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Information About Afk Players



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does this situation make me an AFK player?

like in long mission, survival, def ... etc, i sometimes go and get a tee coupe, i think i take 1 min or less.

i do not remember that i did that when playing C, E .. etc.



and does this makes me an AFK player?

when one of my family come and i have to leave the mouse 5 sec to open the door.



or this?

when one of my family talk to me and i lower the sounds which i take 2 seconds to do that.




or all of these thing has nothing to do with the AFK word`?

Edited by majdwisam
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does this situation make me an AFK player?

like in long mission, survival, def ... etc, i sometimes go and get a tee coupe, i think i take 1 min or less.

i do not remember that i did that when playing C, E .. etc.



and does this makes me an AFK player?

when one of my family come and i have to leave the mouse 5 sec to open the door.



or this?

when one of my family talk to me and i lower the sounds which i take 2 seconds to do that.




or all of these thing has nothing to do with the AFK word`?

You are technically away from keyboard, but it takes sometime for Warframe to realize this and you only stop getting rewards after being afk for 2 minutes. Short times of going away from the keyboard are fine.

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does this situation make me an AFK player?

like in long mission, survival, def ... etc, i sometimes go and get a tee coupe, i think i take 1 min or less.

i do not remember that i did that when playing C, E .. etc.



and does this makes me an AFK player?

when one of my family come and i have to leave the mouse 5 sec to open the door.



or this?

when one of my family talk to me and i lower the sounds which i take 2 seconds to do that.




or all of these thing has nothing to do with the AFK word`?

It is mostly used as a negative term when players don't do literally anything for an entire mission but still get rewards.

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Relax, bro.

In current system you are marked as AFK if you don't move at all for at least 2 minutes.


"Away from keyboard" means that you are not in gaming position. So even if you are next to the desk, looking on screen with a game on, but instead of holding mouse and keyboard you for example are eating a dinner, then you are afk. But when people say "afk" they usually mean that they are going away for a few minutes or less.

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does this situation make me an AFK player?

like in long mission, survival, def ... etc, i sometimes go and get a tee coupe, i think i take 1 min or less.

i do not remember that i did that when playing C, E .. etc.



and does this makes me an AFK player?

when one of my family come and i have to leave the mouse 5 sec to open the door.



or this?

when one of my family talk to me and i lower the sounds which i take 2 seconds to do that.




or all of these thing has nothing to do with the AFK word`?

yes, you are afk while doing so, but to clrify being AFK is absolutely ok! Nobody can be expected to not take a pee break or get a drink from the kitchen or whatever may come up that requires you to leave your pc for a short while.


The problem and current discussion about AFk PLayers in Warframe is connected to the fact that warframe has no system to handle afk situations and therefore some people abused this lack of system to passively farm rewards from missions while being afk, which is obviously annoying for the other players in the squad.


The reaction to this by DE was to tag annyone who is not playing for 2 minutes as AFK and deny him any rewards the mission may hold, this is rather extreme in a lot of ways if you ask me.


First of all 2 minutes is a very short time frame, it´s barely enough to get a glass of water or go to the bathroom when needed, but since you get untagged once you resume playing i guess it´s ok.


However you should not be afraid to go AFK when needed, this is still a game and other things may ake priority that happen at your home.


What DE should do is integrate a simple pause vote, as other games have, common courtisy already dictates that you let your squad know when you go AFK, if you had the option to vote for a pause everyone would know what´s going on and you could takeyour time knowing that your squad is waiting for you, but not dying because of your absence.


Inactive Players who didn´t vote for a pause could still be penalized after ~5 minutes or something.


I would find that to be a much better system!^^

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It is mostly used as a negative term when players don't do literally anything for an entire mission but still get rewards.


No, that would be a "leech." AFK is a neutral term.


The term is starting to become demonized in Warframe though thanks to recent developments.

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yes, you are afk while doing so, but to clrify being AFK is absolutely ok! Nobody can be expected to not take a pee break or get a drink from the kitchen or whatever may come up that requires you to leave your pc for a short while.

i don't expect people to go without a bathroom break or going to get something to drink. what i do expect is for them to take care of stuff like that BEFORE doing a mission. if you suddenly have to use the bathroom or decide you want a drink, i'm sure you had "the urge" before you started.

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Folk can still 'game' the system.  Recently ran an Archwing PUG (Public User Group, among other translations) Alert where one player got two or three kills right at the start, went and hid in a broken pipe for the rest of the waves, then popped his head back out at the very end of the last wave for another half-dozen or so kills.  This guy was MR17, so he has obviously spent a great deal of time figuring out how to take advantage of his fellow players.


Wish I could suggest a way to prevent this, but beyond naming & shaming, which in WF is unacceptable (and probably rightfully so) I can't think of an algorithm for detecting this.  KIlls over Time, maybe? Or Mean Kills per Minute?


Have to give the guy backhanded props.  Being a sphincter is obviously very important to him, and he's spent a lot of time figuring out how to do it well.

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People use it for a few things but it stands for "away from key board", for example I'm playing warframe but I need to use the bathroom I would say "hold up guys afk".


there is context for players who join a mission just for rewards without contributing


and a few people will refer to an easy mission as "afk mode" meaning it could be done without even paying attention.


I hope that helps

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Folk can still 'game' the system.  Recently ran an Archwing PUG (Public User Group, among other translations) Alert where one player got two or three kills right at the start, went and hid in a broken pipe for the rest of the waves, then popped his head back out at the very end of the last wave for another half-dozen or so kills.  This guy was MR17, so he has obviously spent a great deal of time figuring out how to take advantage of his fellow players.


Wish I could suggest a way to prevent this, but beyond naming & shaming, which in WF is unacceptable (and probably rightfully so) I can't think of an algorithm for detecting this.  KIlls over Time, maybe? Or Mean Kills per Minute?


Have to give the guy backhanded props.  Being a sphincter is obviously very important to him, and he's spent a lot of time figuring out how to do it well.

 Lazy high MR players? why I never ever see those /sarcasm/


anyways does the afk mech just look at distance traveled or does it take camera movement into account?

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yay, I finally know what that means :3

Don't lie with the amount of time i spam that lol you probably seen it dozen of time in our chat


 Lazy high MR players? why I never ever see those /sarcasm/


anyways does the afk mech just look at distance traveled or does it take camera movement into account?

the AFK does not care of anything , just the fact that after some amount of time you're counted afk , and you need to move just before round end to get full reward (I mean the final round , lets say your party did 150 round , you must move at the 150 th one or you afk time was not worth it)


Anyway for AFK in archwing , Sorry guys is way to easy can't hold on boring game play , I do myself some afk time to time to get two item that won't drop all I need is motivated group for 4 round , my itzal ,somewhere to hide .... (even with no where to hide just press 2 to be God

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That's what I've talking about clarification about AFK system ingame, especially for newcomers. Too much hidden rules in game.




will i be afk if after completing the objective i rush to the extraction and wait 2 min the others ?


Edited by Archorokin
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i don't expect people to go without a bathroom break or going to get something to drink. what i do expect is for them to take care of stuff like that BEFORE doing a mission. if you suddenly have to use the bathroom or decide you want a drink, i'm sure you had "the urge" before you started.

And what if someone's nose suddenly starts bleeding? Or, suddenly, some relative calls at the door and asks for help to bring in stuff, or just demands attention?

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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i don't expect people to go without a bathroom break or going to get something to drink. what i do expect is for them to take care of stuff like that BEFORE doing a mission. if you suddenly have to use the bathroom or decide you want a drink, i'm sure you had "the urge" before you started.

Butbutbut what about those people who do long survivals? :(

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