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Gift From The Lotus - Archwing


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truth is, im sure DE has facts that show a majority of the playerbase gets archwing at a reasonable pace. Forum whining is far from the truth.


People dont hate archwing and Kubrows are popular, despite what the forum wants you to believe. 

i know that there is a good percentage of the playerbase that does indeed play archwing. that was mainly for the vocal minority that insists it's the majority. some tenno are ignorant to change

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so i made a F2P account, i can understand everybody which has no archwing as a f2p-player because its not only hard to get warframe done and played for fun as a F2P player, its on some level insane hard to get your things done, you really have to love the lore of warframe or you run off


This is definitely not true. I've spent exactly 5 dollars on Warframe for some cosmetics, getting stuff for free is not hard at all.

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I was one of those players that was not able to get the gift. I Joined the game on ps4, got the arcwing, tried it didnt like it. Got on PC, now im a rank 5 but never did arcwing quest to get it because i knew i wouldnt use it much. When i went to do the quest i realized that i would have to rush the items and wasnt willing to spend my plat for that sooooo, Locked myself out of the gift. 

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I think It's more of a funny little in joke with the DE for setting it up in archwing.


I hate archwing, archwing needs buffs, archwing isen't worth my time. Well haha you got to be prepare for anything DE tosses at ya and this is a fine example of one.

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On the one hand I understand some people saying "yeah try to do the early starter quests and get the archwing, it's not that hard". On the other hand, archwing is a mess of a game mode right now, and making the Gift of the Lotus archwing is trying to force everyone to play a despised mission type. 


Fix archwing first, then force us to play it if we want potato reward. 


I have archwing, but I didn't even bother just because I hate archwing so much. I'd rather just get more potato's another way. That's how annoying I find archwing. 


It's just not at all in a good place right now, so I don't think it's fair to force us into playing it for Gift of the Lotus. I hate it being set up to compel me to play an incomplete game mode that most Tenno would agree needs a lot of work yet. 

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As has already been pointed out, the idea behind Gift of the Lotus isn't that everybody in the entire game gets something without any effort. I think it's the 'Gift' part that's misleading people as it implies that everyone is entitled to a free gift when in fact it's just a longer alert with a nicer reward. The 24 hour thing is just to make sure everybody across the world can have a fair crack at it.

It is also slightly skewed towards easier planets and nodes because I think DE want newer players to have a chance at getting something particularly good. I think this is contributing to the misapprehension that the Gifts are only a small step away from being sent to your inbox, that's not the intention, you're still supposed to work for them.

Speaking personally, if I hadn't built an Archwing and couldn't do the alert, I'd think 'Should've built an Archwing', then I'd go and build one so I was ready for next time and chalk it up to experience. Frankly, I think it's quite childish to complain that you can't get a reward because it's your own fault that you didn't bother with a whole chunk of the game.

If you don't want to build an Archwing then fair enough, but don't be upset and confused when Archwing only rewards appear, accept it's your own fault and move on.

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Speaking personally, if I hadn't built an Archwing and couldn't do the alert, I'd think 'Should've built an Archwing', then I'd go and build one so I was ready for next time and chalk it up to experience. Frankly, I think it's quite childish to complain that you can't get a reward because it's your own fault that you didn't bother with a whole chunk of the game.



I feel this alert could be the motivation for the newer players to say "hey guess i better do that archwing quest, cos you know I missed a tater last time"

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If you don't want to build an Archwing then fair enough, but don't be upset and confused when Archwing only rewards appear, accept it's your own fault and move on.

But in todays society it's never their fault. It's always someone elses fault!

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Uh Oh, there is a Catalyst alert on PS4 at this very moment, for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Yes you guessed it.

Archwing exterminate, Grineer lvl 27-30.

Rosalind, Uranus

8800 credits, Orokin catalyst blueprint.


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/The_Archwing <-----Guide for anyone wishing to do Archwing quest.


Guess the guys/gals that cba doing Archwing just missed out again!


Edited by (PS4)D-onlinekilla-4D
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I really don't understand why some posters are so against AW.

It really doesn't play that much differently from main game mechanics. If you've never built one, how can you even come on here and criticize it?

Anyway, those vets who refuse to take part in AW, prepare to be locked out of more content when new raids come around. Have fun! I look forward to your tears

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I think It's more of a funny little in joke with the DE for setting it up in archwing.


I hate archwing, archwing needs buffs, archwing isen't worth my time. Well haha you got to be prepare for anything DE tosses at ya and this is a fine example of one.


Have you played with the Itzal? It tops all other ones currently and loads of fun imo.

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Dude, we had a GotL alert once that was excavation against legions of level 40 Napalms, was that "available to everyone?" Not by a long shot.




It WAS available to everyone.

It might not've been easily beatable by anyone, but AVAILABLE? ...it was.




Then it's ur choice, don't wanna play it? No potato. Everyone must understand that archwing is a warframe mode and it deserves more space in the game even if someone may dislike it.


Did you ever stop to think why doesn't it have more space then?

It's not because players have some secret desire to bash on Archwing or DE for no reason at all. It's because DE made it like so.

Archwing is currently a completely separate mode from Warframe. Different mods, different abilities, different nodes, different everything.

It's an entirely new grind, from scratch. not only that's a slap on the face to all of those who grinded for everything in the regular game already when AW came out, but it's also completely apart from the regular game for new players.

I don't blame them for not wanting to take part on the AW quest.

And to top the cake, DE actually LOCKED it behind a M.R. level. Meaning regular players can't just do both and learn both together, they have to start getting good in the regular game, only to be offfered starting from scratch on a completely separate gamemode.

Does that sound rewarding to you? It certainly does not to me.


I don't even care if Archwing being the gigantic "BETA" it is is something that will be fixed now or later, but DE needs to realize that AW is currently lacking, and players should NOT be forced to have it to take what, last I read, was a GIFT from the Lotus.

Gifts are, unlike rewards, free. You should not need to have something in order to gain them.

Edited by CenSilver
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As a clan leader, several have complained that the current gift from the lotus on archwing is not fair. They watched the devstream yet they do not have archwing and cannot get the gift.


Unless they plan to give a "Starter" archwing (Mk-1 Odonata) to tenno with their starter frame, then having the Gift be archwing mission type would be fair.


Please consider this the next time we get a Gift from the Lotus.

It's not "fair" to the players that love Archwing to never get special alerts, either and Gift of the Lotus is fairly common, this isn't a once a year occurrence.


While it is nice for everyone to get the shiny thing, DE is trying to get players into the Archwing mission types, and that's probably why this alert popped up in one. (Unless the GoL alerts are RNG based...)


Stop using "fair"  nothing is ever fair, someone will always be left out and no matter what it will always be unfair.

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