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Whats With Camping Becoming The 'default' Way To Play Survival?


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after they nerfed radial blind and massively increased life support drop rate this essentially killed off an artificial difficulty in survivals, prior to life support being common place you'd have to run and gun in order to get past 60-75 mins because life support dried right up, now its regressed to how effectively you can camp.

I personally loved t4 survivals prior to the ls change and radial blind nerf.

I agree with the more difficult part and harder to get life support, but you contradict yourself. You say you want the harder difficulty of it yet you also want pre RB which made things so easy as you were blinding multiple rooms at a time all for a cheap energy cost. This was exactly why it was nerfed to LoS, to stop the easy mode spamming of it.

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youre funny with that statement. i can think some frames that still can do what excal can do w/o LoS and yet they receive no nerfs.

So what? Other frames have nothing to do with the reasons DE gave for Excal RB nerf.


Just because you find it funny doesn't make it any less valid.


And obviously your missing the point of the post which shouldn't have been that hard to figure out.

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Every time I host  a t4 survival someone inevitably  asks "where are we camping?"


Back in my day we ran around and killed things without needing to sit in a corner!


But seriously getting to 40 minutes in t4 survival is super doable just running around and generally sticking together. Why has everyone suddenly become so dependent on camping in some sewer?



Edit: To be clear I mean sitting in one spot spamming skills, there is nothing wrong with a team sticking in a room by the LS, the problem is when they find a dead end corner and just spam.


Edit 2: Play the game however you want, but unless the host says something don't assume they want you to sit shins deep in Corrupted's toilet water for an hour.


BTW camping in survival isn't new, what is new is assuming its the default way to play.


I thinks it's more of a play style change over all than just laziness. I have no issue running in a group in survival. The issue arises when when you have people that wander too far or don't work together. By having one central location, be it the sewer or a corner of a room, you have a fall back spot if you find yourself over extended and alone. That just lead itself to the sewer meathod. It seemed a natural progression....

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So what? Other frames have nothing to do with the reasons DE gave for Excal RB nerf.


Just because you find it funny doesn't make it any less valid.


And obviously your missing the point of the post which shouldn't have been that hard to figure out.


no i understood your post just that part made me laugh because if it were true then other frames would have gotten the same treatment. 

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now its out.

DE will "fix" this, because grinding T4S over and over and over again should be "fun". It is way less tedious to camp than to run around, trying to survive, hoping to get that Loky Systems with a 5% chance from rotation C but ending up with a Forma Blueprint.


Camping is not fun, it is just easier. You still have to spend 40 minutes of your lifetime for an abysmal chance for the part you want.


They would have to completely change the way spawns work if they were to "fix it". The only reason people camp in one room is because of the line of sight spawns not being tampered with because of some MLGpr01337scopes rhino prime running from room to room frantically trying to get top damage.


I really doubt that DE would change the spawns over something like this which has been around for A LONG time. Unlike excavation, where people started the mission and abused the spawn mechanics to camp and farm resources while not actively playing the game mode this is different since people are using the spawns in a way that allows smoother play in the mission type.

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I love all these super elitest pro players that say, Well I can solo t4 surv for 2 hours in an unranked chroma with un moded mk1 braton running around not camping, and oh ya, it was snowing up hill both ways.  Whoopty doo.  I wish I could be like you.  Don't be a #$&(%.  Everybody has there own way of playing a game.  Forcing or calling people out on the way they like to play the game is being a #$&(%.  You want to play your way?  Find like minded people, simple as that.  Learn how to work with other people, it will serve you well in life.

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I love all these super elitest pro players that say, Well I can solo t4 surv for 2 hours in an unranked chroma with un moded mk1 braton running around not camping, and oh ya, it was snowing up hill both ways.  Whoopty doo.  I wish I could be like you.  Don't be a #$&(%.  Everybody has there own way of playing a game.  Forcing or calling people out on the way they like to play the game is being a #$&(%.  You want to play your way?  Find like minded people, simple as that.  Learn how to work with other people, it will serve you well in life.


Did you read the OP? How it said 40 minutes? How we were using MY keys? Please. 


The thing is when people camp, it forces the people running around to join them since the guys running around no longer have a team to support them.

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 I agree with everything you said here, except for being behind the times. The reason this thread is being made is because all of a sudden, it's as if the strategy for this certain game type has become the new normal, and people hosting keys are almost expected to do camp runs.


Most likely this has become largely noticeable to a larger majority of players because of prime access and everyone is trying to complete the new set. I know it's been a thing, but I also know it hasn't been a thing to immediately think the host is setting up a camp run.


Most of you seem to be missing the point. 


OP is not saying that camping in Survival is new. He's not saying that he was unaware that people did it. 


His point is, literally, almost every single person in recruit chat that is hosting a Survival key is asking for camp teams. If they didn't request it in the recruit tab, they proceed to inform the group when everyone is inside the mission, or simply place a waypoint with the message "camp here." This is almost inevitable. Prior to U16, this was most certainly not the norm. Majority of people would maybe stick to 1-2 rooms, run around, & slaughter everything, or something those lines. Requests for certain frames would be only Nekros for the most part, with the occasional request for a Loki or Nyx as well (& an Excal b4 her was nerfed to hell). 


Now everyone is requesting for Nekros, Greedy Mag, Vauban, Pilfering Hydroid, or other variations as if this was Draco or something. This is a recent advent that I'd say I noticed with the launch of U16.  


Yeah, this guy right here gets it.



I'm just going to put this scenario out there.


Pre U16, I could recruit people, and, without mentioning a type of strategy, it would be okay to assume to do the meta. Stick together, stay in one room, don't run too far off. Am I wrong?


Now though. I've recruited people, and without me saying a word, someone chose Vauban and Torid, and, already inside the game, without even consulting the key host (me), immediately assumed we were going to hide in the sewers and camp.



Maybe I've just &!$$ed off lady luck and I'm getting the wrong types of people, but at least I do know that is it really has been a noticeable increase since prime access.



Am I saying, not to play that way, your way is wrong, rawr I'm so elitist. I'm not. I am however in previous posts trying to prove that getting rewards is still possible without staying in a single non mobile spot.


Hell, if people weren't using my keys to try and camp in a single spot, or leave immediately because they couldn't find the proper spot, I wouldn't even be here. But it's happened, and I've been relatively annoyed by it.


To those people who have kept telling us to find people of our own mindset to not camp in one spot. I say the exact same thing back to you. YOU go find people to camp in one spot, or at LEAST, ASK the host before he starts the mission. Communication exists for a reason.




When you do a few keys and dont get your part you start to camp. For me i have done 17 T3S keys and no volt chasis. So if i invite you to a game it is to camp.


Awesome, and more power to you. I'm pretty sure when you're recruiting, you at least inform them that it's a camp. It's your key, so it's your call.

Edited by Shuuro
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Most of you seem to be missing the point. 


OP is not saying that camping in Survival is new. He's not saying that he was unaware that people did it. 


His point is, literally, almost every single person in recruit chat that is hosting a Survival key is asking for camp teams. If they didn't request it in the recruit tab, they proceed to inform the group when everyone is inside the mission, or simply place a waypoint with the message "camp here." This is almost inevitable. Prior to U16, this was most certainly not the norm. Majority of people would maybe stick to 1-2 rooms, run around, & slaughter everything, or something those lines. Requests for certain frames would be only Nekros for the most part, with the occasional request for a Loki or Nyx as well (& an Excal b4 her was nerfed to hell). 


Now everyone is requesting for Nekros, Greedy Mag, Vauban, Pilfering Hydroid, or other variations as if this was Draco or something. This is a recent advent that I'd say I noticed with the launch of U16.  




Seriously, I edited the OP to make this clearer. Please read it.

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It about playstyle


If i have to run around hallway hero like a madman 40 minute w a s d fight the bullet sponge enemies and farm for super rng volt in t1 t3 t4 survival!


I rather sit in the corner for 40 minute to ease my boring atleast when camping with my friend we talk to each other more then when we hallway

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Did you read the OP? How it said 40 minutes? How we were using MY keys? Please. 


The thing is when people camp, it forces the people running around to join them since the guys running around no longer have a team to support them.

I am referring to the myriad of people that have posted in this thread that think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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no i understood your post just that part made me laugh because if it were true then other frames would have gotten the same treatment. 

Your not making any sense.


If you understood my post then why are you responding to it with something out of context? I didn't say anything about how other frames function nor whether they should be nerfed or brought in line. But if you deny how OP RB was back then, then your deluding yourself.

In your line of thinking, everything is perfectly balanced because if they nerf one thing obviously they will do it to all other OP items. That's crazy and there is no multi player game out there that has perfect balance like that.


I really don't care if you believe me or not that that's the reason DE gave for the nerf, but the truth speaks for itself. Excal's back then were running around T4S's with max range/efficiency spamming RB and perma stun locking multiple rooms. Not a big issue early on but when you get to 40+ min and the mobs really ramp'd up it didn't matter, because higher level doesn't stop them from being perma stun locked. It was the main reason you brought Excal to T4, and you could run past an hour no problem because of it.

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Console players coming over to PC to play. They also are probably still using a controller. Keyboard and mouse can maneuver better than using a controller PC players like to run and console players like to camp.

This is just what I experienced.

This is bull. I've always used a controller and never camp unless asked upon/defense. Edited by AcceI
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I myself play a very mobile game in survivals, and alone with another warframe (Usually not as Lokis), can make it to 35-40 without too much of an issue and it's fun. Camping up until that point is VERY boring. HOWEVER, when you're trying to farm for items or a very specific one, people don't want to waste their keys by restarting or losing due to being stuck as the last man standing. Ergo, camping is a way to concentrate team firepower and abilities to increase the amount of rotations you can stay for, albeit very systematically.


I'm not saying either way is wrong or right, I'm just explaining the reason why people do things. Warframe is a fun game to play casually with friends, randoms or alone; but if you're trying to get something, it becomes very tedious over the multiple attempts with the steady crippling of warframes *cough* Excalibro *cough* *cough*


Just play how you and your friends want, and let others play as they want. Just because it's a more popular method doesn't mean it's bad, the game is just evolving.



Really? controller users like to camp? That's odd, seeing how I outrun/maneuver most players with my controller. Not sure what hardware you use determines the type of player your are.

Edited by CECShocktrooper
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