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Which Are The Most Fun And The Least Fun Frames?


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Playing mainly Ash for so long got really boring for me. His abilities pretty much just straight up kill or aid in killing. There's no fun moves to play with... just kill, kill, kill. I want to change my Ash main into something that is more enjoyable. What are the most fun frames and the least fun frames in your opinion?



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Trinity is a lot of fun for me. I love playing support and trying to keep people alive. Watching the squads health and my own while trying to link up and kill enemies....so fun.


Most boring for me? Hydroid hands down. Just an overall meh frame. All his powers are underwhelming and well boring. None of them seem to have any real "oof" to them. Don't get me wrong. I am sure in the right hands hydroid can be great. I just don't find him all that fun..at all.

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Well Loki, Banshee and Zephyr are pretty fun frames if you don´t want to go straight to the killing. 

Loki has no offense but is extremely useful.

Banshee is squishy as heck but has really cool skills.

Zephyr can friggin fly.

Also if you want some funny offensive frame, there´s many but i´d recommend Ember and just burn everything with max efficiency build. 

And don´t forget Nyx. 


Hope this helps :p

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Full Offence Frost

Counter  cc Zephyr

"Burn Everything" Ember

Pull mag


these are the frames i enjoy using, Frost being on Top (Don't tell Zephyr .-.)


frames become Boring when you have to force to play a single mind set



-Vortex Vauban during infested defence

-Desecrate Nekros during Survival

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most fun: riplinin' valkyr. warcry is loads of fun. coptering with a scindo. awesome armor. paralysis lol. hysteria boom.

least fun: nekros, because he's like an old man with arthritis when casting his abilities if you don't have natural talent. Also, it's cause i don't like waving my hands over dead bodies and picking loot from them. It makes me feel like a grave robber...(technically the grineer/corpus are grave/cryo pod robbers but meh)

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Is there a problem with killing?^^

And its not only killing. The shuriken argument ripps off armor and is therefore a support ability on this set. Smoke bomb shackles enemys, light cc. The blade storm wards you from dmg- both a defensive and offensive ability. And the invisibilty is nice as well. I love him.

But meh... i could recommend zephyr. Awesome cc and status-support with the tornados, mobile and the wind shield buffs yourself (argument) and provides pretty good defense on the inner shield (+strength, max efficiency, min range, -duration worked best for me)

Banshee has a good reputation as well. Awesome support/cc frame.

Maybe nyx? Awesome cc, moderate defensive dmg

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Most Fun (mainly because of non-offensive abilities)

#1 LOKI, trick master : S.Teleport and invisibility, you can go anywhere and fooling around (running away from enemies)

#2 Vauban, trap master : Setting trap and seeing enemy jumping in them is a pleasure

#3 Nova ( third because I really like her tiny look saying : "I look i've got a pyjama but i'll still kick you")


Least fun (mainly because of Offensive abilities)

#1 Rhino (I never play it but only fun when you see 3 rhino dying and your loki still intact)

#2 MAG (really useful with all her abilities... but nothing else, no interaction with the map)

#3 Oberon (my very personal opinion ... he's creepy....don't like goats)

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Do yourself a favor: 


-Grab dual ichor 


-Grab Valkyr


-Go into any infested mission


-Find a big group of infested


-Use warcry and paint the walls red


Of course, if you consider fun overrated and/or dislike yourself, you could try this:


-Grab Rhino


-Grab any gun


-Go to any mission and shoot things 

Edited by (PS4)JoeyTwoShoes
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heres my top 5 personal fav frames 

1: mag due to her ablity to deal damage and heal sheilds at the same time, and she has a very good cc with pull

2:loki due to his shear usefullness and that he can be used in creative ways. 

3:nova cause she can slow, apply damage muiltiplier, and is very fast, which allows me to move around the batte field so i cant get hit ( much) 

4: nekros : cause he can send a emeny flying with is fun to watch, has a good panic button, and is a one man army with shadows of the dead.

5: nyx due to her cc ablity and can make a invincible decoy with mind control. also absorb is pretty handy if ur in trouble 

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Mirage is entertaining. 3 of her 4 abilities are extremely useful and her ultimate is absolutely insane when built for, and is literally a disco ball with multiple deadly lasers. After some serious trouble enjoying her building for power strength and duration, I built her for range and involved Prism in all my tactics. After that, she became a favorite.


Nekros is pretty boring. Terrify does give me a chuckles every now and then, though (run for your life!). I'd love to see Shadows of the Dead be a bit more useful. The skill itself is really cool in theory, but the AI is bad and the end up annoying me more than helping me.


Rhino is the definition of boring. He has the least-inspired skills in the game.


Zephyr is great. She can fly, summons tornadoes and is immune to projectiles. include a Heavy Impact and you make dive bomb a pretty funny CC. She is way underrated, she has the fun factor but can be a very respectable warframe for almost all game modes.

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