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Pc Operation: Tubemen Of Regor


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Real winner for this event would be Tyl Regor. He's very funny.


Tyl Regor: "Preacher, preacher... This is your idea?  

                  Ha... how 'bout I scalpel off your little danglers... give them unto the void...                        

                  What ya think 'bout that idea Neffy?"

Edited by T3RT1UM
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 Thanks for the answer, do you know if its potato and all?

if its like the other weapons it will be.

I for just wish we could choose what weapon and not rely on the community choice. *shrug*

though the RP here on this topic is classic :D

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honestly the reward system for this event is stupid. you have no choice in the gun that you get so anyone who wants the dera wont even be doing this event now. like why not just let us choose our wep instead of sticking the S#&$ty karak in my inventory.

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I think the better option is to let each player decide the gun they want instead of letting the community decide , the community clans already proven they can't handal taxing nodes .... just think if all nodes where dark sectors DE would lose so many players its not even funny ...

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Even if Nef Anyo loses I would really still want the 'Dera Vandal' or its blueprint.  They can keep Karak wraith + Potato + Weapon slot.  I'd rather have the weapon from the one I'm supporting rather than the one the majority went for.

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Would everyone chill? Yes, this sucks that you won't get the weapon you want, HOWEVER. We will get the second weapon in some upcoming event. As they say patient hunter gets the pray.


Now we play a waiting game. Everyone loses.

Edited by Grayscale_Lord
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I'm going to side with the highest profit (my own), and the weapon I like the most.

You know how Tenno nature works like... choose a side, destroy the opposite, then stab the guy you sided with in the end. You can't fight against nature.


Feeling a little sorry for both Anyo and Alad, not just one of them.

Edited by Vintovka
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We already have an effective cure. Termination. Furthermore, if we let Alad V get his hands on any sort of treatment we can be sure that the ensuing economic fiasco will be worse than the American health care system.

Thanks, salad.

Nah, I'm going with salad because he's a scientist like regor and also reminds me of Mayuri from Bleach. Go amoral science!

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Guys, this event isn't about Alad V or Tyl Regor. The important thing here is that apparently there is a cure for the infestation. This is a huge deal for the entire solar system. If this cure does in fact exist, destroying it would be incredibly horrible. I know no one likes Alad, but please don't destroy the cure for the sake of petty revenge :(




We already have an effective cure. Termination. Furthermore, if we let Alad V get his hands on any sort of treatment we can be sure that the ensuing economic fiasco will be worse than the American health care system. 

If termination were an effective cure, the Infestation would have already been wiped out. A cure is important, and as for the economic imbalance it might bring—well, dealing with imbalance is part of the Tenno's job.

Edited by motorfirebox
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This is a good event to come back too, days of boredom after work will now be gone XD.


But seeing Alad V begging for mercy, hahahahhahahaaa. "YOUR GETTING NO SYMPATHY FROM ME."


I don't share too much love for Nef, but I'll gladly fight on the side that gets to punch Alad's tickets out, anyone recall what happened to (poor) Valkyr, all those fellow Tenno he so willingly cut up to make a few Zanukas? how about infesting Mesa? anyone?

Edited by Slander630
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Do we get the point after the conflict is over or? BTW Side with alad v and imagine yourself riding a Zanuka into battle along side the Corpus.


that is like riding a meat bycicle made of your own brothers and sisters....but hey I'm in team aladV too, just that I see from another perspective.

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Tenno, choose the road to righteous profit! Do not be lured by that leper! The Void is the one true investment. All else is false profit.


I have to agree with Ner-Anyo, Profit from the holy void is only acceptable, You can not cure the Infestation, it will just grow back, Help Nef-Anyo Tenno, Profit is power. 

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I don`t think helping Salad V will do any good ,especialy because it`s a cloning experiment , destroing it is better... in other order of ideas Nef Anyo did nothing bad in his life ... Salad V did alot of bad stuff killing other frames .

But i soo need the Karak Wraith. That`s the main reason i`m helping him (Salad V).

PS: Awsome event , i like the new map. Also new arrow skins are epic as well.

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I'm supporting Nef. However, since it looks like the vast majority already decided we get a boring duct-tape gun, i guess i'm gonna be one weapon slot richer since that thing ain't staying in my inventory past level 30. Also, i hope the invasions aren't too uncommon, right now there doesn't seem to be one active.

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