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Hotfix 15.13.2


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Still no fix for some semi-automatic secondary weapons like the AkMagnus, Brakk, AkVasto, AkBronco and Telos AkBoltousing more ammo than they shoot as detailed here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/391883-semi-automatic-secondaries-like-akmagnus-and-brakk-using-more-ammo-then-they-should/#entry4322667



But I do have to say I love the new spy missions. Really fun to kinda plot out your path in the vault.

Edited by BaronZeffery
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Wait what the hek happened to my post?

Well anyway it said:


Still didnt fix the second reward for Sabotage yet? sigh...

Got my hopes up when i saw sabotage fixes...

Details please.

He meant how you guys removed the end-of-mission rewards from the third Orokin Sabotage cache a while ago, with promises to add it back when it was unexploitable.

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Still didnt fix the second reward for Sabotage yet? sigh...

Got my hopes up when i saw sabotage fixes...





Details please. 



Only official details I know of is the changelog when they were removed: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/367247-hotfix-1571/

Specifically: "Void Mission rewards are no longer included in caches upon finding all 3. Please note we are working on a way to return this feature, but exploits prevent us from leaving it active at this time." And we haven't heard  a word about it since.

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Fixed an issue where Red Veil Syndicate allies in missions were using Kunai instead of Rakta Ballistica. 



WOW that AI is way smarter then I gave it credit for.


but srs rakta needs a bigger buff...

Edited by RIOTx
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