, you learn the quarry, letting you get better at the fight. Strong enemies that lack that 'It's going to do x!' element tend to feel 'cheap' to people.




Void Rewards are a bit of a conundrum. With so many parts sitting on only so many missions, and the list of Primes ever growing, we're going to see a lot of unpleasant complaints get ever more common. Patience is a virtue, and I've played enough MH to pretty much be unfazed by grinding out stuff, provided the action is entertaining enough.


Personally, I would like some work to be put into the Derelicts. They're literally the Orokin ships that 'didn't make it' compared to the Towers. Being Orokin structures, it feels strange that only a very very small number of Prime parts exist within their halls. So, between expanding the Derelict missions out a bit, I'd say halve the Prime Items.


Half in the Tower, half in the Derelict. Ramp up the feeling that these are truly lost items of the ancient world.


Now, granted, people probably won't take this especially well, but it does mean people would have a choice; farm a Tower mission for part of a gun till you get tired of Corrupted enemies, or farm the Derelict till you get tired of Infested. And if we can expand/modify game modes for the Derelicts to expand their retinue, that would be nice.


The Derelicts are a nice Tileset in their own right, with a lot of quirky hiding places for items and trinkets.


Mission types for consideration


Hive: The Derelicts already have the Mutalist enemies, and it seems only fair they get the Hive on truly long gone ships. Seems fairly Tenno to strike at the heart of the problem if they get the chance.


Disruption/Harvest: This is admittedly an idea I've been kicking around since I played darkSector near the end of last year. Effectively, we take the way that Interception works with the Radio Towers, but reverse the purpose; here, we use the Radio Signals to lure/force the Infested either away from an area so our favourite Lone Tenno Operative can crack into some more obscure vaults than normal, or just basically to cull their numbers as much as we can. Taking a 'Tower' would serve as the Infested trying to break it to free themselves from the interference or what have you.


Yes, basically using Mezner's whole Radio Signal control/summoning thing as a way to kill Infested. It's not like it didn't work well enough the first time. Course, this is assuming the Infested we know in Warframe work like the ones he knew...still! It's an idea, is it not? You already established in Once Awake there's an 'awareness' to the Infested, when they 'knew' what the bomb was all about, hence their attacks.


Oldest means of warfare is affecting the communications of the enemy; what greater attack than striking the Hive Mind itself?


(If I spoiled bits of darkSector for anyone...sorry)


Spy: With the rework, it could fit in both the Void and Derelicts now. Nigh defunct but still viable data stores, which will be highly beneficial to the cause. The Void Treasure rooms still work well enough, and there's one or two moderately 'untouched' areas in the Derelicts, like the top floor hidden room in the 'Engine Room' tile. Knowledge is power, is it not?


Other ideas


A lot of us have seen those strange Orokin like structures in that tile of the Corpus Ice Outpost; what if there was a possible thing we could do with that to gain access to that? (The Golden 'pillar' at the base of the short bridge room)




Was alright. Figured out a fair strategy with some random folks. Can't complain.




Can't complain about more bows, they have interesting aesthetics, although currently only Dread or Paris Prime see much of any use. Cernos is unloved. An Infested bow would be...interesting. Especially if it's more Status orientated for a bit of a change of pace. Opinions may vary.


Hope this was worth the time to read.

Apologies for rambling.

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Honestly I thought the Overtake alert was pretty silly.

Using 4 Melee weapons vs 10s or 100s of mobs, including nullifiers that protect enemy mobs, while having to stay close to an moving object that has to be protected by certain skills, and needs shields, is pretty silly.

As for me it seemed like the only way to complete that alert was to be Frost and spam snow globes. Running away from the team would get you killed, skills were useless because of nullifiers. I don't think I even used my melee weapon once.

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i thought the overtake alert was fine


no better or worse than any other tactical alert

that said

tactical alerts are my favorite content in warframe

i like all of them

tactical alerts are like pizza

even when it is mediocre it is still good enough to satisfy

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Yes, this is what makes a great action game, a great action game. Enemies just showing up with aimbots, making you confused whether you were hit by a ballista or something else is just S#&$ty.


The Drahk Master is actually rather excellent with the telegraphing, he makes a very distinct sound when in close proximity and his melee and block have very distinct animations.

Heck It's pretty much the only enemy that got proper action game telegraphing right, the ballista however just drains your shields and half of your health without you even realising who or where or when.




I'm kinda on the fence with this, because we already have 2 extremely good bows.

Introducing new bows will either:

-be as strong as them, and thus makes them useless for vets.

-be weaker, and thus be mastery fodder

-be stronger and make Dread pointless.


The only way I see how adding more bows is a good thing, is if it's done similarly like Hikou prime, which doesn't invalidate Despair.

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Please change the way the result display works for questions with multiple choices allowed. The percentages should show the percentage of voters who chose an answer, not the percentage of votes given per answer. Although we can ballpark the actual interest in each answer based on the number of votes for the questions around it, it would be easier if the results more accurately displayed what percentage of people chose each one.

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Regarding raids, DE... *sigh* I know it's your job to expand the game and give the players what they want, so instead of threatening to leave the game if XYZ happens (again), I'll make this short and sweet:

Remember J-2000 aka Lephantis.

Remember how excited the community was, and how much work you put into him.

Remember how mad we got because of the grind wall, and how irrelevant he is now.

Remember that you had to keep giving him exclusives to get us to go back, and that it wasn't because he was, by far, the biggest, best, most awesome boss we have, it was because he had something we wanted.

People seem to play complex, difficult missions because they want the cookie. Once they get the cookie, they stop playing the complex, difficult missions, and go back to the boring, easy, lucrative ones. Raid sets, DKP, wait times, wipes... I'm worried. That's all.

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The Overtake alert made me scream bullS#&$. 


Nullfiers were immune to my Glaive Prime's throw (!!!), the other enemies swamped the map like someone turned off the restriction for spawning, I kept getting magnetized and losing my shield (which is KIND OF IMPORTANT for the missions completion), the damage was subsequently through the roof on their end while we had almost no means to counter in kind. The rover needed constant babysitting and didn't allow us to step even just a few step away, severely limiting our visibility if we weren't on top of it. 


I resorted to cheesing it with Frost and a teammate Mag because it was so frustrating. 


The quantity and quality of enemies (lots of Eximii and Nullifiers) coupled with the requirement for a thrown mission made the mission very unlikable to me because we felt powerless as we cradled to the rover. 

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-Time lockouts and timed boss fights wouldn't go well with all palyers. Let them enjoy the raid or watch them cringe at how long it takes. Speaking of which how long is a raid going to last? Are there checkpoints?


-Gear requirments or restrictions would dampen the whole 'you can choose how you play'. If someone brings high level gear to a low level raid it would just mean they can go further or help others go reach the end. Maybe even try to solo the entire raid.


-Exclusive gear....eh, it's inevitable but then there is always solo players.


-Team coordination hahahahahahaha, although it sounds great but unless you're with friends it's not going to happen.


-Lore, yes some lore would be nice especially if DE plant a raid in the void.


Void rewards: Yes let's move out the credits, keys, formas, and mods out of the void! Seriously though RNG should probably be more balanced before DE mess with the tables again. Having prime parts outside of the void diminishes the whole adventure of getting a key and going to the void.

Edited by Postal_pat
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On the subject of telegraphing, i think it would be for the better if all sniper type units (currently Sniper Crewmen, Nullifiers, Ballista and one of the Grineer minibosses in Void Sabotage (i forgot her name already)) all had a visible laser sight similar to what the Opticor has.


Especially the Ballista when they can smack you with several hundred points of damage without warning.

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Definitely more, mostly for sniper type enemies, but grenades and corrupted Bombard rockets also need some sort of HUD marker.  Rockets could use some sort of flashing red bracket on them when they get within 50-75 meters or so because they are far to easy to lose track of (or not even see in the first place) Dunno if that falls under "telegraphing" though.




I liked the difficulty of it, but the solution felt too puzzle-ish.  I think exceedingly few people used their Kestrels/Glaives and went with ability spam.  It didn't end up feeling very "tactical".  The few PUGs that I tried where people tried taking down enemies with throws/melee were horrible failures (although the fact barely anyone had max rank weapons certainly didn't help).

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So, judging from these, it'd be safe to assume U16(considering Raids are still going to be released with it) is still at least a month away, isn't it?


Overtake was challenging with a team of pugs, it's certainly doable. But it's kinda hard to solo. I didn't manage to finish it on my own. I think there should be some kind of scaling so solo players are not at a disadvantage.


If the void reward makeover isn't finalized yet, and the next Prime Access is only about a month and a half away, I guess we won't be seeing the changes being implemented in time for that?

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~ Overtake ~


I find it to be one of the worst tactical alerts yet.

Restricting you to use only thrown melee in a mission were you simply cannot kill anything because a third of all enemies are nullifiers and another third being ice eximus ,sometimes spawn as both in one is irreverent as you will never be able to kill them.


This whole tactical alert shoehorned a single tactic in order for it to be beaten: Nyx bobble or frost globe spam with energy restores.

There was no legitimate way to beat that alert without using the above method or other variation of it.


In the end all this alert did was make us not use the 1 required item it asked for and instead find them most efficient way to bypass the entire mission. Other alert at the very least let us use whatever frames and weapons we wanted that fit in the conclave limit.

This alert just flat out spit in your face and told you to go get a nyx or frost to carry you.

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Absolutely no lockouts or puzzles. 


Raid bosses

High end gear should be required, I certainly don't want any gimmicky raid only weapons or gear though. Time limit would be ok as long as its used to ensure at least some effort was put into your weapons and builds and not some quirky mechanic that means everyone needs to be doing everything 100% right 100% of the time or you lose.


Telegraphing enemies

If it is going to one shot me or deal massive amounts of damage from a mile away, I should know its coming, and have proper tools to deal with it.


Move void rewards?

A grind is a grind, doesn't matter where it is, its still going to be bad.



Overtake was not hard nor easy it was really poorly designed. Forcing the players to cheese the mission is not fun. Maybe the "strategies " were intentional but it was still hands down the silliest thing I have ever done.


How did overtake compare to other alerts?

All of the tac alerts boil down to unequipping everything but one uber weapon and doing the mission normal or cheesing it.


How do bows compare to other weapon types?

Better than some worse than others. Bows and snipers have a niche role to fill, very high single target damage, they fill that role rather well.


More bows?

Few more, but don't go overboard, again they have a niche role to fill.

Edited by Roaringsilence
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