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Question To The Vets


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I think it matters depending on the humility of the player and their ability to take advice and work as a team at any RM. For example I used to suck at Spy missions and after more than a few missions I have become much better, but if someone has more experience than I do I will stay outside the spy area as to not screw it up for the rest of the group. Communication and honesty on any mission will amplify the chances of the squad successfully completing the mission than it does depending on the RM of people on the mission. I hope that made sense I a kind of tired. Good luck to all.

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What exactly do you consider a "vet", anyway? I've been here for over 2 years. Does that qualify? I'm only MR 9, myself, because I have a bunch of warframes and weapons I really like, I absolutely don't care about MR and I don't want to own and level up every single thing in the game. I don't judge people based on their MR for the same reason. I try and play with friends or solo most of the time. If I start playing with random people, I prepare for the fact that some of them might turn out to suck. Or go AFK without warning. Or die all the time. Or all of that. I don't think MR has much to do with any of this, it's just a risk you have to take with random matchmaking in every game, not just Warframe.

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Depends on what I'm doing.  I don't even look at MR for most things, including void runs (I don't go for super long T4 runs, boring).  I will listen to what anyone has to say no matter the MR.


Lately for Trials I've been more discriminating.  Anyone under MR 8 for a normal raid can be a hassle.  It may not be a measure of skill but it's often a reflection of what frames and mods they have available.  It's generalising of course, but based on my experience.  I tried to not care at first....


For NM Trial it's always a toss up no matter what the MR.  Staying on a pad is hard.

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Its not "baseless" Someone with a high MR most likely put in more hours than someone with a low MR.


Sure, its possible to grind effortlessly up to MR15, but most new players aren't that efficient. Most high MR players are dedicated players whove put in a good bit of work to get there and are not just grinding out MR.


I definitely judge MR because ive been burned far more often by low MR players than high MR players. From t4s to trials. I wont even waste my time to do a NM trial with a very low MR player anymore unless they are properly vetted. (just takes 1 person to mess up hijack).


Ive played with low MR players that dont fully understand reward rotations, so a whole low MR group bailed on a survival at 38 minutes because they got scared, practically wasting 18 minutes, when i couldve soloed those last two minutes even if they just went to hide until 40. Most low MR players just DONT know the game and nuances enough- especially for high level content. 


For a majority of content it doesnt matter though. Even in regular trial, its easy to carry a player sometimes, as long as they read the chat when everyone is yelling at them to get on a pad. If im only going 20 min, ill recruit anyone who ask for an invite- i dont even check profile. 


The only bad high MR players ive really encountered were really just selfish and not good teammates, they were not necessarily "bad". 


and ive seen the exact opposite. MR is nothing but a number which means nothing with skill. heck just last night i ran with multiple 13+ who couldnt even stay alive in a t3 survival before the 20 min mark.... and its common which is sad.

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Anything 6+ is usually where I take them kinda seriously but I never put any weight on MR. I take a look at hours played on their profile instead.


even thats not something good since you can literally just leave the game running. best is to just watch how the preform IN the mission. judging by MR or time spent is simply judging a book by its cover.

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and ive seen the exact opposite. MR is nothing but a number which means nothing with skill. heck just last night i ran with multiple 13+ who couldnt even stay alive in a t3 survival before the 20 min mark.... and its common which is sad.

i guess we have 2 different experiences then. In my most frustrating experiences, low MR has been the problem.

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I am happy to play with any MR but if you have everything leveled I have a respect for you.  I am at 18 and will soon have everything leveled so I do have  a respect for someone who has leveled everything.  I find the comments about power leveling interesting as even if you were to power level every weapon and frame in the game it still take a lot of time or money just to get everything in order to level it.  Unless you have leveled everything I really don't take that view seriously.  You still need to farm the prime parts or buy them before you level them.  Be it money or time you have a lot invested in the game at that point.

Edited by (PS4)geb9696
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Usually If they are 0-3 I usually take the mission slowly and try to 'hand-hold' them with subtle waypoints and siting and waiting for them to catch up and even walking behind them to take out the things in their blindspots. I slowly speed up/down based on how skilled they are at the game's mechanics and at all times I try not to let them get too overwhelmed.


If they are MR 4-10 and are on one of my favorite gringrin nodes I play a more supporting offensive role to judge their skill. I stare at their shield/hp bar and the ones who get hurt the most I try to tail them from afar and help them out of sticky situations when needed but I do less hand-holding than I would 0-3s.


Rarely do I ever get to a point where I can freely utilize my full fighting potential even with people of MR 10+. I mean, If it wasn't for the status screen being forced in my face after every mission I would never have dialed back to compensate for others.


The fun that I have could(and probably does) hinder the fun of others and I don't wish to make people feel inadequate.


But if I'm in a team of friends...well...I just deploy my mindless slaughter mode...It isn't my true full fighting potential but rather something more primal and lacking of discipline.

Edited by Laisha
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Just out of curiosity, since you gauge by time played, what amount of time played do you take seriously?

I suppose above 200 hours is enough for me. But once again, it's a bit iffy. You can play for 200 hours, but you can be an absolute scrublord. So I suppose 200 hours is a minimum, but there's no guarantee that it's enough lol

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MR to me is like Battle Ranks from Planetside 2. You really can't judge a person based on it, but the lower (MR 1-6 and BR 1-20) ranks to tend to me a bit more "unexperienced". On the other hand, I've seen MR 17s, 18s, and even 19s (BR 80-100s) act like complete idiots. Then there's the whole "I'm a higher rank than you, respect me because my opinions are fact" kind of people.


To summarize, I don't judge based on MR, I judge based on your ability to comprehend the situation and cooperate with others.

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I usually respect people not on their MR or time played, but mostly around 2 other things.


1. How skilled they are. If you can keep up with me and get your own fair share of kills (or at least keeping deaths to a minimum), I will respect you and try to help you. If you learn quickly, I will (platonically) love you.


2. How well they can hold a conversation. If I enjoy talking to you or you can hold a reasonably good conversation with me, I will immediately have some level of respect for you.


Only bad part is these are not really related to each other, so it's quite hit-or-miss.

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As someone who is only MR 10 but has been around since update 9 I think it's safe to say that MR doesn't mean squat. If I'm hosting a T4 I won't even look at the frames, weapons or gear of the people joining my lobby; if you can't carry a team of unranked first-timers through any T4 short of 40 min/wave surv or def, you don't deserve to judge whether or not a player is "worthy" of joining your lobby. It'll benefit newer players more than older ones anyway.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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not to be hard on the new ones but i take people seriously at rank +6 cause that rank gives you access to all good weapons and i need to see the skills as well a low rank can outperform a high rank and dont forget the time played :) (no cheating powerlevel please)

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if you really want to get indepth about MR then picture this scenario>> player started out on console reached mastery 10 and decides he/she will make a new account on pc with all that knowledge gained from console about the game.


 now at a low mr lets say 2-3 with mods already maxed on weapons and frame just breezing through all the contents entering a raid group where said group has frowned upon this low mastery player on pc but high on console and not knowing the facts only to be outclassed and outplayed and looks like a noob against a very skilled player with a low mastery rank. if that isn't irony I don't know what is.

Edited by ranks21
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