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Whats With Camping Becoming The 'default' Way To Play Survival?


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This past week, I've seen so many farms. I would be HOSTING the match, with MY key, and people would try to turn it into a camp game. To hell with that.

If I wanted to press one button all day, I'd be watching a youtube playlist.

Whats worse, I was the Nekros of a party, with a Vauban, Trinity, and Chroma... The camp spot was "no where to be found". They wanted to leave and redo, with MY key. I said hell no. I can go to 40 mins in T4S with an UNRANKED CHROMA. The sad part? I got the best stats on everything at the end by 40 minutes.

What is wrong with you people? Why are you all so afraid to run around, kill things, and have fun?

You sit in a corner to get easy stuff, to never use it? Then call the game boring and easy once you cheese it out of everything.

I don't get you people. But I guess that's why I can go into late game with melee only, and other people struggle with their fancy boltor primes.

I agree with you completely. People don't play to have fun.

I can go into t4 with a mag equipped with all of her augments and still not have a problem, yet you have people crying about needing an extra augment slot as if they NEED to min/max.

I had a group camp on my key. All I could ask was "why do this? "

I also hate when I host a key and someone ask "why didn't you recruit a nekros/Frost? Need me to switch? " Play whatever you want. The goal is to have fun

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Btw there still needs to be a further difference made between: Staying in a single room killing stuff (which is kinda reasonable) or staying in a single spot spamming one button.


That is where the aforementioned greedy mag comes in. That one is a red flag for the latter kind of "camp".


But hey... I may've lost a bit of faith in humanity, but I got 16 argon crystals. Yay!

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Was in a T4S last night. They wanted to camp in the water tube, so we sat in there with our thumbs up our asses. Problem was, no drops. The timer would get to 25% and they'd just sit there... Like a Life Support would fall out of the sky and give us another chance. I'd zip out of there and go to the next room (the 2 story circle room) and every other thing I killed dropped a capsule. Then they'd get upset I wasn't in the tube camping with them so I'd come back with LS at >80%, and it'd drop back down to 25%, rinse repeat. I eventually got what I wanted (Odonata Prime get) and let them drown in their tube. They all died on the way to the extraction when LS ran out, and I ended up having to use all of my revives to make it.


I also had a T3S go to 40 by running around killing things, and it was fantastic. Didn't get anything I needed but it was fun.

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Btw there still needs to be a further difference made between: Staying in a single room killing stuff (which is kinda reasonable) or staying in a single spot spamming one button.


That is where the aforementioned greedy mag comes in. That one is a red flag for the latter kind of "camp".


But hey... I may've lost a bit of faith in humanity, but I got 16 argon crystals. Yay!


With the sewers, you don't even need a greedy mag. People have been trying to do that in my runs with just a Vauban.


To make myself clear. I'm not talking about, camping in one room. I've seen my team FORCEFULLY find a dead end spot. Be it a place with a red door, or the end pipe of the sewers, and just camp. Not moving whatsoever.


It was so boring, I nearly nodded off.


Staying in one room, and killing everything that comes in by moving around and being active? Cool. That's what I do.


Staying in one spot to try and manipulate spawns to cheese the game? Hell to the mother of no.

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well I think one reason to camp is because you find a good room that is near a lot of spawn points so you are killing enough enemies and getting enough small LS drops that you don't need to depend on the very unreliable and slow drops from lotus


edit nvm not what you meant by camping

Edited by Melos-mevim
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The vast majority in here so far say how they don't camp and how boring camping is, which it is, but I will admit that I do it as I don't have a part time job playing Warframe and it becomes much more efficient / lucrative than just running around. Nekros / Hydroid is a requirement for extra loot.


There is plenty of other stuff to do that isn't camping, but I want to make as much as I can in short of a period as I can.


Survival is time based.


You can't rush it. Running around or not 40 minutes is 40 minutes. So where does the efficiency come in? What is the point of that?


Are you running out of alloy plates or something?

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this.. this is the worst playstyle in the game atm, srsly its just horrible - just close warframe and play a different game if ur going to do this in pub missions !


noticed lots of newer players resorting to this recently and its pretty disturbing 


its funny u made this thread, was thinking the exact same thing since everyone has been running alot of t4s and t3s recently 

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defending a life support room was always viable... the current "camping-in-a-dead-end-until-the-4-key-breaks" only appeared with Greedy Pull. it's so easy now, anyone can do it, and that means, anyone will do it. same held true for E-Gate, as long as it is possible to get stuff the easy way, people will do it. DE fixed E-Gate, DE will fix survival camping sooner or later.

disclaimer: yes, i camped to 40+min and didn't like it. would do it again, though. think "rotation c"...

Edited by hoeskioeh
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I think my favorite run was 60 mins in a survival with a pug.  Loki, nova, can't remember the 3rd and my Valkyr.  When it got bad they would move as a tight unit killing things while I riplined too life support and performed revive duty.  If felt like we achieved something and all we got at 60 mins was a Forma blueprint lol.

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Survival is time based.


You can't rush it. Running around or not 40 minutes is 40 minutes. So where does the efficiency come in? What is the point of that?


Are you running out of alloy plates or something?

Yes, but the amount of mod drops is what your looking to increase.


So when all enemies are rushing to the same area and getting killed, and a Nekros desecrating your getting increased mod drops by approx 50%, upto 200% if everyone is using slash damage weapons (though the Nekros probably can't desecrate fast enough before chunks disappear so I doubt it would ever get that high), the average mod / core dropping here is going to usually be of higher quality and all the loot in close enough for you to collect all of it. Just running around I would hazard that most people are missing a good chunk of it from area's not gone to or returned to where kills were made.


You can also bring a speed Nova which will drastically increase the number of enemies killed per minute which has similar effect, and sinse they are primed they die faster at the higher levels making it faster for respawns.


My goal when farming is to maximize core/mod drops. I don't join pubs for this though as you want some reliable players that all agree to a strat first.


Don't get me wrong, I agree that farming is boring mode, and I can and do play it normal moving around, but I am just admitting that I do farm as well and that's the benefit to it. For all the farming that's happening, there has to be more people in this thread that do it then they are admitting to.

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I did 20m yesterday in T3S, had  a MR9 chroma tell us to camp and how he knows better, then when i pointed out its pointless and worthless to do that and that he is only mr9 he went that I'm MR18 but I probably only played for 2 months or so and he knows better ... He even told one of the guys to quit because of some random reason and the guy did quit.

All I could do is facepalm, best part he even died -_-.

Edited by Xaturas
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defending a life support room was always viable... the current "camping-in-a-dead-end-until-the-4-key-breaks" only appeared with Greedy Pull. it's so easy now, anyone can do it, and that means, anyone will do it. same held true for E-Gate, as long as it is possible to get stuff the easy way, people will do it. DE fixed E-Gate, DE will fix survival camping sooner or later.

disclaimer: yes, i camped to 40+min and didn't like it. would do it again, though. think "rotation c"...

No ways, the T4S camping was around long before Greedy Mag was even a thing and they all worked fairly seamlessly. Greedy Mag just puts a spotlight on making loot collection that much easier. If I had a Mag that I could rely on in group to grab all loot per room before the group pushes to the next room then that would be more preferable so as not to miss anything, but then you have no Nekros to increase loot amounts as he tends to need the Greedy Mag to stand next to him so he is grabbing health/energy orbs as he spams.

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Every time I host a t4 survival someone inevitably asks "where are we camping?"

Back in my day we ran around and killed things without needing to sit in a corner!

But seriously getting to 40 minutes in t4 survival is super doable just running around and generally sticking together. Why has everyone suddenly become so dependent on camping in some sewer?

Edit: To be clear I mean sitting in one spot spamming skills, there is nothing wrong with a team sticking in a room by the LS, the problem is when they find a dead end corner and just spam.

I've noticed this too sometimes people are just thinking about farming and get a certain part while I wanna play and have fun and run around and not worry about what part is gonna drop on what rotation if we get the part we get it if we don't we don't people need to know that some of us just wanna have fun sometimes not automatically think we wanna farm just cause of the high tier

This is warframe not campframe

Edited by (PS4)geraldy19
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Efficiency, requires less effort. The game becomes boring no matter what after spending hours upon hours running the same mission without getting the one item you need to drop, and for me personally I'd rather just put on some music and relax than make things harder for myself by running from room to room. On top of that, camping sewers is all but required past the 1 hour mark due to damage scaling.

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the more and more i keep hearing "i'm playing for fun", the more i want to assume they're "that type" of player (fyi, the tomatoes in WoT, the people that consistently use special snowflake builds in MWO, the people that don't try to climb in WT planes.)

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the more and more i keep hearing "i'm playing for fun", the more i want to assume they're "that type" of player (fyi, the tomatoes in WoT, the people that consistently use special snowflake builds in MWO, the people that don't try to climb in WT planes.)

Dunno about you, but I'm the type of person who solos T3S's to 40 minutes with just a Valkyr with Rage and a Life Strike Galatine. Now that's fun.

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I'm quite pleased that there is some team work going on personally. :-)


It's a survival mode and teams have found a good way to survive. If they wanted fun, they would... I dunno anymore.. everything is a shopping list of nonsense these days..

Survival needed an overhaul a long time ago. It should take a page from other games that do survival and make it floor-based instead of time. [kill everything on that floor, take an elevator up/down to the next to progress, take the teleport out to finish]

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Ooh, a nerf premonition!


I can smell it. Man, what a fantastic community!

Literally no one in this thread had said nerf, or suggested there was a problem with anything besides players.



the more and more i keep hearing "i'm playing for fun", the more i want to assume they're "that type" of player (fyi, the tomatoes in WoT, the people that consistently use special snowflake builds in MWO, the people that don't try to climb in WT planes.)

So if you don't sit in a corner and macro you're not a hardcore player? I could argue the opposite of that.

Edited by immolator1001
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It all has to do with nullifiers. People got tired of dealing with them so they resorted to hiding around a corner, tossing a vortex, and letting the torid do all the work. The nullifiers walk into the gas cloud and die without the player needing to worry about their bubble. It's a cheap tactic to deal with a cheap enemy. It's boring as hell, but that's the game DE created. To many players, missions are nothing more than loot dispensers.

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It all has to do with nullifiers. People got tired of dealing with them so they resorted to hiding around a corner, tossing a vortex, and letting the torid do all the work. The nullifiers walk into the gas cloud and die without the player needing to worry about their bubble. It's a cheap tactic to deal with a cheap enemy. It's boring as hell, but that's the game DE created. To many players, missions are nothing more than loot dispensers.

No its not. Nullifies have been around longer than this. 

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I love camping Survival runs.

I always make sure to pick Loki, so I can go out and hit life support.

Then I stick a Castana on each of my teammates backs, go laser myself and get a TPK.

I love camping runs, because they allow me to punish three scumbags at the same time

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