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The Empty Liset!


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Hay OP you kown whats funny?


I was JUST playing Deus Ex: HR, when I found this.



you got my vote

:D It really is an immersive game, one of the best i've ever played. Thanks for your support, i'd love if more people contributed so DE knows that this is something they could do to improve Warframe's immersion and give players another feel to it. Of course there's more important stuff to change, older problems that haven't been properly addressed, but we gotta make them know that this also needs a look-over.

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  • 1 month later...

Well since the Liset we are in is only part of our larger ship maybe when DE puts in the larger Orbiter, which is what our Liset is attached to, they can add in stuff like this, I personally would like some chairs and charts or screens showing ship statistics good idea overall though!

Well since the Liset we are in is only part of our larger ship maybe when DE puts in the larger Orbiter, which is what our Liset is attached to, they can add in stuff like this, I personally would like some chairs and charts or screens showing ship statistics good idea overall though!

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+1 from me.

That in fact would be a hell of a fun to have this kind of things added to the Liset.

Then I'll submit something as a kubrow fan, why not giving them more life, interacting with environment, moving around somewhat freely once de frosted and (that is to me the funny part) some kind of, fatigue alternate behavior for when the kubrows is defrosting.

That is just a suggestion I make since I would live to see my own go and mess around inside the Liset because, as I said, I love those furballs.

Edited by Cyriann
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  • 4 weeks later...

Suggestion: Allow the player to set the radio to either intercepting transmissions or playing some of the BGMs in the game. Orokin Towers have an amazing BGM.


I don't think DE plans on adding "radio" to the game, it just wouldn't feel right, even if we would enjoy it, because i certainly would!


one thing i would really like that would be a treat would be to set low orbit around a planet  so you can see the enviroment like the jungles of earth or the snowcapped peaks of pluto in the distance~ =$ to to add alittle extra layer =$


Yes, that would be an amazing addition to the Liset latching on! :D


Well since the Liset we are in is only part of our larger ship maybe when DE puts in the larger Orbiter, which is what our Liset is attached to, they can add in stuff like this, I personally would like some chairs and charts or screens showing ship statistics good idea overall though!

Well since the Liset we are in is only part of our larger ship maybe when DE puts in the larger Orbiter, which is what our Liset is attached to, they can add in stuff like this, I personally would like some chairs and charts or screens showing ship statistics good idea overall though!


The Orbiter compartment is the area where the arsenal, the incubator, the foundry are located. But yes, it would be swell if DE expanded it a little more.

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You can't latch the liset onto an enemy ship since in space you are actually in the orbiter which is at least 5 times bigger than the liset.

 Woah, had forgotten about that... Damnit, i guess i'll have to remove it.

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I would like it if Liset window digitally renders transmission.

Imagine liset window to be a tv screen rather than just a window cuz i think it really is a tv screen since the exterior doesn't show any sign of having a window. It should be able to split the screen with the transmissions for alert and mails and for the space view.

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I don't think DE plans on adding "radio" to the game, it just wouldn't feel right, even if we would enjoy it, because i certainly would!

Well, Mass Effect 2 had a sound system in your personal quarters where you could cycle to music from the game to listen to while hanging out there. Borderlands (2 as well as The Pre-Sequel) has radios everywhere that you can turn on and off and switch channels. And we already have the Grineer radio in the alcove next to the ramp. So I for one don't see a problem in adding some extra functionality to that and allowing us to listen to some of the pretty cool music while outside of missions, when I can actually focus on it and not on the next wave of enemies.

Sure, I could just have

open, but a sound system in the Liset, so it sounds different depending on your relative position to the "speakers", would be much more immersive IMO. And who's to say that Tenno can't appreciate music and use it to relax? Edited by Bibliothekar
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Hmm, maybe the cephalon interaction could extend the lore the same way as simaris. DE can add some minigames, which are basically tenno trying to crack and hack around ordis hidden historical records. After a large enough attempt, new fragments of lore would be available to read/watch/replay.

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I support all the suggestions here, immersion can never be a bad thing.

I can think of more, a weapons-rack with your current loadout, status on Foundry reaearch in a screen and so on.

One thing though, I would never have guessed the topic when I read "Empty Liset." I thought it was some fanart thing.

Consider adding, greater immersion or such to the title?

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Might have missed it.

Has anyone suggested using that kickarse soundtrack DE was using in Primetime69? -_^ that just rolls sweetly of the tongue lol.


In the Op it mentions a radio. Use the game music from codex and Prime Time 69.


For the veiwscreen, use pre-approved by DE, player made episodes. Youtube has some funny sith lol 


DE even had an April fools joke?, about The Stocker getting caught on camera lol

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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