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Whats With Camping Becoming The 'default' Way To Play Survival?


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well if you want to do hard mode, you can bring mk-1 weapon to t4 it's a personal choice


don't want camping := dont join the camp, running around

I completely agree, if a team is not playing your style then abort and find one that suits you or gives you the most fun, I really dislike when people come on here and complain about the way people play, everyone has a choice on how they want to play what is boring to you might be more efficient for others and vise versa. Me I find the most efficient way to complete the mission or kill as many and as fast as I can, if that means spamming Bladestorm countless times and not running around then that's what I will do as long as it does not jeopardize the completion of the mission. 

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Camping works if you want to farm while having a conversation. Usually I chat with my squad and camp, then start moving as a team when we feel like playing. And this is with recruited squads.

It just takes coordination, a designated leader, and players who are flexible in playstyle and ability use (usually a requirement in my squads). Running around is fun if you want to have a good time while farming. Camping is for farming while having a good time. Just depends on what you're aiming for.

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the more and more i keep hearing "i'm playing for fun", the more i want to assume they're "that type" of player (fyi, the tomatoes in WoT, the people that consistently use special snowflake builds in MWO, the people that don't try to climb in WT planes.)


So, soloing 40 mins to 60 mins, T3S, where there are plethora of Bombards and Nullifiers, using Chroma with a Viral Galatine and Rakta Ballistica, while enemies are pretty much in the 90~110 range, while they have armor, because the rest of my team is dead, and their corrosive projection no longer works..


Am I "that" kind of player. Or am I a player that knows how to play?


Or am I just abnormally good at killing stuff? Huh..


I don't know about other people, but my version of fun is going out and killing stuff. Not hiding in a corner and have auto win activated.

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it's called survival for a reason, you like to run around like a headless mindless chicken while others like a more simplistic approach both ways are the equal because its the same goal that is being sought<< surviving. if you were on my team and running around trying to be top dog killing everything eventually youll be all alone far away from the rest of the group  and ultimately go down and death will be your just reward for being silly. 

Edited by ranks21
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I love camping Survival runs.

I always make sure to pick Loki, so I can go out and hit life support.

Then I stick a Castana on each of my teammates backs, go laser myself and get a TPK.

I love camping runs, because they allow me to punish three scumbags at the same time



What's is so scumbaggery about camping?



As for the OP



Camping is not fun, it's not exciting but you know what it offers?


Safety and efficiency, it allows people to milk their keys for as long as possible.


You think people who go 2hrs in survival do that buy running around? Hell no.

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Camping is not fun but DE's drop rates on items tied with people not sticking together made everyone desperate for a easy way. Even out the drop rates a bit and there is less incentive to camp. Got 1000 hours in this game and just now started Camping this week simply because I've had to do too many runs in survival/ODS for non-items. Over it #oldmanstatus


Or just explain to people how spawns work in survival. 

Edited by valkerion77
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Out of interest. When you just use this tactic over and over... and then finally get the item you want.


What do you do with it? Does the "fun" you get out of item outweight the tediousness of the acquisition? And if so, how?


I'm genuinely curious.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Out of interest. When you just use this tactic over and over... and then finally get the item you want.


What do you do with it? Does the "fun" you get out of item outweight the tediousness of the acquisition? And if so, how?


I'm genuinely curious.

Once you have it, you play the mode you actually enjoy playing. That simple.

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Its a sandbox game so there should'nt be any problem with playing like this.


Its no difference to a defence/mobile defence / rescue missions only youre defending yourself and your team mates. i guess if you dont like it go free style and just dont bother camping? You still gotta keep your life support up, energy levels and ammo. Not to mention poison/health/energy eximus etc.


Come to think of it why didnt you lead by example run out there and show them theres nothing to be afraid of?


I see nothing wrong with this playstyle

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What's is so scumbaggery about camping?



As for the OP



Camping is not fun, it's not exciting but you know what it offers?


Safety and efficiency, it allows people to milk their keys for as long as possible.


You think people who go 2hrs in survival do that buy running around? Hell no.

Ya, lets be honesty here, the vast majority of survivals played aren't going for anything record breaking, their going for 40 minutes so they get the second C rotation. I'm not talking about a squad that was set up to camp, I'm talking about randos for a quick game, as should've been evident by the OP, where I clearly stated 40 minutes. 




Its a sandbox game so there should'nt be any problem with playing like this.


Its no difference to a defence/mobile defence / rescue missions only youre defending yourself and your team mates. i guess if you dont like it go free style and just dont bother camping? You still gotta keep your life support up, energy levels and ammo. Not to mention poison/health/energy eximus etc.


Come to think of it why didnt you lead by example run out there and show them theres nothing to be afraid of?


I see nothing wrong with this playstyle

Oh no I just tell them if they want to camp they can go find a different host. As for the "showing them there is nothing to be afraid of," what actually happens is you run out there and immediately die because all the enemies target you and you're away from your team. You know, cuz they are sitting in a sewer.


Last survival I played they kept complaining about how they were dying all the time and I didn't go down once (volt prime cc ftw)


 And sure if you find 4 people who all want to do it, go nuts, but why is "sit in a sewer and shoot straight" suddenly the default way to play? Why does every one assume that's gunna happen when the only frame I request in recruiting is Nekros?

Edited by immolator1001
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Finally people caught up to this. I might have to log in again just to try this. I love it when people try different methods to gameplay, Im all for that.

Is it a new method? Pretty sure we've had something called "defense" for longer. (Which is still more interesting because at least enemies come from more than one direction).

Edited by immolator1001
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It's a strategy and I like strategies. Sure it gets boring after awhile but it's done to help reduce the tedious nature of the grind and maximize efficiency. When faced with insane grindwalls, people will do whatever they can to reduce it and despite DE promising time and time again to reduce the grindy nature of the game while actually making it worse with every update, people get sick of it. It would be great if something could be done to reduce grind while ensuring fresh gameplay in getting loot but I don't know what the best solution is and neither does DE. Hopefully a good balance can be struck someday.

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It's a strategy and I like strategies. Sure it gets boring after awhile but it's done to help reduce the tedious nature of the grind and maximize efficiency. When faced with insane grindwalls, people will do whatever they can to reduce it and despite DE promising time and time again to reduce the grindy nature of the game while actually making it worse with every update, people get sick of it. It would be great if something could be done to reduce grind while ensuring fresh gameplay in getting loot but I don't know what the best solution is and neither does DE. Hopefully a good balance can be struck someday.

But the grind in survival is just time, it doesn't matter how you get to the 40 minute mark. To me it seems to make the grind more tedious because you can enjoy the feeling or running around with your 5 forma gun zapping enemies and stabbing peeps.



newbs nowadays

Nah high mastery or low they all do it.

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This is nothing new, you have just now learned it. We did this over 60 minutes back when you could get tons of R5 cores from T4 Survival

Yeah, but now I realize people are doing it on drastically lower difficult missions. Hell, I saw a group offer it on Saturn.....Saturn of all things! I almost lost it with an absolute confused thought. To me, movement is everything for Warframe. It's why I have so much fun playing the game. The only time this game would be able to get me in one spot is if I have to defend something and even then I'm bouncing all over the room doing my part.


And while it does bring a spark of teamwork into play, something is clearly wrong if players are resorting to camping in one single spot to get what they want. The teamwork should be there as your moving, not while your sitting in a corner sucking your thumb. Not to say I'm gonna hate the player for this, but I do not agree with the playstyle in this game at all.

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Is it a new method? Pretty sure we've had something called "defense" for longer. (Which is still more interesting because at least enemies come from more than one direction).

Its been a tactic for ages.

I remember DERebecca doing it on primetime in T3 when survival first cameout although she done it in a 2 way corridor linked to that big room with the 2 orbs. Megan's also done it when bunkering down in T4 a few times. Come to think of it i think its accepted part of the game. As far as im concerned.


What is probably inappropriate is doing it from the 5 minute mark lol but meh...

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Its been a tactic for ages.

I remember DERebecca doing it on primetime in T3 when survival first cameout although she done it in a 2 way corridor linked to that big room with the 2 orbs. Megan's also done it when bunkering down in T4 a few times. Come to think of it i think its accepted part of the game. As far as im concerned.


What is probably inappropriate is doing it from the 5 minute mark lol but meh...


I understand its nothing new, whats new is assuming its the default.

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Yeah, but now I realize people are doing it on drastically lower difficult missions. Hell, I saw a group offer it on Saturn.....Saturn of all things! I almost lost it with an absolute confused thought. To me, movement is everything for Warframe. It's why I have so much fun playing the game. The only time this game would be able to get me in one spot is if I have to defend something and even then I'm bouncing all over the room doing my part.


And while it does bring a spark of teamwork into play, something is clearly wrong if players are resorting to camping in one single spot to get what they want. The teamwork should be there as your moving, not while your sitting in a corner sucking your thumb. Not to say I'm gonna hate the player for this, but I do not agree with the playstyle in this game at all.

Lets be fair if your conclave is 1xx-2xx which is for most new players venturing through the chart then saturn is pretty hard. Now if they're at a conclave of 1k and doing saturn ill spit out my coffeee lol...

I remember when survival missions first got implemented my conclave was only 300 and i could'nt make it past 6 minutes failed 2 missions at the 3-4 minute mark. thankfully 1 of my friends came along and helped me to get 9 minutes for the event..

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