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Coming Soon: Devstream #46!


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1)  Are there any plans to expand parkour in the Relays?  Why can't we move like a Space Ninja in the Relays?


2)  Are there any plans to make melee (or in general) animations more fluid and urgent?  Tactical Alert Overtake was an opportunity to see the lack of fluidity and urgency in melee animations because there was not much else to fight with.


Try this simple test:

a)  Hit the jump key then the quick melee keys as fast as possible.  Your Tenno will jump then attack.


b)  Then, try the reverse sequence.  Hit the quick melee key then hit the jump key as fast as possible.  Your Tenno will not jump, only attack. 


The game ignores your key presses until the animation plays out.  It's not responsive, feels sluggish, clunky, even though it doesn't look that way to an observer.  An observer would see great animations then experience the lack of response upon playing the game.  To get around this, people mash the keyboard until the game finally responds, or avoid melee.   It's Angry German Kid inducing.


3)  Are there any plans to improve enemy spawn rates and group size?  For the most part, spawn rates have been nerfed and the observable result is enemy straggling about not giving the impression of a Massive Army for Tenno to Devastate.  It's like self-propelled kibble heading into the maw of the beast.  It takes a long time for the spawn rate to ramp up to where this is not noticeable and the enemy gives more of a Massive Army (or Horde) impression, finally becoming a threat.


4)  Long ago it was stated:

Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.


What can you say about Warframe's plans from that perspective?

1)  What's planned for The Core game play, for 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army?

2)  What's planned for Boss Battles/Bosses?

3)  What's planned for Desperate Scenarios?  Will there be dedicated Desperate Scenarios such as non-RNG Nightmare Mode Challenges?  Will there be more impromptu Desperate Scenarios such as Stalker/G3/Zanuka?  Inform us on Desperate Scenarios in all their various possible forms?  Are there new forms of Desperate Scenarios being planned?

Edited by ThePresident777
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so last dev stream i heard something about other pvp game modes like capture the flag. i would love to hear more about this, anything that is on your mind in reguards to it would be great, i love to hear the possibility's! 


also, would it be possible to get exp tokens (kinda like the syndicate medallions) as a reward for these modes, to take back to your liset and apply experience to gear you have as a cool reward and something more tangible outside of pvp?

and maybe credits or rare resources as well.

Edited by Kurrumitsumi
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Why is RNG used for mission rewards? RNG is better for procedurally generated content anyways.


Edit: Can you lower the modding percentages for shields? having values that fluctuate between 12.5 and 1440 2640 is immpossible to balance without sometimes one-shotting people.


Edit: can we have the new accuracy mechanic as well, or could you explain how weapon accuracy works?

Edited by zoboso
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1. Very concerned about another timed type mission (the Spy updates). Since stealth doesn't go over well and the enemies get alerted to our presence by hearing the thoughts in our head.... 


This is the one thing that really gets me to avoid the Rescue missions. Just not enough time, and the stealth backfires to do it properly. I can see this happening a lot with data retrieval. Wary about this being another un-fun addition.


How are you going to make this work well? Do you consider what happens if in a public match?


2. Will Kubrows ever get some more AI attention?


3. Will the frame head turn even look 'normal'. Right now they're kind of possessed looking.




Can I have a 1000 platinum? It'd make me feel better after bombing a quiz in a class that's slowly sucking my soul dry. My soul gets enough torment at work all day, then THAT. Bleh. Sucks to be a late learner.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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Since Focus has already been mentioned, when are we going to see a better log-in reward system? Or the ability to specify what our extractors should actually extract? The rarity could be balanced by longer extraction times and quantities found. Kinda tired of detonite ampules when I want orokin cells or neural sensors.

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Question : As new prime gear is released and the older items become general down grades (more so with weapons than warframes) is there any way we can recoup our investment in Reactors, Catalysts, Forma, etc so that it applies only to the weapon / item that is going from normal to prime. 


As of right now, if there is a weapon I like / use I'll potato it, toss in a few forma and enjoy using it.  But when the prime version comes along it is often a straight upgrade, so now I'm left with... buying another weapon slot for a weapon I won't likely use again or just selling the weapon off for 2500 credits and throwing at least 20 plat down the drain.  It is sort of a lose lose situation from the position of my wallet.


Just to be clear, this would only apply to a weapon and its prime upgrade.  Could there be a recipe in the foundry that allowed for you to cannibalize the parts from the old weapon and to use for the prime?

Edited by Liberty83
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Will the dojos receive new rooms and decorations?


Will the invasion system be back again? in the sense that the winning faction takes control of the node, if that creates an issue, just make sure that if a faction controls over 60% of the star chart, that faction stops attacking and can only be attacked.


Will we ever see more sindicate weapon mods? especially for those underused weapons like tetra?

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1. There are some discussions about base damage mods.

then, will there be any change to Heavy Calibur (and overall enemy balance)?

Frankly, I hate heavy calibur because it drastically decreases accuracy,

making guns only for close combat. an inaccurate gun is not a reliable partner i think.

but T4 Survival and Defense missions are too tough and enemies are very resilient,

so I have no choice but equip both serration and heavy calibur. actually I'm biting the off-target bullets.

at least I hope I have some other alternative mod or something,

can deal reasonable dmg to T4 heavy gunners after 40mins/rounds...


2. would you balancing nullifiers and bombards?

Edited by Chantepleur
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I know you are working on quality for 2015, I was wondering if the crawling while bleeding out is going to get some quality love. The crawling is very rough and clunky and just down right doesn't even work sometimes. This mechanic can be very important especially at hight level content. Not being able to crawl behind cover or into a frost/limbo bubble so your squad mate doesn't also go down and then start a chain reaction and the whole squad goes down.


Also, has there been any thought on a second wind system (borderlands) or a mod for Sentinels/Kubrows to pick you up while bleeding out. One example could be a mod that gave a sentinel the ability to sacrifice itself to pick you up while you are bleeding out.



Keep up the good work DE!

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As both a high level player on PS4 (Mastery 18) and a low level player on PC (Mastery 1), in the last couple of months my experience using the star chart has worked as follows: 0 squads playing any and every node.


On PS4 I would prefer to collect neurodes by playing missions in Eris rather than the derelict, but it is near impossible to get matched with other players. Nobody is hosting public sqauds there. And on PC I am simply trying to make my way through the nodes of Mercury and Venus so I can.. play the game at all.. and I cannot get matched with other players. As a high level player not being able to find matches just forces me to find matches elsewhere. But as a noob I have no options, I NEED to play these nodes and I have no assistance.


My experience in Warframe back when PS4 launched was so much better than my experience now when there is no significant influx of new players exploring the star chart, that if I was trying Warframe for the first time - with no idea what I was doing and no investment put in - I would have quit and deleted Warframe from my hard drive within 3 play-hours.


Are there any plans to change the star chart? Compress it and focus player count to facilitate matchmaking? Being forced to use Recruiting chat to find matches to play in the Void and Derelict is annoying enough to me, but if I'm forced to use Recruiting chat just to complete the nodes of Mercury.. why should I bother to keep playing Warframe? The precedent has been set that I'm likely to wait an hour or more to play my next mission and standing in the Liset waiting for a squad is not entertaining.

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A couple others posted about capture the flag.


I am very new to Warframe but I can remember team play back in the days of COD1 when capture the flag was so much fun from a team/squad/flight perspective.


It would be nice if the actual "flag" could be customizable to some degree as well.   Also, maybe the flag could actually move if it is not taken within a certain time frame to avoid campers.


Just some old man thoughts.

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More Syndicate stuff coming? Cosmetics? Quests? Relays? Right now Syndicates are a one-and-done feature of the game, with little to offer after maxing rank in them. As well, with the ability to trade certain Syndicate items, the notion of "loyalty" to a Syndicate is lost. Even in the ability to rank up more than one Syndicate simultaneously, the notion of "loyalty" to one Syndicate is lost and the rewards from reputation with a Syndicate cheapened by the ability to trade them. Are there any plans to address this? Is this what was intended, and if so, what does that ultimately entail for other Syndicate content, whether cosmetics, weapons, or lore?

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Im interesting with 8 players raid. My question is, How the mechanics for hosting system for 8 players raid? Is it base on player host or you have another server for hosting this mode?

Because if its base on player host it will a lot problem comes. some excamples:

1. for 8 players raid it will need very good or high speed connection for host (not all player have it)

2. Some frames and some weapon still have problem with causing fps drop.

3. host migration.


I really cant wait for this mode (8 player raid), it will very fun to play........



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