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Chroma Themed Weapon?


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Do you think DE will make weapons that have similar properties to chroma energy colour gimmick?

E.g. a staff with red colour will have pure fire damage etc...

Edit: or a bow where the trail it leaves is the same element as your energy colour

What are your thoughts, and do you think it should be implemented.

Edited by 321agemo
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Long ago, I saw a thread regarding some suggestions for the Silva and Aegis, with one of them being its energy color determines its elemental damage. Chroma is sort of a dragon knight, SA is sword and shield, self-explanatory

Just spitballing here


S&A really needs this

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Long ago, I saw a thread regarding some suggestions for the Silva and Aegis, with one of them being its energy color determines its elemental damage. Chroma is sort of a dragon knight, SA is sword and shield, self-explanatory

Just spitballing here


^ This, it would be perfect.

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Long ago, I saw a thread regarding some suggestions for the Silva and Aegis, with one of them being its energy color determines its elemental damage. Chroma is sort of a dragon knight, SA is sword and shield, self-explanatory

Just spitballing here

That would be perfect. It would probably get more people using it, since its such a nice looking weapon.

Snestorm suggestion for the ignis would be interesting chooce but since its already a weapon used by grineer i doubt DE would be willing to change it to have different elements (then again, they did update orgis model so who knows)

In regards to secondary. Maybe an enhanced version of the embolist?

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i think you are forgetting about the mod system.

the element of a warframe power cannot be easily changed, whereas the elements of a weapon constantly change.


there is also the fact people would just always make it blue, since electric is the overall best base element.


regardless, due to the fact that a weapon gets roughly 66% of its base damage from its elemental mods, base damage types are largely irrelevant in most cases

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I wish. I'd love an elemental weapon I could change a thousand times more than Chroma. More actual application of your procs like that.

Way more so if it supported combos instead of just the basics, so you could actually get things like radiation gas or something.

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I wish the trail thing would happen any way. So instead of energy if you equip any element(s) you get a trail off the projectile or melee.


Silva and ageis do fit pretty well with Chroma, just need some more variants of sword and board.


For me if DE were going to have a Chroma esque set of weapons I hope they keep with the slain beast idea.

Edited by Postal_pat
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