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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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I love the changes to Excalibur,

Exalted Blade is an amazing addition great fun to play, looks amazing and ties in well with slash dash.

The limitless (free energy) channeling and auto-parry let it remain functional at later levels.

I love the Auto parry mechanic instead of flat damage reduction or immortality (I think Valkyr should use this or something similar)



Few small gripes

Slash dash becomes a mobility and knockdown tool as its damage scales out, why not allow it to inherit melee mods while in "Exalted_Blade"


also I get a big disconnect between his ranged damage and melee damage, at later levels his range damage scales out and your simply holding a strong melee weapon.

I see ranged hits of 80, then run into melee and hit for 8000, Allowing mod scaling on his ranged damage would keep it relevant as levels increase.


Finally knockdown immunity seems to be missing in the stance, most other melee weapons have immunity or resistance while channeling combos but this doesn't.

Edited by Tatersail
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Air slash more damage or some kinda of side effect as slash procs or finisher damage mods like rebound should give it air slashes that give it rebound
Blind needs a bigger range not massive just a bit more
Normal attack needs more damage in higher levels
Auto parry should block knockdowns and procs and either reflect bombard rockets or lower the damage

Life strike needs to stay in the ability without the cost like it is or he needs a survivability like damage reduction or make radial javelin into a new skill          

Edited by tris1
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even though life strike is a bug as its not intended to not consume energy, please leave it as it is, it adds a bit more survivability (and a useful one too) to our dear excalibur. You could even make it a passive only for exalted blade.

Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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After testing arround in the Void i have to say the Nullifers are a HUGE problem for Excalibur.De pls make that the waves destroy the nullifer bubbles.

More reason to keep Life Strike/Quick 20% Speed Channelling mods the way they are.   


But off that topic.  The only thing we have vs them is what everyone else has.  Which is YOLO RUN INTO JUMP BOOT TO FACE.  And pray to GOD he aims for your Sentinel first XD.


P.S.  Natural Talent makes dispelling faster, just make sure you can kill the Null. in 1 hit.



P.S.  Do remember you still have to mod your melee weapon properly for each faction/node.  Corro E. Blade is still better than raw damage E. Blade.  

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More reason to keep Life Strike/Quick 20% Speed Channelling mods the way they are.   


But off that topic.  The only thing we have vs them is what everyone else has.  Which is YOLO RUN INTO JUMP BOOT TO FACE.  And pray to GOD he aims for your Sentinel first XD.


P.S.  Natural Talent makes dispelling faster, just make sure you can kill the Null. in 1 hit.



P.S.  Do remember you still have to mod your melee weapon properly for each faction/node.  Corro E. Blade is still better than raw damage E. Blade.  

Hmm i think there is a diffrence.Some frames have to stay close to use their abilities.Others can use them even far away.So because Excal is a meele like Valkyr with huge diffrence its important that he can destroy the bubbles with his waves.Dont forget he cant go invulnerable.

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Hmm i think there is a diffrence.Some frames have to stay close to use their abilities.Others can use them even far away.So because Excal is a meele like Valkyr with huge diffrence its important that he can destroy the bubbles with his waves.Dont forget he cant go invulnerable.

I agree.  One of my first comments was about his Slashes at least destroying the bubble or doing damage.  Also I think Slash Dash should harm the bubble or him.  It's like a moth flying into light.   


I just don't want Excal to be the only frame than can fight against the Nullies, but it's just weird that his slashes do nothing when it's a projectile.  

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Hm, I think Exalted Blade should be channeled by default, right after ability activation and without additional consumption of energy, but any channeling mods from melee weapons shouldn't be carried over. Instead of this, and since Exalted Blade will be channeling by default, the sword has to receive +50% damage over all others (something like 250 base damage + power strength + mods from melee weapon + this 50%), and life steal by default, around 5-10%, also affected by Excalibur's power strength.


just some idea...

Edited by ZoMbi656
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I have to say this is an absolute success of a rework! In fact Excalibur's overhaul is truly just that, a real overhaul!

Small bugs aside, his abilities have synergy now and flow beautifully in the field. Fun to play, utmost quality! I absolutely love this new overhaul for Excalibur.


Overhauls like these may be long overdue for some Warframes, but if each one in the future, whatever they may be, get this sort of attention and quality control then the wait will be completely worth it! I have very high hopes for the upcoming Frost rework as well!


Thank you very much DE and keep up the good work.

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A better solution in my opinion would be this:


* Exalted Blade getting a separate interface slot where you can load it with specific melee mods with its stance automatically loaded.

* Have its mod capacity increase at the same rate as Excalibur's when levelling up inheriting his Potato as well.



Duuude, that is such an awesome idea (for both Exalted Blade and Hysteria imo). Hope you don't mind that I added this idea to my warframe tweaking thread? :D

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As of update 16.9.2. Excaliburs Exalted Blade takes the stance of the melee weapon equipped and doesnt make energy waves at all. 



This is getting worse and worse.. 

Edited by Elannor
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posted this in the recent hotfix, thought to also post it here for obvious reasons.


  • Fixed Excalibur’s Exalted Blade’s melee attacks always counting as though it were channeled.


lame as heck, would've been better to just make it so channeling mods worked regardless with valk and excal....why...BECAUSE WE ARE ALREADY CHANNELING ENERGY :| thankfully i didnt get used to it


edit:hell make the channeling mods work while not channeling with EB, but still use up energy...THAT was the bug...it wasnt using energy :| but again, my point still stands, we are already channeling energy so just add a buff so we arent burning through energy like we would normally when using LS (or any channeling mod for that matter) on a melee weapon.

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I know Mods are itching to give out warning points so I'll try to be professional :^)


This topic is now almost 40 pages.  I think we've gave DE enough information to help better Excal.


The first thing they've changed from 40 pages of good suggestions was.


>Life Strike Nerf

>Aegis Nerf


So it's safe to say the rest of the suggestions are also being talked about.


We should probably let them figure out what's next on the Excal list yeah?  


No?  Keep helping ok fine.  I'm just saying I would of at least expected them to fix Slash Dash cone while removing Life Strike.  You know?  Somebody dies, a baby is born metaphor?

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There are some problems with Slash Dash.


Sometimes it won't target any enemy even if I aim it right and the enemy is in range.

Sometimes Excal will dash to the enemy but won't deal any damage, just like he completely misses the attack.

Sometimes we will hit first enemy bot will completely miss the others.


I really like this ability after rework but those issues need to be fixed. I don't want to go down because an ability didn't work as it should.


Also, energy waves still don't scale with melee mods.


And this last "fix" was a bit unnecessary, basically it's a big hit for Life Strike and damage dealt with Exalted Blade.

Reerting it to previous state would be a good thing to do.

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Having gotten a chance to play for a couple hours last night, here are my thoughts:

Mainly, thank you... I have never played a frame that so perfectly matched what I've always wanted a frame to play like.  The new synergies are incredible, and I feel like I've just scratched the surface of tactical options that are available.  I feel like with the options available now you really have complete freedom with excal to build him exactly how you want to play him and have that be effective, even into very high levels.  


Other notes:

- The animations for blind are mostly broken, particularly if you aren't hosting.  Casting blind and following up with a slash dash makes you do the cast animation after every enemy you attack.  

- Please disable weapon switching with 'f' while exalted blade is active.  I was constantly forgetting to turn it off with 4 and pulling out a different when I did.

- Slash dash is a little buggy, I've seen other people explain it, so I'll leave it at that.

- The auto parry animations break from time to time, particularly when combined with blind.

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EB lost its unique stance and now uses your melee stance while hosting, your melee rank 0 stance while not hosting(no combos).

Also doesnt send waves anymore on melee attacks, though slash dash still sends them.

While hosting it does with my d nikana build around 7k dmg, while not hosting its dmg is around 1.1k.


Also you get copy of your melee attachments on EB.


My build: http://goo.gl/0aT3Ca

Edited by Davoodoo
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