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Hotfix 15.16.2


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DE, you need to take a VERY good look at how the game is played and how to fix it.

I'll add to this:

DE, play your game yourself to see what's wrong. I mean, not just "the enemies spawn. checked. Ancients hook-up. checked. Tar-moas faceroll others in bile. checked"..


Now about tar moas.. Today I was on dark sector survival on Ceres. Somwhere around 20-th minute I got caught in a narrow passage by a bunch of 4 moas and like 4 ancients. One ancient hooked me and dragged closer, moas stomped me in succession nearly 10 meters away, covered me with slime, flies, and charges teared apart while I was gee-ee-ee-eetting up. This is lame

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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wasn't viver also nerfed in an irrational knee-jerk manner? making excals 4th line of sight etc.


they reworked that nerf when they calmed down, I'm thinking this will be the same.
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The way to fix it is to stop diluting the drop tables on t4 survival - where we all used to go for 5xr5 cores.


As soon as DE stopped this, the bored high level players are going to start looking for loot caves. So to stop it DE put t4  survival back the way it was and let high level players mine the excrement out of it. As you keep putting legendary mods in ranking that from unranked to 10 takes 528 r5 cores - if high level players cant level the stuff in order to sell it on, the whole system comes crashing down.


So this is of your own making DE - in order to stop it put back the t4 survival the way it was. ie. no forma blueprint, just prime parts and 5xr5 cores.

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That is a wildly inappropriate and frankly quite depressing statement directed towards a video game developer.

It's a video game. Get a grip, seriously. You're going to end up blowing your own brains out if you don't do something with your life.

I hope you find happiness.

Why thank you for taking interest in my personal life, I do quite a bit with it however I rather not go on about this.

Also this is how freedom of speech works and they have been going down the lazy path if you will, from attractive tile sets and actual new models of primes, they give us tumors on Loki's thighs, pre made colors on what was supposed to be white textures so we have to wait 3 patches to color properly, OH! And how about our beloved Krill? they pushed him to fight with Vor after we killed them both.. I don't see any lore about that or a story for Krill, do you?


I could go on, but I do have work.

Edited by MrBiscuits
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I've been on DE's side in a lot of forum arguments, but I have to admit that this frustrates me severely. It took weeks to make any real changes to Eyes of Blight, and even at the end of the event, it was still arguably an objective failure. There was player outrage everywhere, and while I get that this was during the holidays, it is not particularly hard to address an issue with a quick PSA delivered through the forums, something that did not come until quite some time after the initial exploit made its appearance on the competitive scene.

In the three days that the EGate exploit took to become common knowledge from the first major leak, you managed to draft, create, and execute a fix for a "problem" that a large majority of players used and found to be an effective strategy for dealing with what is an incredibly off-putting grind element. Three. Days.

The nerf isn't what aggravates me here; it's the inconsistency with which "critical issues" are treated depending on whether or not they affect Platinum sales.

this, +1

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Unacceptable that the community was effectivly getting profits.Must have been fixed.Beyond everything else.

Bugs/Content gaps/Comming updates? Who cares!?

The most vital is that there is no way to farm effectively now.So much win.

LOL.... thats exactly what i think!

Some annoying bugs exists for months.. not to mention complete lack of balance in many (most?) places...

.. but wait.. bugs? what bugs?


Players can grind for less than 20+ hours to rank _single_ mod?


Priority #1.. fix imidiatelly.


Average time before bug fix?

-> months... or never


Average time before some good balance (not un-balance again, but in different direction.. as usual)?

-> even more...  (more than "never" is Soon™)


Average time before nerfing good farming spot?

-> next update ;P



From https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/411011-updated-read-me-psa-update-hotfix-hiatus-information/ update ([DE]Drew):

"March 11, 1:46 p.m EST:

We are aiming to Hotfix today to resolve a handful of important issues."



So.. players can get mods/resources with less grind? == important issue

Just basic logic.



Now we clearly see DE priorities.. bugs can exists.. but less grind? No way... it must be fixed imidiatelly.

Grindframe ;)

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Should make AFK actually AFK. As in not hitting any buttons at all, not turning, not shooting, etc. If that is not the case it should be.


I do what I call "being a turret". As in I give cover fire for allies from a safe point and occasionally fight off attackers around me but this requires me to stay focused and still quite a bit.

Edited by MartinVole
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This, right here. Late game is all about staying in one place, at least in Defense and Survival missions... when enemies can kill you in 1 hit, you have to focus in crowd control and killing them fast enough, and you do it in a small room, or around the pod. You don't go out to get drops, cause that would mean being killed. Then, you get detected as being AFK!! =/


Mesa's Peacemaker+Mirage's Total Eclipse/Narrow Minded in a defense is the first example which comes to mind. As Mesa, you can't go too far so you don't loose Mirage's buff. You do 90%+ of the damage, but still get's detected as being AFK:





I will quote this just as a repost because the Devs are REALLY making this frustrating for everyone. As a Nyx, I find this incredibly annoying because as a Nyx, I tend to defend the pod with my bubble. But, oh no, if I do, I will be labeled as AFK. Great game designing, Dev's.

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I'll add to this:

DE, play your game yourself to see what's wrong. I mean, not just "the enemies spawn. checked. Ancients hook-up. checked. Tar-moas faceroll others in bile. checked"..


Now about tar moas.. Today I was on dark sector survival on Ceres. Somwhere around 20-th minute I got caught in a narrow passage by a bunch of 4 moas and like 4 ancients. One ancient hooked me and dragged closer, moas stomped me in succession nearly 10 meters away, covered me with slime, flies, and charges teared apart while I was gee-ee-ee-eetting up. This is lame

lol if they actually did that then the common bugs we report that has been around for ages wouldnt be a surprise to them that they had no clue existed

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It is strange, I don't think I've ever used an actual exploit, as in the maps they use to get around the grinding. The only thing I hope is that the boss thing does not include stalker types since getting last hits with Pilfering Storm takes skill to pull off properly.

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Hotfix 15.16.2




  • Certain mission types will no longer endlessly spawn enemies if the mission goals themselves aren't being met.
  • Syndicate Interception Missions are now 2 rounds instead of 4.


-Was camping in sabotage a problem? I don't think people camp in capture missions either.

Also by this logic, enemies will no longer spawn if Tenno remain outside of range of the defense objective, which is strange


-Now I can't possibly keep 4 syndicates up at rank 5 at once... oh well


I also understand that energy was cutoff from AFK players in missions. I also understand this has something to do with E gate.

Isn't E Gate on Venus? What can you get on Venus that crowds the recruit chat like it did?

I've not been there; after sampling Draco I promised myself not to stand in one spot ever again.


Also we might need a HUD indicator now that Anti-AFK is now a thing. Something like Police Tape covering the energy and abilities portion of the screen with the letters AFK all over it.

So it's easier to tell.

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So Because there are Spots of farming,Devs punishes anyone who does not move


What about Mesa,Nyx and all thoses frames with abilities that dont move?

or Def missions?you will punish Cryopod for dont MOVE with no hp regeneration



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-Was camping in sabotage a problem? I don't think people camp in capture missions either.

Also by this logic, enemies will no longer spawn if Tenno remain outside of range of the defense objective, which is strange


-Now I can't possibly keep 4 syndicates up at rank 5 at once... oh well


I also understand that energy was cutoff from AFK players in missions. I also understand this has something to do with E gate.

Isn't E Gate on Venus? What can you get on Venus that crowds the recruit chat like it did?

I've not been there; after sampling Draco I promised myself not to stand in one spot ever again.


Also we might need a HUD indicator now that Anti-AFK is now a thing. Something like Police Tape covering the energy and abilities portion of the screen with the letters AFK all over it.

So it's easier to tell.

EGate was broke people could get 1M of Mods in 40 minutes (Clock), and arround 150k credits with 2 nekros 100k circuits and tons of alloy plate and if you had credit booster and resources and chance ... you can try to figure out the numbers also was able to lv up weapons from rank 0 to 30 in 15 minutes.

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What makes Warframe good:

In short, dodging bullets, using cool parkour moves and kicking ! with crazy weapons.

However, doing nothing but pressing 3 or 4 every half second for 2 hours is the opposite of fun.  It cheapens the game and cheapens your sense of achievement if you do it.

It's not my game but I'm glad DE have fixed this.  In my opinion, they have a long way to go.


1. Reward players for reporting exploits.  The first video of an exploit sent to them receives 250pl plus 250pl each for 3 more players (nominated or in the video).

2. Put a 5s cooldown on Radial Javelin.  Buff SlashDash dmg to compensate and remake Jump whilst you're at it.


3. Remake Greedy Pull.  Seriously, what were you thinking?

4. Remake Desecrate.  Increase drops by 50% to compensate.

5. Remake Molecular Prime.  Really bad design for an ability.  The speed version is almost OK but the slow ruins gameplay.

6. Nerf Boltor Prime.  There's half a dozen threads on this already, you've already done it in PvP so you know it needs to be done.

7. Improve AI so that enemies hide under nullifier shields (Heavy have priority).  You could temporarily nerf Vortex in the meantime so that Heavy enemies can escape it, particularly if it gets too full.

No doubt, carebears will QQ.  I don't care in the slightest if you like these gamebreaking mechanics.  No, you don't have to level up your prime mods to 10 straight away.
But if you have better ideas for making the game less like a job and more like the fun we all know it can be, I'd like to hear them.

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Rest in Peace: Nyx, Banshee, Vauban


You were good frames.


Rest in Peace: Hydroid


You were never good.


We gather today to mourn the loss of most of these Warframes.

Taken in their...PRIME...of life.

So young. So precious.

Ashes to Lokis. Dust to dust.




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