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Mentorship Program | Need Mentors



I'd like to wish all Mentors good luck in their endeavors to help new players. If any of you become GoTL then you have my full backing. If possible, try advertising a bit to get some new players attention. Remember, we have been doing this before GoTL went live so stay proud of that fact that you've been helping before the actual "help" arrived
I'm back!. now back to business
Note: To all my mentors, if you've been contacted by a new player i want to be informed so i may mark you as Unavailable.
Note: DO NOT come into the thread to self advertise. This is not the place for it. Either you are seeking help, or you are volunteering to help
Note: To my mentors, if you feel you no longer wish to partake in my program, then notify me. It pains me to see you go but your wishes will be respected.
Note: To my mentors, i'd like your timezones to put next to your name so everyone can find someone in their timezone. please use this site. just tell me your timezone that's on here. like mine is PDT UTC-7
To all would be mentors: i will monitor if you are active on the forums since this it's a big factor in this program. IF the last time you've logged on was weeks ago, you will be removed!
If you are expecting to be gone for a long period of time, notify me ahead of time and let me know the estimated time of return so that i do not remove you from my list of mentors


  • Seek out and aid any new tenno who may need it.
  • Set the example for the younger generation
  • Maintain a positive relation with the other mentors and pupils
Requirements to be a mentor:


  • Have been a member for at least a year (minus XB1 players)
  • Active forum user
  • Don't be toxic
  • Be willing to help in any way you can
Below is a list of the exemplary tenno who've set out to help the newer generation:
LordOfScruggingPDT UTC-7 - Available | PM
siralextraffoCET / CEST UTC +1 / +2 - Available | PM
GordoFreeman(PC) - Available | PM
BattleBrows(PC) - Available | PM
Meneliki(PC) - Available | PM
Homer87(PC) - Available | PM
Luther848(PC) - Available | PM
TheGuyverOneEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Available | PM
AigloblamCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
KamijoToumaPDT / PST UTC -8 /-7 - Available | PM
TheStag(PC) - Available | PM
BrahkestMST / MDT UTC -7 / -6 - Available | PM
Mr.Lube(PC) - Available | PM
bluntpufferGMT+1 - Available | PM
Rexian(PC) - Available | PM
TobiahCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
okinolas(PC) - Available | PM
--.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-PHT UTC +8 - Available | PM
hammerheathenPDT / PST UTC -8 /-7- Unavailable | PM
LuxiferEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Available | PM
CET / CEST   UTC +1 / +2 - Away | PM
FabpsiCET / CEST   UTC +1 / +2 - Available | PM
CET / CEST UTC +1 / +2- Available | PM
(PS4)Santar0s(PS4) - Available | PM
(PS4)Arrow_TemperCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Unavailable | PM
(PS4)ELIT3_EXP3RT-01(PS4) - Unavailable | PM
(PS4)IIIDevoidIIIEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Unavailable | PM
[member=] Open  | PM
[member=] Open | PM
(PS4) - Available | PM
(PS4)RyanRFC12345GMT UTC +0 - Available | PM
(PS4)ViggorrahCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
(PS4)dice_thrownCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
[member=](PS4) - Open | PM
[member=] Open | PM
(XB1)A Frikn GrizzlyEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Available | PM
(XB1)SwagScapegoat(XB1) - Available | PM
TonedTyphoon(XB1) - Available | PM
(XB1) - Available | PM
(XB1) - Available | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
(XB1)LexaHex488(XB1) - Available | PM
(XB1)Lorewalker1022(XB1) - Available | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
If you are looking for a mentor, simply click on the respective platform and click on the PM link next to the mentor's name to ask for assistance (help in game, advice on builds, etc.)
Those who wish to help out may simply let me know your IGN/PSN/GT so i can update the list. (PSN/XB1 Mentors are GREATLY needed!)
The "I screwed up while editing" Corner:
somehow broke the spoilers so gonna be keeping it in this style. atleast i got rid of the mass of orange text
Other Mentoring Programs:
Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Something tells me DE added those in themselves. We Tenno Councillors must seem extra super nice and helpful.

Then again I wasn't around when they did that, so I could be wrong. Maybe it was a requirement for submission.

If it was DE themselves, then it wouldn't say 'Tenno Councillor EA, or XY'


Plus I remember them talking about it on a Prime Time around then.


EDIT: Typed wrong.

Edited by (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly
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If it was DE themselves, then it wouldn't say 'Tenno Councillor EA, or XY'


Plus I remember them talking about it on a Prime Time around then.


EDIT: Typed wrong.

i don't remember seeing any where to put tips in and i've been in the DC for a bit. i remember that prime time where they said that "the DC is coming up with tips to put into the game" was well after i was sent an invite into the DC

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If it was DE themselves, then it wouldn't say 'Tenno Councillor EA, or XY'

Plus I remember them talking about it on a Prime Time around then.

EDIT: Typed wrong.

I meant the exclamation points, not the tips themselves. I know DC members wrote those. Edited by (PS4)Viggorrah
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i don't remember seeing any where to put tips in and i've been in the DC for a bit. i remember that prime time where they said that "the DC is coming up with tips to put into the game" was well after i was sent an invite into the DC

needed some time to find it https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/339056-tenno-knowledge-bank-submissions/ (for those who are in the DC)

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Dedicated Tenno ready to assist in any way possible.


I am pretty much done with my main objectives ( aka: I have reached the "Forma everything" stage).


I am allready trying to help everyone I can. I answer all question that I know the region chat is not going to pick up. When I spot obviously new players I try to guide them through the swamp that is Warframe for newbies and have done so succesfully times and times again. I would love to become a part of this programm since the official one seems to have lost a whole lot of momentum. Here are some hard facts.




 - My timezone is CEST while I am usually not available before 6:00 pm, I sometimes can online much earlier.


 - I get online pretty much everyday and check the forums daily aswell.


 - I am fluent in german and english.


 - I have joined the game with Update 7 just after the game went on steam( so I am one of the old fucks and I know some thangssss)


 - I am a little OCD so I have accumulated an unnaturally big Warframe knowledge base XD


  -I am a social prodigy and beyond relatable and hilarious ... I am nice ...


 - For more personal contact I have Skype, Raidcall, Teamspeak and Dolby Axon ready to go ... I don't know why either ... it just happened ...



I love this game. I really do. I hope that I can make an impact by helping new players to get to love it aswell. And I think this is a marvelous way to do it.






P.S.: I know you are not searching right now. I just thought I'd leave that here.

Edited by thebrainbrain
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Already on the list, just updating with my timezone: Pacific Standard Time(PST)/Pacific Daylight Time(PDT)


*Edit: Can't recall if I said it in my first post, but alongside English I can speak a decent amount of French- if that information's at all relevant.

(Even though there are multiple forums for the different regions, I think it'd still be a good idea to list the known languages of the mentors- for the international crowd that does visit the primarily English speaking forum)

Edited by KamijoTouma
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I would like to ask a few questions about this program, if you guys don't mind.

Firstly, if I want a to apply for a mentor, do I need to join their clan? Will it hinder my mentorship?

Secondly, what do you guys do as mentors? I'm guessing the type of help provided depends on what the mentor is willing to do, but what in general?

This one ties in with the above question. At the moment I'm lost as to what I should be doing to progress... I realise that it's a game and I should 'just have fun lolz' but, you know... I like moving forward, I like progressing, if that makes any sense...?

If I had a good clan and buddies to play with, things would be going a lot smoother. Uhm... It's not like my clan mates are assh*les or anything, but they wouldn't jump if I asked if they would join me for a match, if you know what I'm saying.

I'm doing a terrible job at explaining myself. Whatever. I mean to say that I'm YOLOing through this game. I see something new and I'm like: "hmmm...dart gun? Gimme. Bow. Sword. Freaking robo fists?!? So much stuff..." Then I get something and it's a dissapointment. This wouldn't have been so bad if things didn't take a day to build. It feels like I'm wasting my time.

I would like to have a mentor that could play through this game with me, step by step. Somebody that would say: "Right, so now that we have some of these, we should move on to this over there. After we grab that, I'll take you to this place where you'll find that other thing. You should probably have one of those aswell. Oh, and lets go do this. THAT mission, that mission is totally rad - we have to go do it."


"Well", I hear you say, "it sounds like you're not enjoying warframe. There is nothing we can do about that. If it's not your cup of tea, then you should probably bail out instead of subjecting yourself to more discomfort.", but that's not true. I love playing this game. To be completely frank with everybody, I am my own biggest problem. I like being knowledgable about things. To be in control of the situation. To make the right decisions. I don't like it if things don't fall into place nicely and neatly.

"This is a game" I hear you say. "Just playing is fun man. It's not about being the most effective. It's not about being the best, or figuring everything out. Just play. Just have fun."

But I can't.

The solution to my dilemma, I believe, is to let somebody else take the wheel. To let somebody else drive me 'on my road' through warframe. That way I can just give in to the judgement of somebody that is much more knowledgeable about this game than I am. This way I don't have to be the person in control. I dont have to make the right decisions.


In short, I want a mentor that is willing to literally SPOON FEED warframe to me, match by match. Somebody that will DRAG my SORRY, USELESS &#! around and around and around. Somebody that is willing to answer, or at least listen to, my millions of dumb, stupid questions. I basically want a mentor with the patience and kindness of the Holy Father himself.


Phew. What a piece of nonsense this post turned into. I didnt mean to give everybody insight into my psychological shortcomings. Im sorry if I upset people with this.

So, the final few things. My IGN: is Qwertmeister. My timezone is GMT( +2 i believe). Im on pc.

I'm not Totally useless either, I mean I can be an interesting conversationalist at times. I have some good jokes. Errr... Yeah.

I'm not going to be on every hour of the day. My mentor neednt be either. (I'm still in school -final year- so yeah. Holidays are coming up though. My final test is on wednesday.) I'm totally willing to wait for him to come online before progressing further through the game. We dont need to do 'power hours, yo' either. If you want to go make some coffee or whatever, you can do it anytime you like. Anything you want. I just want a mentor.

pls guys pls



EDIT: this was supposed to be a post asking questions about the mentoring program, but fukit.


A final shout out to the amazing things you guys do, it is much appreciated. WHOOP!

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I'll have to say I'm quite intruiged by your post since it's quite long and as much as it's a little out of the usual, it's also nice to see people being diffrent.

I can't promise the "spooning" you asked for since I'm often in Larunda Relay helping out or running missions with other people, but feel free to send me a message anytime asking questions (ingame, here on the forums and on steam if you'd like to add me there). If you need help with anything I'd be glad to be helping out when I'm able to.


Also if you like just being able to ask anytime on Teamspeak 3, feel free to join me on my old clans Teamspeak as I'm often hanging around there talking to them and at the moment helping one of them out as they're progressing through the game. (If so, send me a message on the forums and I'll give you the IP to the server).


To answer question one: We don't have a clan as mentors, at least not yet. But I don't believe there's any plans for that either even though it'd be interesting.

Question number 2: How a mentor work is not always the same as to another. Some gift a lot of mods and what not, whilst others help hunt for the mods or just tells you "you find the mod here and there from this mob and that container, Good luck!". It's interesting sometimes to get a insight on how others do their things and compare them to how yourself as a mentor do things.


And a few of the things you brought up, for example with "It's just a game, enjoy it" and so on, I understand where you're coming from with some of it. I mean, I went into this game back in the day trying to learn everything. Always trying to get the most kills in Exterminate missions and also being the one min/maxing every build and weapon. I've learnt that it's not always easy and you can learn a lot from watching others and ask a few questions about why and if. So coming here asking a bit is something I like to see:)

Edited by Rexian
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I enjoyed your post Qwertmeister.


Im only going to address 1 aspect, the rest speaks for itself.


Lastnight and recently, I've tried to hep explain Archwing tactics, mod locations and part loacations to new ans veteran players.


My experiences just this weekend-

MR 13 invites players to help complete Neptune Sabotage. He speedruns the entire way, didnt kill anything, didnt shoot at the objective andd ied whil typing"are you guys coming or what?",. He had to be revived by the MR 8 player that showed up randomly. Guy had a level 5 Odanata.


Player asked me to help with limbo AW. I asked "what Archwing and what level is it?"

Reply "I can hold my own".

I asked again.

Reply " Its level 5 Oda"

Me-" You should level that up to use Repel and Disarray"

Reply "Not interested in Archwing"

Me "ok If your not interested in helping your team, Im not interesting in helping you."




Tried to help another player with Limbo(they were level 5 Oda) . Took them from planet to planet starting at Mercury. By the time we got to Earth, they left. 





Found a random team farming Elytron, Good teamwork, lots of communication, lots of combinations.




Long story short, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink.

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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Thank you fot taking the time to reply, guys.

BIG EDIT, DONT READ ANYTHING YET! The post flows a bit better if you read the second paragraph onwards first, then come back to the first one. Dont laugh, I'm OCPT. No, I couldn't just swap them around, because I'm on my phone and I dont know how to use the thing. Ok. Finished. Read on, if you will it so...

1: @Rexian: Thanks for the offer, but... Yeah. Sorry for sounding like a selfentitled assh*le (that I totally am). I just wouldn't be satisfied with a 'quick game here and there' and a few 'tidbits of advice'. I'm not taking your offer the wrong way. I totally understand that you're willing to invest a lot of time into me, and you're very generous, and the fact that you invited me to 'leetspeak' with your friends is amazing, but well... It's kinda like when you have your heart set on a bicycle, but your dad gets you a train set or something. It just isn't what you wanted, no matter the red colour and gigantic price tag of the train set - in the end, dreams are crushed despite good intentions. So, I'm sorry. But thanks. *facepalm*

2: In hinsight I realise that using terms like 'spoon feed' and 'sorry, useless &#!' (amongst other things) might not do wonders for my chances of finding a mentor.

3: I feel like I should sum up what I said in my previous post, but I don't know how I would do that. Plus I think it gets to the hart of things. Or whatever. Yeah, so I'll just leave it as is... I'm worried people might take what I said the wrong way so... If anybody has questions? I could attempt to explain myself a bit better...?

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I'd be willing to take you on Qwertmeister. Interestingly enough I actually usually have the time.  My mentorship style is more about the flow of things. Fairly reactive, different people need help with different things. Some people need a sudden plunge and a friendly hand pointing in the right direction, others need someone who will just take a moment to help them figure it out. I consider Warframe a game that is one long learning process. There are some of us who banged our heads on the brickwall in solo play until we really understood the mechanics in the beginning (a looooong time ago in gamer time), and there are those of us who began playing warframe with a team. I'm an odd mix of both.


As a sidenote, I don't see any reason not joining someone's clan should hinder mentorship, but I could see how some mentor's may ultimately want someone to join thiers, or that mentees may want to join thier mentor's clan. Last I was aware, that is not what this program is about.


A lot of the things in this game, won't give you the best experience unless you do them with someone else. There are also something that some people will enjoy while others just won't. Example: I really enjoy the dual cleavers as a weapon. Many other people don't like how they feel.


I will point out that having some form of voice chat does help for in-depth explanations mid-fight, I prefer steam or skype for that. But I also understand not everyone is comfortable with that, so to each their own.


I am generally on PST afternoons, for at least a few hours, but sometimes my hours are variable. If I end up mentoring you, and you prove trustworthy (no offense) I MAY provide a method to ping me while I am offline, but it really depends on how things go, if they go at all.

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