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100 Plat For A Rare Resource Blueprint


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These Rare Resource Blueprints are a one time buy permanent BP. Meaning you don't need to purchase multiple times, and it's forever in your Foundry for crafting. 


Feedback is welcome! 


for neural sensors: new players cant afford it and veterans wont need it. players kill Alad V instead or play survival/defense missions on jupiter.


advice in general:

better play the game instead.

Edited by -ExT-Fraank
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I think that i'm the only one who who thinks that the price is right. Ok 100p it's a lot,  but this BP is permanent and you can use it infinite number of times.

So it is so-called "one time investment".


The only thing I don't like is cost of its production costs.




I'd say this is pretty badly timed when the startchart rework is on peoples minds. These two concepts don't exactly look the best stood next to each other.

 Smell like p2w. Should we start worrying?

Edited by peger
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Frankly I am disgusted by this. The community was asking for a recource converter for a while and we get something where you need an actual and ingame currency for.

This is simply wrong. It should've costed only credits to buy the bp just like with the restores. I completely disagree with DE's action on this. To even think this was a good or justified idea.

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Where do you find these at Ensign?


ingame market under "resources"



Personally. I would actually buy it at the current plat price if the resource cost was slashed about 20-30% of what it currently is.


Im hoping the price and cost gets tweaked in teh future... as im very interested in this shortcut through RNG.


Because while Phorid runs on Tethys work, ive gotten detonite more often than not.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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I'd say this is pretty badly timed when the startchart rework is on peoples minds. These two concepts don't exactly look the best stood next to each other.


Agreed, this pretty much affirms the fears many of us had.


Very few would buy these blue prints, with the new rngjesus map that will change.

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The idea is nice but no resource in the game is so rare that it offsets the cost or credit/resource investment. It is always going to be easier to just run alad v a couple of times than taking the time and money to craft a resource. Even if this BP was free I don't really see the point. I don't really know what players this will benefit because most veterans have a stockpile of even rare resources and newer players won't be able to afford it as they still need to use common resources frequently. 

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In one hour we can currently get over 40 of each.

Who's "we" paleface? Blessed by the RNG gods? What about us cursed heathens?


I have, myself, run 4 Alad V missions back to back without a single neural sensor drop. Neither titan extractor nor distilling extractor, cycled, have ever pulled neural sensors. To this day, I have dozens if not hundreds of various rare resources, hundreds of thousands of uncommon, and millions of common. I have 5 neural sensors, and 1 argon due to decay. I can safely say that if something requires 10 argon, I could probably get enough in an hour, even only have 1 currently.

With neural sensors, I'd say maybe a day if it needed 10, because it would likely require 3-4 hours of gameplay for drops, even having 5 currently. And it would mean having to play jupiter missions exclusively, most of which offer me nothing except potential neural sensors. So being to craft them, means I can missions I want to run, not have to for one resource that RNG has cursed me on.


BP Cost: Fair, assuming no drop rate changes, no new BPs that make these rares irrelevant - it's permanent blueprint, it should be significant. Considering how much volt prime part BPs are being traded for, 100 plat really isn't much. It's permanent, and cheaper than two volt prime parts (using one low value, helmet or chassis, and one high value - systems and BP) for the comparison).


Resource Cost: Not fair. Favors veterans and is punitive to newer players.. I've been around since update 7, and been running extractors on jupiter, saturn, and ceres/earth cycle, the resource costs, lift an eye, but don't make or break me. But they lift an eye, which means new players are screwed.


Time cost: at an hour, I thought at first it might have been too low. But with all these RNG blessed people, now I'm thinking maybe it's too high. No call - I'm RNG cursed, so my bias is to strong to make objective observation.

All IMO and YMMV.

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Was expecting the permanent BP to be 100p, so no surprise for me there.

But I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw over 100k resources. Even 5k would be pushing it...


Here is the issue.

An Alad V run takes around 2min (3 at most). On average, you get 1 Neural Sensor each 2 runs. So around 5min for 1 Neural Sensors.

Now tell me, is there anyone out there who can get 25.000 uncommon and 100.000 common resources in 5min?


This is clearly a bug. I simply won't believe that this was intended.

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The crafting cost alone is outrageous. The fact that these cost platinum to acquire is just idiotic. First, the cost needs to be converted into credits. At the market price (per the credit bundle) that is 30,000 credits. Hey, DE set this conversion rate long ago so fair is fair (500k each seems right, but the credit bundle needs to be removed). Second, the crafting cost needs to be dropped significantly. I'd say no more than 25k total and even that is excessive for a single resource.

In the end these blueprints are an insult to the players and DE should be ashamed for releasing them and earning platinum from players that thought they were using credits. The idea of them is to provide an alternative to grinding using more common resources, not to make them take so many resources that the cost and time are inferior to grinding for them outright.

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I think the concept behind this is great. That being said I think the resource/credit costs are way too high. I mean lets say I wanted to craft 10 of each that would cost me 1,5 million Alloy Plate, 1,5 million Nano Spores, 750k Salvage and 450k credits. That is a lot of stuff for just 10 of each resource, 15 of any two resources or 30 of any one resource. Just for reference I did yesterday several hours of farming each of these resources in endless missions with both resource boosters (increased drop chance and amount gained). Now have several hundred of each. Most likely going to do more farming with release of these BPs. As to me this seems like DE is testing waters on how much people will oppose the removal of being able to farm resources easily from endless mission anytime they want.

Personally I don't mind 100 plat cost for the BPs, since they last forever. As others have pointed out these seem to be aimed for veteran players who think they are going to continue playing for years. One hour build time seems high for just one resource. I think maybe 10-15 minutes would be better. That way you only had to do couple of quick missions and it would be done. Also I'm quite curious what the rush cost is for these BPs?

My suggestion is to keep the platinum cost same(or lower it slightly to like 75 plat per BP), but offer a bundle for getting all three BPs for a discount. Resource costs should be lowered considerably. I think something like 10k Alloy Plate 7,5k Nano Spores and 5k Salvage per resource. Those costs would much more manageable even for newer players. Also lower the credit cost to 7,5k per resource. Again that will be more manageable for both veteran and new players alike. Lastly as I suggested before lower the build time to around 10 minutes. I mean one hour build time on resource seems like something from Farmville not Warframe.

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These Rare Resource Blueprints are a one time buy permanent BP. Meaning you don't need to purchase multiple times, and it's forever in your Foundry for crafting. 


Feedback is welcome! 

platinum price aside the resource cost is way too high  2x 50k and 1x 25k 


in the time that i farm common and uncommon resources, i could already have found over 35 rare resources ( that i'm trying to craft )

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Meh, its not like you should buy it. Play the defense on jupiter with a team, press 1 button for 20-25 waves, get 11-15 neural sensors without boosters.

Would be much better if these were reactor/catalyst blueprints.

Edited by (PS4)iBoiz
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We will see, this in combination with that ol 20 node star chart where you can't do the bosses when you want anymore and dark sector farming will not be anywhere near as easy makes me think bad things.


Right now I can farm any resource whenever I want and with a very high chance of success get what I want in 10-20 mins.  That would not be the case with a 20 node star chart with things on rotations, if that change happened this 300 plat BP would be a whole lot more "worth it". 


Maybe I've been playing these games too long and I'm jaded, maybe I'm seeing it exactly like it is.


Think of it like this:


Rare resources like Neurodes are needed at basically every level of the game. Even entry level weapons need them. If DE wanted all levels of players to get these blueprints (and spend that sweet, sweet cash) they would have made the resource cost much lower so that entry and mid level players would look at them and say "hmm, maybe I should spend money on that". What you're saying is that these changes (starchart 3.0, resource BPs) exist to make money, essentially to coerce players into dropping plat on these blueprints. Star chart changes affect all players equally, so the unspoken assumption there is that this moneymaking tactic targets all players equally. However, these build costs are quite obviously not targeted at new players.


Honestly though, they should have held off on this release for the time being. They couldn't have picked a worse time to ship something like this.

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in one hour one can get a neurode, a orokin cell and a neural sensor, if you know where to farm them...


one must be masochist to preffer grinding for so many uncomon resourses, and also giving plat and credits for just one cell/neurode/neuralsensor

Edited by Toppien
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I don't have a problem with the 100 plat price; I've spent a lot more than 100 plat on Neural Sensors and Forma. Look at it this way: You're paying upfront right now for 10 Neural Sensors. By the time you build 10 Neural Sensors, you've recovered your plat and broken even. This is, over the long term, a very good investment for people who can afford the initial capital expenditure and don't want to deal with Jupiter Farming and how inconsistent it can be.


Am I the only person who sees this?


As for the BP costing plat, DE has to make money. If DE doesn't make money, there is no Warframe for us to play.

Edited by WhiskeyGolf
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I was so excited when saw that in the patch notes. Then I got into the market. 100 plat? Almost 1/3 the cost of the most expensive warframes, and well over that for many others? 50,000 nano spores and alloy plates? 25,000 salvage? I've been saving plates and spores for a long time, cause I had nothing to do with them... and I still only have enough for 20 or so rare resources. Salvage is more of a problem because it's actually used for other things. 15,000 credits for each is ridiculous, too--that's almost on the level of clantech and forma, without being nearly as useful as either. How is that worth it?


Then, of course, there's the universal problem with the foundry--only building one at a time. Over an hour. And minus all those resources.


"Convenience?" Hah! It's more convenient to just run bosses and the like than use these things! They're not that bad to farm. I'm really not sure what they were thinking with those prices. Greedy milk, I guess.


I don't have a problem with the 100 plat price; I've spent a lot more than 100 plat on Neural Sensors and Forma... and don't want to deal with Jupiter Farming and how inconsistent it can be.


As for the BP costing plat, DE has to make money. If DE doesn't make money, there is no Warframe for us to play.


The platinum price isn't the problem, although it might be a bit on the high side, too. The problem is that platinum is supposedly the "currency of convenience," not pay-to-win. This? This isn't convenient. In the time it takes to build ONE Neural Sensor, I could easily farm 10+ from Alad or Raptor. More-over, the resources costs are just too high. I've been saving Spores and Plates for months... and I could only make about 20 of these things. Salvage is actually used for other things, so I don't even have enough for that many. The credit cost isn't all that much less than Forma, Clantech Resources, and many weapons...


All of those costs need to be cut to at most 1/5 of what they are now to be viable. Realistically more like 1/10.

Edited by Siubijeni
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hopefully there is some mistake.

the time and cost to build these are way over the top, and  if you can play unnecessary.   its only justified as a 300 platinum nano spore's garbage if your charging 100p each there's no reason to discourage there use  should be 10 times less resources. if they changed them to credits instead it would be way more time efficient to farm them. 

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I'll just buy the Neurode BP, because of all the problems I have farming those.

As for people saying that this is Pay2Win and such, I think this is more of an "ehhh" release.

Like, if you need 3 more neurodes for your clan or the Hind or something, but you just came out of Cambria or your 5th ALad V run, and you just like  "eeehhhhhh, I could just make 3". You get to actually go have fun instead of farming in a place that you don't want to. I have latency problems with both Cambria and Draco, so farming Neurodes/Orokin cells quicly has been a bad experience for me in general. Pay2Win? More like Pay 2 Do somehting better with your time.


THough I agree, the resource costs are too high, and DE could not have picked a worse time to release these. This, coupled with the Starchart suggestions, does not bode well.

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Was expecting the permanent BP to be 100p, so no surprise for me there.

But I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw over 100k resources. Even 5k would be pushing it...


Here is the issue.

An Alad V run takes around 2min (3 at most). On average, you get 1 Neural Sensor each 2 runs. So around 5min for 1 Neural Sensors.

Now tell me, is there anyone out there who can get 25.000 uncommon and 100.000 common resources in 5min?


This is clearly a bug. I simply won't believe that this was intended.

agreed, i rather farm to get those neural cuz i mostly get 2 neurals for 1 run, i might low on neural but i ain't waste my 100 pla just to make 1 neural in...6h or 12h?? with that amount of time i can get over 10 neurals no problem

Edited by ZzVinniezZ
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