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Archwing Dislikers, What Is Your Problem With The Game Mode?


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Leveling is too slow, farming for weapons is INCREDIBLY annoying, I swear it's easier to farm for the rarest prime parts than some archwing weapons (still farming for centaur and fluctus till this day)...oh and tellurium is a myth, that thing doesn't drop, you can't tell me it drops after the 50+ runs I did without 1 dropping.


Also the missions get boring, I'd say it has few tile sets...but I can't even call them tile sets when it comes to interception... but on the other hand I'm scared if they add any more clutter to it, because enemy pathing is non-existent.

Edited by Sebastianx
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I feel somewhat qualified to put in my two-cents. AW is very disconnected from warframe itself - 1) story wise we had the balor-formorians and the quest to attain the AW itself and thats it, i get that there are no bosses to add story to it but we have few game-modes and no variety. 2) The ever-so consistent problem of RNG. The whole weapon crafting system for AW is painful, it is sorta like the Void Def/Sab/Surv with a drop table but... its just painful. I don't know maybe i just haven't made proper sacrifices to RNGsus lately. I feel like AW could be a good addition to Warframe but first it has to be bearable. If the mechanics were changed or fixed and more game-modes were added then perhaps it may be more entertaining but until then we can only wait.

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My main issue with archwing is that everything is shoved into Uranus. I've done over 100 runs to get that fluctus or centaur part but nope, instead I've massed numerous T4 keys and blazing steel mods because I don't have hundreds of those thanks to syndicates.

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Prime-level RNG for basic weapons, no free movement, rubbish minimap, no shared loot, bad revive mechanic, lack of content, and disconnected from the main game, off the top of my head.


I am aware it is in alpha.  I don't care.  They released it, so I'm judging it.

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Without beating a dead horse, there are a number of ways Archwing can be improved to make it a more enjoyable experience. At present, a number of mechanics lack feedback to the player, which causes confusion unless you know what's going on. For example, getting downed in Online play. On-foot, there is a distinct "kick back" as you fall on your butt and pull out your secondary. In Archwing, you just stop. Lacking a secondary, you cannot even retaliate, having been effectively removed from the game until you're back up. That's fine and all since you've been downed, but there should be something to immediately indicate that you're imperilled. A sound or something, anything.

Missiles are another consideration in the game-mode. The Grineer focus on entrapment and heavy bombardment of the enemy via homing missiles. Your starting Archwing, the Odonata, has an ability specifically designed to deter these missiles. The issue with this at present is that there is no visual indications to the player when they should be using it. I think it would be more useful to the player to tell them when they have an enemy/missile locked onto them, so that the player knows they should be evading/using the ability.



More content would be nice, as previously stated. The Fomorians were content that I think could be integrated into a regular event similar to Alerts. They may not necessarily have relay destructions as punishment, but holding them off/destroying them could give the participants a reward at it's end.

I don't agree with the way we can't do flips and stuff at present, either. DE's statement on that was that during testing they found it made things hard to navigate. It's an odd position to take when numerous fast-paced space shooters manage that fine. I would at least like a toggleable option to enable full six degrees of freedom.

#Opinions :U

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I would make a huge post and stuff, but I am tired, so I am multi-quoting and using some scissors to cut and paste the parts that describe how I feel.



 released too early

lack of mods

lack of places to level properly

weapon gathering system


drops are close to non existant (which makes it quite useless to do)

the problem with archwing imo is the lack of Archwing things we can do

right now, Archwing needs its own thing to make it sepcial (Or somthing that could be unique or Void like)

It's in it's infancy

Huge map with slow movement (except Itzal user)

You need to farm weapon parts with poor RNG

Navigator system not fit in archwing mode (everytimes i have no idea that enemy stand above of me or under my foot)

Mod drop have poor drop rate

 being locked on the Y-axis.

Most of the fun that comes from space games is the disorientation you get from having full 6-dof. Without it its just like regular Warframe but against duller enemies in what might as well be a big empty room.

2) The lack of the game modes. Also, gameplay:

2.1) It's so boring. Fighting 10-15 enemies is boring, fighting 10-15 Hellions's annoying. If only there was a Defense with the swarms of thousands  enemies (how it was during Balor Fomorian sabotage);

2.2) The lack of any [lock-on] warning in case of Hellions' missiles;

2.3) Annoying loot searching;

2.4) Waypoint system

2.5) Navigaton is bad: enemies and loot -- in both cases. IMO, our minimap should be repalced with a radar.

2.6) Reviving in AW. Yes, it needs some polish or rework

It lacks the speed and power I expected to have. Basically what you do is fly very fast to one spot,find enemies, stop , aim, shoot, and than go back to step 1 again.

Archwing is cut off from the rest of the game. None of what you accomplish outside of Archwing matters in Archwing except which aura you have equipped on your Warframe.

Also, experience gain is incredibly small and extends the time required to rank up your Archwing and weapons.

The gameplay of Archwing is way too slow, which makes it incredibly boring to play.

No full three dimensional control and boring weapons.


how slow the melee is


actual functioning lock-on missiles on the odanata


archwings to move faster 


no plasma/tachyon blasters 

Ok, let's first separate two groups here:

We have the Dislikers: They don't like archwing because they feel it isn't at a current state where it can be liked in WF.


These guys have perfectly valid reasons (aside from the "it doesn't fit in WF". They don't count).


And then we have the haters: These guys just dislike it for really stupid reasons and will outright blam it down whenever they get the chance. These primarily have people hope that AW will be completely removed because they don't like it.


Just wanted to throw that out there, so far, everyone here has perfectly valid reasons as to why they don't enjoy the AW missions. I personally enjoy them, but they do need a lot of improvement. More mission types, more movement variety (Space sim but locked in 2 dimensional movement...lame), more bosses etc.

Lack of content, 

Grinding mission types 

not enough mission types 

no good rewards 

Leveling is too slow, farming for weapons is INCREDIBLY annoying

Also the missions get boring


I believe most issues with Archwing are due to either the obvious lack time put in to Archwing before its' release or due to poor developer choices. I will label each issue with which I believe caused them. A will represent lack of time. B will represent poor choices.




-Locked Y-Axis-(B)-(movement doesn't make sense considering we are in space, not flying around in the sky)

-Lack of Mods-(A)

-Poor Drops For Mods-(B)

-Lack of places to properly level-(A+B)-(I feel as though the choice to only have a couple of nodes, and have all the middle ones be short missions was both a terrible choice and having so little missions is due to lack of time.)

-Gathering New Weapons-(B)-(More drop table shenanigans. Saw a picture of someone who had to do 60 Interception rounds just to get a part. TF, DE?)

-Rezzing-(B)-(Not a huge issue, but there are more factors to this, like spawning in to the mission dead. Pretty sure they said they fixed this, though.)

-Somehow Manages To Be Completely Isolated And Completely Like Base WF At The Same Time-(A+B)-(The UI from the base game is used despite how terribly it works out. The lock axis movement is just a straight up poor choice. AW somehow manages to be disconnected from the base WF, but still manages to take most of its' functions from the base WF.)

- It's Young, Yet DE is Forcing It-(B)-(Despite only being only a major update old, DE has been force feeding us AW. Between the poorly executed event, and the possibility of a primed archwing item that will likely replace a primed weapon, DE keeps forcing it on us. Some people want to avoid AW for now, and they should be able to do that without having their normal gameplay disrupted. DE has a different idea, though. Instead of showing us its' potential, they keep shoving it in our faces and going "LOOK GUYS, WE MADE A NEW WEAPON SOME FIXES, DO YOU LIKE IT NOW?!".

-Too Slow On Big Maps-(B)-(The gameplay takes forever on big maps. It takes a looooong time to get from point to point, and even the spawn is a good 30+ second flight to the furthest point.)

-The Navigator (UI) Doesn't Fit-(A+B)-(The mini map is hard to understand in the base game. AW amplifies that. I feel as though not enough time was had to make a new one, but if that was the case, why don't we have one yet, after almost half a year?)

-Huge Lack of Game Modes-(A)-(Less than a handful of gamemodes makes for very stale play when mixed with everything else.)

-No Warning System For Missiles-(A+B)-(I guess defense systems in combat vehicles regressed?)

-Gunplay and Melee Lacks Uhmph-(A)-(The guns and melees are either terrible and cool or good and lackluster. Weapons don't give the feeling of badass space warrior.)




IMO, with how it is now, Archwing was a waste of production time. If they released AW as a separate, reskined game on Steam, it wouldn't make it. Why? Because of all the reasons above. There are a million other space flight sim games, and AW is one of the better functioning ones. Good function doesn't mean much, though. Goat Sim sold like crazy, and it has bugs out the wazoo.


In the end, yes AW works, and it does have some wow factor. After that first mission, though, my interest plummeted. 


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I have a few major gripes with Archwing.


One, the movement is too stiff and doesn't feel like you're actually in space. Their excuse for it is that not keeping it on a single plane felt too disorienting. Okay, but why didn't you just add in an Archwing control option that switches between simplified and advanced controls? 


Two, there's too much grind and RNG involved. Not only does leveling the Archwing gear take forever, there's also the fact that all the weapons require parts, which is a transparent attempt to stretch out the content and dare i say, encourage you purchase them from the market? Understandable, but all it did is push me away from the game mode. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm so fed up with grinding that piling even more of it on my shoulders just makes me want to quit. I already play far less than it used to. And no, I'm not buying platinum without a 75% off discount since it's extremely overpriced.


Three, it simply feels tacked on because it was never integrated into the normal on-foot mission types. It would have been nice if it had been a random event that would occur with a 33% chance during regular missions, but sadly that was talked about and never got implemented. I don't wanna go off on a tangent, but it's just so frustrating to see new additions like the Archwing abandoned in a span of weeks after it's release, just to be never looked at. It has the potential to be an exciting addition, but not in it's current state. 

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There's a fine line between dislike and hate.


Disliking something is totally valid. As you can see in this thread, there are lots of good reasons to dislike Archwing. It needs work, nobody denies that.


And then there's hate; all the "archwing was a waste of time/needs to go/developers suck/stop making me play archwing" stuff. That stuff is no good. 

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It's difficult to pickup teammates who're bleeding out in this mode.  Not the fact that you're being shot at while doing so, just the fact that the quick movement makes it difficult.  The range for teammate pickup is too small in archwing.  Beyond that I don't have a problem with the game mode.  Well, that and the base stamina should be 500 for all archwings.  Odonata and Elyton have far too little stamina.

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Eh... everyone else that share the same view have already said it: it's boring, bare bones.


If we had missions like the initial archwing mission where you transition from ship to space or vice-versa I would enjoy it more. After all, I thought that was the point of archwing - become a tiny target in the vastness of space to invade opposing ships (as oppose to being a decnt sized target in your liset).


Edit: This is what archwing should have been to start with -



Notice how Excalibur detatches himself from the archwing to enter the ship? Why can't the missions be like this?

Edited by IANOBW
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I dont like it for simple reasons, lack of variety. It has 2 maps and 2 game modes which is basically the same thing, all enemies are the same, shoot tiny dots moving in the sky. Very few weapons which are ridiculously hard to get and very bad rewards. Oh and weapon that is bigger than a warframe doing less damage than Mk1 Braton

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I don't hate it but I'm not a big fan either and tend not to play it.


Main reasons, not 'different' enough. Sure you're out in space but you're not having to do anything different outside of trying to avoid being a bullet sponge from more directions. There's no neat ins and outs of space rocks/tunnels to hide in, no debris/ships to land on an explore. No different enemies, just what we're used to....except like us, flying.


What they could do: Make it have more unique enemies. For exterminate you have to navigate a huge asteroid field trying to rid the strange aliens that live within these rocks. You have to hunt, you have to avoid. Or you have a target that you fly to, land on terrain, hunt it down and have to fly your way out. More of those combo fly/ground missions. The first archwing mission was a lot of fun. 



Mods: lack of. I have to play lower level missions since I have no stat help with the wing whatsoever. So I die, a lot. Playing the mid to low levels doesn't offer anything I haven't seen yet.


Not being able to see/help your teammates/enemies well. I know space is huge. But I'd still rather see my fellow Tenno/enemies better than having to be right next to them or have them be a dot on the screen. Still very bad for me with locating them for reviving too.


I think there's much room for improvement in games modes. Offer us something NOT in regular missions and then we'll talk.

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Eh... everyone else that share the same view have already said it: it's boring, bare bones.


If we had missions like the initial archwing mission where you transition from ship to space or vice-versa I would enjoy it more. After all, I thought that was the point of archwing - become a tiny target in the vastness of space to invade opposing ships (as oppose to being a decnt sized target in your liset).


Edit: This is what archwing should have been to start with -



Notice how Excalibur detatches himself from the archwing to enter the ship? Why can't the missions be like this?


Yeah, that's more like it. Work your way to get to your target. Get inside and do what you do best. What this doesn't show is the amazing amount of bullets that come at you from omni-direction and wipe us peeps trying to level past 1 out. :p


It also helps that you can clearly see what's going on, instead of specks. Makes it much more dynamic looking.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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I'll echo previous posters who mentioned lack of 6DOF, having an absolute 'up' and 'down' in space and an inability to roll.


I remember reading a quote from a DE employee that in pre-release testing archwings had 6DOF, but it was removed because testers quickly became nauseous.  I'd like to point out that DE could easily alleviate that problem by REDUCING THE RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF SCREEN SHAKING.  Really, the severity of screen shaking in archwing is comical, it doesn't create an action-y feel to the gameplay.  Reduce it drastically, and they could reinstate full 6DOF without creating a vomit simulator.


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