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De, It Is Time... To Have " Silence " Actually Silence.


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This thread will be different for me, no long winded reworks or rants, just a simple proposition that has been brought up time and again on the Forums.





Have Banshee's third ability, Silence, actually silence enemies rather than just deafening them.





As of now, Silence is only really useful for its stun (which is quite nice) and does not fit its intended role as a stealth ability. Having enemies outside the range of Silence be able to hear the screams of enemies under Silence's effects makes no logical sense. Why Silence was not altered to work the way it is defined when Banshee had her "tweaking" a few updates back I do not know, but better late than never.


Thank you all for reading, carry on now.

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What does silence even do outside of the stun, because regardless of what it's supposed to do, enemies always under this effect still act just like normal enemies.


Is it supposed to make my weapons silent or something, because I have never had Silence do anything but stun people for a short time.


If it did the above, maybe it'd fix the issue that it doesn't seem to do anything.

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What does silence even do outside of the stun, because regardless of what it's supposed to do, enemies always under this effect still act just like normal enemies.


Is it supposed to make my weapons silent or something, because I have never had Silence do anything but stun people for a short time.


If it did the above, maybe it'd fix the issue that it doesn't seem to do anything.

People who are deaf aren't also blind. If they're alerted to you they will stay so...

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Is it supposed to make my weapons silent or something, because I have never had Silence do anything but stun people for a short time.

Yes, Silence is supposed to make enemies inside range deaf to any noise you make. So it silences your weapons - for any enemy in the ability range (20m at max level, unmodded), which kind of beats the point when guns can be heard within 45m (I think). Also, it only works if the enemy hasn't seen you yet.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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IF they don't have clear sight on you they wont attack , even if you kill the dude sitting besides them using a Grakata 


( i wouln't mind they added and MMO aproach to the silence and made is so it stops Eximus from using their radial abilities , Helions from flying and normal units from tossing grenades , but that should go on a separate topic ) 

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Agreed. Stealth already needs a complete AI rework to make it PROPERLY viable in any real situation, especially with an unorganized team. This would help that with Banshee at the very least...

Stealth will never be viable for an unorganized team. 

Edited by BrotherIcarus
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Stealth will never be viable for an unorganized team. 

So very true. Even in games with proper stealth mechanics like Payday2, you can only pull this off with a PuG if everyone knows what to do and you don't have one idiot running right into the guard while wearing full body armour (something that will make guards immediately alerted even without mask, in contrast to your everyday black suit) or shooting around with an unsilenced gun.

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What does silence even do outside of the stun, because regardless of what it's supposed to do, enemies always under this effect still act just like normal enemies.


Is it supposed to make my weapons silent or something, because I have never had Silence do anything but stun people for a short time.


If it did the above, maybe it'd fix the issue that it doesn't seem to do anything.

idk but when in survival less enemies come forth when silence is up, helps regulate trash :D

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I always felt silence should just cancel out all sound within it's range from anything. That way, enemies do not hear you walking up to them in addition to not being able to call out for help.

That would be true silence.

Edited by Racercowboy
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Agreed. Stealth already needs a complete AI rework to make it PROPERLY viable in any real situation, especially with an unorganized team. This would help that with Banshee at the very least...

This. Stealth won't be viable until enemies are smart enough to be tricked.
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Stealth wont be viable untill enemies stop spawning when there is no alert.  Also when there will be EXTRA routes to our goal or at least a way to sneak past clustered dudes that constantly rotate without uning invisibility or killing them all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want silence to silence all sound effects including gun sounds that emanate from the effect, even if they go beyond its radius of effect.

Come on DE, if you've suppressed or severely attenuated a sound waves, it isn't going to get effing amplified by traveling further away from the source.

Inb4: this is a game space magic bullS#&$ physics doesn't matter. So what, it would not hurt the game in the slightest to follow actual laws of physics in this one particular scenario. In fact the more realistic the game environment behavior is, the more immersive our experience become. What I'm saying before someone misunderstand, leaving Warframe (us) unchanged but having everything else be more accurate physically would be better. I'm not actually asking this be done, but I do want silence to act like a sound wave trap, with no sound in it or emanating from it, or into it.

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  • 3 months later...

>activates silence

>enemies all around stagger and can't hear anything 

>snipes an enemy on the other side of the map

>everyone on the other side of the map hears the shot and starts running toward me

>enemy beside me still doesn't notice

>Warframe Logic 



Actually, I was thinking: why don't we one-up it and give Banshee a passive ability that allows most, if not all weapons she wields to be treated as silent/ reduced awareness? It suits her theme more, honestly. 

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  • 1 month later...

>activates silence

>enemies all around stagger and can't hear anything 

>snipes an enemy on the other side of the map

>everyone on the other side of the map hears the shot and starts running toward me

>enemy beside me still doesn't notice

>Warframe Logic 



Actually, I was thinking: why don't we one-up it and give Banshee a passive ability that allows most, if not all weapons she wields to be treated as silent/ reduced awareness? It suits her theme more, honestly. 

This is actually Silences intended form, what it does is extinguish sound completely within her abilities range, meaning that if you go beyond that range sound is in normal pitch, so what wouldn't be heard within range, is heard once it leaves your range.


This is why what you described happens.


edit: also the abilities range is always centered around banshee so if you move the 'dome of silence' moves with you.

Edited by croxeye
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