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I Really Don't Understand Why Players Want To Preserve The Current Star Chart...


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Here i am MR13, logging in- looking at star chart and the ONLY interesting thing going on is the randomly assigned Tac Alert. I want to level my Scindo P- "hmm, let me check Draco" or "hmm, let me play t4d" Im bored of those so i go to a random high level node, most are empty. I do a spy mission solo, i enjoy it, but still the payoff feels ho-hum, im back at nav screen.


What choice do i really have, but to play Draco, or grind a t4? If i need a neurosensor for my forma, what choice do i have if i dont want to solo, or want a challenge while i farm? I much prefer when i get a neurosensor through an alert instead of routinely killing Alad or doing a defense mission.


I browse recruit chat, and its Draco, the Tac Alert, and like 3-4 other options ALL the time. There is nothing dynamic about the current system, especially when there isnt an event or special alert.


I still enjoy the game, but its at a point where i want to hold off on playing because the current star chart is really bleh, and i dont want to burn out before we get the cool stuff. I really hope they can get something out to us by u17 (though i doubt it)


Hopefully this star chart rework will broaden the scope of places where we go when we need things like resources/affinity/parts. i like choice, but i dont find it engaging to randomly select missions with no rhyme or reason. I like choice, so i dont like pretty much being forced to play at all of the popular farm spots. This current star chart becomes very dull once you complete it and you have a majority of alert rewards.


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The good thing is you can always take a break.  I did between this update and the previous one, of course ours are a little further apart lol.


They talked about limiting the nodes, and I'd like to see way fewer nodes and maybe some RNG mission generator for slightly better rewards.  Not elimnating the select a mission type option. 


For example:


Pick a random Jupiter mission, gives you 10 wave Defense at Jupiter tier level enemies, one prize at the end of 10 minutes with a higher chance to get a good reward with a 1.5x credit bonus.


Alternatively you could also add a random mission join option for each planet.  That way if someone is playing an empty node if anyone clicks the option it'll fill up existing games.

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Now that I think about it a good temporary fix would add a HELP A TENNO node option.  Will auto send you to a random open mission in progress so people running around empty nodes have a chance to get help.  You can have it conclave based, Higher the conclave the higher the levels it could match you with.  It should have a small XP or Credit bonus for clicking on it that way.

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The issue was that what they proposed as a replacement was just oh so terribly bad.


Having missions with rotating factions, tilesets, and missions would fix the issue of having so many empty nodes. But then the game suddently loses a lot of players in total because just queuing up for what you want to run is the same as waiting for an alert.


The very least of what we need is one node per planet (or at least one node per tileset) and when you select that node you can pick a mission type. Heck we can even do away with the planet levels and simply make a level range filter based on MR rank.

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i like choice, but i dont find it engaging to randomly select missions with no rhyme or reason.


Fortunately, you won't have to! Now the game will randomly select them for you whether or not you want or need anything on that node. You won't have to worry about all those pesky choices when you can take what the RNG offers you and you'll f-ing like it or you can just not play at all. Oh, you need a neural sensor? Too bad Jupiter isn't on the mission select this week. Did you buy your 100 plat resource blueprint?


I like choice, so i dont like pretty much being forced to play at all of the popular farm spots.


You aren't, end of story. You can recruit people for your own high level node groups. If nobody wants to play with you, well, then I guess you see how unpopular this change will be.


What you don't seem to understand is that it is only removing choice. All these mission types are not getting a magical rework. I haven't seen anything mentioned about that. It will be the same tilesets you're bored of and same mission types you don't want to play, but you won't be able to select something else. There is nothing about the proposed changes that will make it more interesting in any way. You just won't have any better choices.

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I can see why people freaked out. Nobody wants RNG in their starchart.


What's disappointing to me is that instead of bringing ourselves into the discussion and talking about what we wanted from a starchart rework, we took "20 nodes RNG" as the word of god and freaked out accordingly despite the fact that they said they were still working out some ideas.




Someone didn't watch the last devstream.

Edited by vaugahn
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It'd be nice to be guaranteed a team no matter where you do, to me it's immersion breaking knowing that you'll run into Tenno no matter where you go.


Aren't we supposed to be a rare sight? It's like that scene from the Blanc comic.


inb4 "Just go in solo/friends only mode"

I get what you mean. Sometimes, I prefer solo. They could implement solo alerts for that purpose. As long as they're building a narrative, it can give more purpose, meaning and character to my grinding other than me just selecting a random empty node because I'm bored.

Selecting my own random node feels like "making my own rules" kind if gameplay. IMO, that's not always engaging.

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Someone didn't watch the last devstream.


Not the whole thing. Did I miss "all mission types are going to become more dynamic and interesting"? That's not really a guarantee they can make.


Because I think the folks at DE care about their game, but they've proven they can't be trusted with RNG. I would rather have empty nodes with the option to play them than the option to play with randos I'm going to avoid 99% of the time. There are changes that could be made to the star chart, and ways to reward players for playing on it, that don't involve nuking the options

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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Fortunately, you won't have to! Now the game will randomly select them for you whether or not you want or need anything on that node. You won't have to worry about all those pesky choices when you can take what the RNG offers you and you'll f-ing like it or you can just not play at all. Oh, you need a neural sensor? Too bad Jupiter isn't on the mission select this week. Did you buy your 100 plat resource blueprint?



You aren't, end of story. You can recruit people for your own high level node groups. If nobody wants to play with you, well, then I guess you see how unpopular this change will be.


What you don't seem to understand is that it is only removing choice. All these mission types are not getting a magical rework. I haven't seen anything mentioned about that. It will be the same tilesets you're bored of and same mission types you don't want to play, but you won't be able to select something else. There is nothing about the proposed changes that will make it more interesting in any way. You just won't have any better choices.

By your logic, having a random selection of enemies should be bad too because "what if I want to fight all manics? I want choice!"

You also selectively choose to ignore that they said you should be able to farm resources at ANY TIME. You instead choose to take "20 nodes" and run with the ridiculous assumptions that they are taking the exact same star chart mechanic and just cutting out 200+ nodes.

There will still be some choice. I don't think a game needs to leave EVERYTHING up to the player. I think the initial idea of the star chart was flawed. This shouldn't play like Mario.

Tac alerts and events aren't chosen by us, but they are by far the most popular to play. Are people really complaining that the next even isn't a spy mission on your jupiter?

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Not the whole thing. Did I miss "all mission types are going to become more dynamic and interesting"?


Because I think the folks at DE care about their game, but they've proven they can't be trusted with RNG. I would rather have empty nodes with the option to play them than the option to play with randos I'm going to avoid 99% of the time. There are changes that could be made to the star chart, and ways to reward players for playing on it, that don't involve nuking all the options.


They straight up said that all rewards would be accessible all the time and there would be no RNG. Did you miss that part?

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DE has always tested the community with sudden changes. I hope this time, they show us what they plan first and then ask us for our feedback. Before implementing such a change.

I think it'd be more civilized that way.

they're the developers.  they can make the decisions themselves if they want to.  as long as they really think this one out.... it doesn't seem to work well in my mind, but then again, I'm probably not thinking of every possible angle as they are on the developer level :)

for that matter I dont want anything RNG for voids, but that seems to be the direction everything is headed in, RNG stacked on RNG of more RNG

even the RNG is RNG'd by RNGesus

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They straight up said that all rewards would be accessible all the time and there would be no RNG. Did you miss that part?


Must have. Price of having a day job, I guess. Did they also provide details on how they're going to have random mission nodes without RNG? Got a timecode?


My skepticism stands. Nice as I think they are, these are the same people who have been talking about reducing RNG for a long time and have yet to start that process in any worthwhile way.


By your logic, having a random selection of enemies should be bad too because "what if I want to fight all manics? I want choice!"

You also selectively choose to ignore that they said you should be able to farm resources at ANY TIME. You instead choose to take "20 nodes" and run with the ridiculous assumptions that they are taking the exact same star chart mechanic and just cutting out 200+ nodes.

There will still be some choice. I don't think a game needs to leave EVERYTHING up to the player. I think the initial idea of the star chart was flawed. This shouldn't play like Mario.

Tac alerts and events aren't chosen by us, but they are by far the most popular to play. Are people really complaining that the next even isn't a spy mission on your jupiter?


That is a deliberate exaggeration of what I said. If someone wants to kill manics, they can cause alerts in Grineer missions. That's reliable. No, you can't select to fight exclusively manics, but you can fight them pretty easily.


But, lets say you need three neural sensors. The only node you can get them from is an exterminate, which has a pretty poor time-to-drops ratio. You have a limited number of enemies to kill and you've got to run all around the map to do it. I don't play for "maximum efficiency", but I'll be honest, I don't want to run six or seven exterminates to get two resources I need for a new gun and I don't think you do either. I would rather do one defense or survival. That mostly-unused Jupiter defense node gets played then, when it makes sense to.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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Must have. Price of having a day job, I guess. Did they also provide details on how they're going to have random mission nodes without RNG? Got a timecode?


My skepticism stands. Nice as I think they are, these are the same people who have been talking about reducing RNG for a long time and have yet to start that process in any worthwhile way.



6 minutes and 30 seconds in.


Exact quote, the context here is talking about the questions they ask themselves for every star chart idea:


"Can I still access 100% of the content, rewards, and gear, so that is to say if a certain mod like Malicious Raptor drops off of the Powerfist, Powerfists need to be on the star chart at any given time."


You can watch the rest of the conversation at that link if you'd like to hear them talk about how nothing is set in stone yet, but there you have it: all content, rewards, and gear will be accessible all the time.

Edited by vaugahn
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