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Around What Update Did You Join The War, Tenno?


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Do you wish you joined sooner, later or at the time you did?



You can find update lists here:  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Closed_beta_updates#Update_5  ...then cross-reference it with your "Member Since" on your profile if you don't remember.



The first update I experienced was 5.4.1 ...amazes me how far we've come.  *sobs in a controlled and manly manner*

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I joined somewhere in the middle of Update 11, aka during The Cicero Crisis. I didn't get a chance to take part in it, however. I think I joined at the right time, where there was enough content to keep me doing stuff, but any later and I probably would've given up on Warframe soon after playing. Still, though, wish I had known about the game early enough to have gotten Founders, but then again I don't know if it would've been worth it. Still have yet to see where Warframe will go.

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Sometime during U7. I've been through the ropes man. I've seen some things. Would you believe the grineer used to mass produce rollers, and Hek used to have a regular clone body too. He used a hek and wanted hugs. Tenno's these days don't believe me though. They just say I've ran too many void missions

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You do know that the time that is on our profiles, is the time we first logged into the forums, not when we first made our account and played



I joined the game around update 10.1

I registered over 2 years ago, so I don't exactly recall, but wasn't the forum/warframe account required to even start playing though...so chances are you logged on around the same time.

Edited by Lanieu
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