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Amprex Or Atomos?


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The Atomos in many cases would have a much better time with ammo consumption, whereas the Amprex typically chews through it hard. Thanks to Primed Pistol Mutation, even with a maxed or near-maxed fire rate, the Atomos would be easier to control. This would also free up your primary slot, where many better weapons could take the place of the Amprex.


^All my opinion^

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I would presume that overall the Amprex is better, mainly due to having both high critical and status chances, both of which attribute greatly to it's scalability, whereas the Atomos is more of a "raw" damage gun and as such will most likely fall off much sooner without those status effects and crit multipliers to give it that extra punch. But seriously, one's a primary and the other is a secondary, so:


...why not both?

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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...why not both?


like for reals...whats stopping you from taking both that you must choose? hell only one of em is clantech so its not even 'ive only got one forma to spare no plat and no forma bp (or components for bp)'

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Amprex will surely Kill a single Enemy more quickly. it's Arcing isn't the most powerful thing, but it's fairly good, and has some sick Range due to Siniser Reach.

Atomos does fairly good Damage to a single target, and while a smallish Range, bounces to other nearby Enemies for very good Damage.

so Atomos can Kill 4 Enemies faster than Amprex can Kill 4, but Amprex can deal very respectable Damage to many, many Enemies!

to me it seems like single or low target count vs big groups and Range.

primary vs secondary!!! Primary will win

this is... often not the case. Primaries that are Crit Monsters or focus on immense Damage per Shot can certainly eek out, but Secondaries do a good job of dealing a lot of Damage quickly.
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imo, Amprex is still way better, not just in stats, but in handling as well. Due to damage efficiency, Amprex also "feels" more ammo efficient (it may not be so, if we classify by ammo/second, just that I usually just need the right squeeze for Amprex to do its work, but need a sustained burst for Atomos)

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It's preference. Do you want to see gold and red numbers all over your screen, or do you want to see enemies turn to ash? Either way they both are pretty amazing at procing statuses across large amounts of enemies.

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when using their respective range mods (sinister reach and ruinous extension) the amprex will have a longer reach, but in long term ammo economy i'm finding that the atomos has little problem replenishing its ammo to full in comparison to the amprex.


also finding the atomos kills (mobs) almost as efficiently as the amprex and its fire chain can instakill nullies (inb4nerf) and you can use loki's decoy to create chains that can kill beyond walls and shields (lokimasterrace) whereas the amprex can't do any of these


building an atomos is cheaper and takes less forma for a complete build. i like to take both. red crits with the amprex and switch to atomos when low on ammo or to do some crazy chain killing.

Edited by angrykenji
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From what I can see.... Atomos will most likely be seen and used in pub alerts or missions, maybe especially exterminate. Especially those who like to look at their kill counts and pat themselves afterwards.


It's hard to decide which is better, but imo, it's all about preferences, if one is to judge which is better dps wise etc etc, I'm not even gonna bother with that. I prefer to use one that would last longer, ammo efficiency in my case. I haven't gotten the atomos yet, due to my laziness of getting "only 2 argon crystals", I couldn't build it, but from what I saw in videos of the Atomos, it seems like a really fun and great gun, though kind of seems like a hog killer gun.

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The Atomos in many cases would have a much better time with ammo consumption, whereas the Amprex typically chews through it hard. Thanks to Primed Pistol Mutation, even with a maxed or near-maxed fire rate, the Atomos would be easier to control. This would also free up your primary slot, where many better weapons could take the place of the Amprex.


^All my opinion^




Though I haven't used the Atomos/don't have it, I Formaed my Amprex like 6 times within 4 hours of building it those few days after it first came out.

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With the ruinous extension mod the Atomos is pretty much a molecular prime sidearm. The link which kills the enemys as a chain reaction of killing one enemy can reach up to 13 meters!

Usually the enemys in a 13 meter range are all instant dead and have a great gore effect.

In addition to that is actually pretty good and absolutly endgame viable. I added 6 Forma to my Atomos and i must say that it is definitly my new favorite sidearm!

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this is... often not the case. Primaries that are Crit Monsters or focus on immense Damage per Shot can certainly eek out, but Secondaries do a good job of dealing a lot of Damage quickly.

The damage per total ammo will nearly always be larger on primaries than secondaries. Some secondaries need an increased fire rate to do so, therefore they will run out of ammo much faster than a primary with a fire rate increase. If you put in any ammo mods then you lose damage output on the secondary.


DPS by DPS, some top tier secondaries are certainly better than the top tier primaries. But primaries in the equivalent tier will be able to shoot for longer periods of time. Or at least that is the general idea and concept of primary/secondary pairings. Some secondaries did and may still violate this.

Edited by nms64
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